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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    I think you should fall off of somethin really fucking high infront of groups of people while super fucked up, save like some speed for when you get close to the top so you can be super high when you super die

    the use of chemicals is never guaranteed, beyond 300 feet, god's angels couldn't carry you to the ground softly enough to live

    and as always, do it naked, bonus points if you write NIGGASIN.SPACE LANNY MADE ME DO THIS on parts of your body legibly.

    But don't hurt yourself or kill yourself, I guarantee someone out there loves you a lot and if no one loves you a lot, just know OP, I love you a little. :)

    do a flip faaaaaaaag
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    what u need to do is get discord so we can talk in liek a chatroom of bros
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by aldra

    This is interesting

    The idea is that the Pfizer and other RNA-based vaccines are meant to create antibodies that attack COVID's spike protein, the component of the virus that allows it to enter and infect cells. Without the spike the virus essentially starves inside the body.

    The concern put forward here is that coronavirus spike proteins contain Syncytin-1, a protein string that's found in other parts of the body, specifically placenta. If the antibodies created to attack the spike also register Syncytin-1 as a foreign virus and attack it, they'll effectively sterilise women.

    There's currently no reason to suspect this is actually the case but there doesn't appear to have been any research done on the matter. Initial antibodies may only attack the complete spike protein, but they may also recalibrate later on.

    Biologist gallam are they tryin to infact eliminate the breeding capacity of all women? Do you think this will affect transgender MtoF's ability to procreate.
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    like 40 people have shared that photo OP which i put on my facebook and said "It must be warn on the outter most part of the body, the rude mask lady from walmart will be enforcing this vaccinationi mandate"
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    Drug Companies have a huge cost of resarch and development, however someone needs to pay for new drugs and new cures to boe reserached and developed, this is undergone by drug companies at huge cost, however, when they are successful in patentin gtheir revolutionary new medicine, they have a 20 year copyright where they are the sole manufacturer and can charge retarded high amounts, after 20 years the government says OK in the internet of free market capitalism, anyone may now make this drug.

    That's why my medication is 64,000 or w/e Aldra quoted us at, but all of my other medications combined which is an anti depressant, vitamin multi, vitamin b complex, methotrexate, prendisone (which i don't take unless i have a flair up), and then claritan is about 200$ a month, but just the humira shots are 5kea or so. Weiner pills used to be like this, viagra was liek the only one, and then after 20 years it became extenzee, cialis, viagra, all essentially modification of the original weiner pill recipie.

    if u make a song you get 75 years i think or something, it's meant to be the entire length of the original artsists life estimated for overage, so like i can go sing the star spangled banner and mark o'kief's 400 year lettter descendants don't get anything other than his name being cited as creator.

    I think really old books can be sold for free like this too.
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    whenever i really think about the future and drugs adn waht my life would be like i think about when i was 13 or so watching Minority Report at my friend Cutter's house and he's like "that guy is buying drugs int he future they're gonna be like little inhalers or some shit." and in the movie i think it's michael cruise or w/e the faggot who jumped on oprah's couch, he takes an inhale and goes like huff huff huff and the firs ttime i hit an electronic vape thing for weed and got retarded high i realized i was in the future!~!~!~! 15 years later ~@~!~!~!~!~!~!~ I time traveled really standardly to a time when we have future drugs.

    ~!~!~!~!~!~ & Thought Crimes gonna be a thing tomorrow, get ready for that. They're gonna pre crime the shit out of you guys.
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    2k1/ Quick Pix Ready, will forever be christened Jaba
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    I've had 1 STD and I got it from a kid i knew for two weeks named Lokii. He was the first man I ever went on like sit down dates with and would cuddle with and really showed me that wow I am a fag fr as im sitting in a bathtub getting my back rubbed by some kid named after the trickster god.

    then he got really high, decided to move to texas, i said i wouldn't go, and he left outta my life like the 16th day i knew him. Four days later my penis was really drippy, i got tested, they told me to go to walgreenes I think there was 4 pils, take 2, then 1 then 1 and u won't hav ea drippy penis anymore brad

    how about you?

    And don't get angry because i'm your friend and fuckin with you, you look like jaba the hutt bro, i look like a 45 year old homeless guy, why don't you make a meme? YOu know how to work MS Paint wise old nigger, make one of me!

    Don't get angry, have fun with it bro, this is your friday too jaba, come kick it in the chat room i'll give you some more photos of me you can "really get me" with. It'll be fun :)
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    You ever did so many dabs you lost control of yourself and just started suckin dick after dick after dick just blacked out getting passed the hood around all faded off that good one two puff vape sesh?
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    Hey so I'm not in the greatest shape, but i make an effort to be active, contribute what i can to my family people and community and engage in past times and hobbies that provide meaning to my life.

    While I am not ridiculously huge like 2k1 is, i think it's important to tell you a lot of modern nations were founded by a backbone of the white working class. Yes we may have always been hungover and we do get upset and all walk out and protest outside as a union for better wages and everynow and then one of us runs up a school/church or whatever, we're not a perfect race. BUt we're certain superior to all other peoples with the exception of East Asians, who i believe we are equal to on a one to one ratio.

