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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    i lold.
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Data is that CandyRein?

    never seen what candyrein looks like, i bet she's really pretty in a way a lot of black girls are when they have their shit together.

    Ontopic If black people do ass to mouth can anyone really tell without like a flash light

    Must be hard to wipe your childs ass and not know if you got all of it.
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    u the trash can and the air all have the same common element, God is present in all of us and if you can't see the same god that's present in a rock that's in the moon that's in your heart and the love of a child to it's mother, then you can't be convinced.

    Obviously there is a soul and you feel it, you're not just a germ that got really clever ovver 5 billion years of trying and now you're the end perfection

    that's retarded

    There is a god, there is a soul, there is reincarnation of all livin things along their genetic line's descendants, you are teh same cock sucker you were 250 years ago in a mexican hut and 600 years ago in a desert plane and 1000 years ago playing with some other mexicans butt like peekaboo cuz u were a cold canadian mexican moving through alaska and ur wife didn't wanan do butt stuff but u got a big canadian buffalo so ur doin butt stuff tonight

    does that make sense? It's why your newborn family members have similar eyes, similar traights and sometimes the same shitty ass attitude shared accross a whole pool of people who all are drawing from the same puddle of souls.

    that's my opinion bud when u hit a racoon with ur car and it has its little racoon seizure and dies, he sits with a whole puddle of allt he reaccoons he's part of and then one day SWOOOOOP he's born with almost no ability to recall ever being anything other than a thirsty baby racoon that wishes he didn't have so many siblinsg and 1 milk bearing mum

    Unfrotuantely men can't make money off of this idea or convince you do something retarded or give away your possessions or secrets cuz it's just an acorn growing up to an oak tree that gets knoccked down and finds out it was an acorn the whole time and it's hanging on it's big family oak tree waiting to be an acorn again or some shit

    that's why many older pagan faiths say not to name people after still living relatives and encourage the naming of babies received by the family after they've been viewed/appraised.

    and if you aren't convinced by that, i'm understanding ono why that may be a leap for a man of sciences and letters to just think oooo smushy folk soul of my people is the piece i have animating my mind until i die
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    if you get a second wife you can not work and still be a two income household

    has your wife ever did gay stuff with her friends while she was growing up? Ask her about it.
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    qucik mix ready is really really upset with me everyone, he didn't like being called 2k1 the hutt, he didn't like our photos i took to remember our day, he's mad i dont want a father figure that wants to do gay stuff with me, he said im a bad person with diseases

    throw this gay old nigga a bone, i taught him how to use MS Paint but he just wants to be really upse tand confused and boomery
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    guys do i look liek that
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    first they kill the murderers, th ent hey kill the pedophiles, then they kill the drug addicts and now we have no totste community.

  8. Bradley Florida Man
    I hope they start giving peopel money to get more jabbies, no jabbie no job, no jabbie no food, no jabbie no cell phone, no jabbie no freedom, get the jab it will protect you from the flu, but wait it's gonna make your DNA have an extra chromosome, we have another jab for that to fix that right up

    I heard that if you get the wrong jab and you're a cis woman you won't be able to make placenta and will have effectively sterilized yourself. First they make robots to do to the work of the poor, then they get rid of the poor.

    They can't just line us up and shoot everyone