    Latin American people and like West Asian start hitting that = to like wariat level, still a person, just 4/5ths.

    i figure worse case scenerio, the government hands us over to china, i learn to speak mandarin, get a nice asian boyfriend with small cawk i can tell him is huge all the time playfully, join the CCP as an American Comrade of Socialist Equality, memorize everything Mao and Jinping ever said, and wear a uniform that is tight around the underpants area and constantly view other men's eyes when they see me to see if they are looking at my Big White Cock.

    I also do this at like waterparks because I don't wear underpants when i just wear basketball shorts then i view other men as i wakl around with the swimtrunks wet and my cock outline going on and see whose peter peepin

    You can meet some cool peter peepers with the PradleyP penile pants technique.

    You know who always survives and makes it to the end? White men from bad backrounds who live on the fringe in good times. Those are the men who will survive to see whatever the future has for us.
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    i figure when i get black lung im just gonna go buy a CCP Uygher Farmed Lung, give them their 400000 ruebels or 60$ or whatever it cost and be back on cam hitting the vape and holding it for 14 seconds while i masturbate and get light headed

    cuz that's what allahhu snakcbar sells for lunch
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    have u considered trying to get ap erscription for any pam legally and then telling your PO that's why you failed for benzodiapapines when really u just got done blacking out at the strip club for two days high on busbars & k2
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Data did



    Bill Krozby and i are gonna get a place together so we can start working on our porn careers collectively and save money on film crews and website hosting and stuff
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Really sad when the queer guy takes Two 1/30th of a fraction of a second prnt-scrn of a 10 or so minute conversation to pretend he's making a point on webcam. clearly the first one he says move in closer I cant see the skin tone because he was telling me he was the palest guy in the world or some stupid shit. so I moved in because webcam color maps suck and arent accurate. and he snaps that shot and you can see his laughing clearly shows he was up to being a troll. then he said I looked like Jaba the Hut and this time it was my stupid doing of saying "No he looks like hes' crunching his neck" and I made the face of a Jaba and he again laughs and snaps that frame.

    its clearly amatuerish hour with this troll. and he talks so hyper that the bandwith couldnt keep up with his banter and locked up a few times and froze the webcam. Shit I think he broke it because he's clearly one of those meth head Jeffry Daughmer type of faggots. lay off the meth, weirdo.

  15. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Does anyone else seem bothered when watching Japanese Porn. Japanese girls going Ewwwwwww eeeee ehhh ewwwww with a 3 inch penis going in.

    you catch the Japanese women laughing momentarily. they're taught by their Moms to please their men and feed their egos. of course not Every Japanese man is that small. it just seems to be an overwealming average.

    But Japanese women are beautiful. and seem to have bigger boobs than Chinese women. On Average. some of them are pretty chesty, naturally. Love their culture. I get the whole Ex-Pat thing now. but you have to have money. and just like NYC or other large American cities, you get very little when owning or renting for the amount of money it cost to live there.

    Im told the Filipines is the place to go if you have only 200k saved up in your later years. its like having 500k in the midwest.

    But I read that some of the Eastern Block nations (I think romania was one of them or czech republic?) the same thing. 200k retirement that would keep you partly employed the rest of your life and only semi retire in the states could allow you to live a few decades over there. Plus Beautiful Slav women. they are slavic over there, arent they? Romania.. yeah. get me a Gypsie wife

    Is that the porn where they blur everything out? I dont' watch the blurred out pornography, don't understand it, don't like it.

    Asian women are most attractive (and this goes for all women) when they're being mounted by the largest of cock white guy they could find. Preferably if he is extremely aggressive and you can tell they didn't expect him to go this hard.

    All other porn, including (For me) white on white heterosexual pornography is the gayest lamest weakest shit int he world especialyl if it's some homemade shit and the dude's cock is a fraction of mine.

    Can't relate.

    It's like when I would fix other white people's computer's and I would find just nigger porn up the ass (No pun intended) so I woudl tell them at the end the nigger porn that they went on those couple of times is likely what contributed to the virus.

    Just so I can see the face of a 34 year old man with a white wife and a white son, have this mortified look that either his son or him just got busted out for looking at the dirty nigger porn.

    Now if there's like 5 white guys and 1 black girl like on FacialAbuse & HerLimit videos, I liek that, but the puking part is fucking disgusting. It's like a woman eating out a man's ass, how fuckin repulsive.
  16. Bradley Florida Man
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    i know where gary is bro. And bro that's literally the dirtiest spot in america and the cancun getaway of a lifetime.

    All places are shitty in some spots (Where I live usually) and great in others (Where people advertise photos of themselves at for prestige).

    At least in America the police don't shoot you and rob you if you're caucasian (I am), that's a major part in me liking an area or nation.
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    lol bro what!!! You can read Russian?
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    does hts do this kinda nasty stuff with you bro

    asking for my penis.
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    dude who are the fuckin plurals again and what do you m ean sharing a body? If they're having a threesum you can just do whatever you want. Have a spine bro.

    Unless you're saying they don't want to share their body with you because you're a pervert. To which point i have to wonder,
    If I was a girl I'd want to date you. - according to you.

    I am interested in hearing how you think the poopy dick being inserted in your lovers mouth (Knowing you will probably be kissing him or her again at some point soon) formed in you. As this was not my experience.
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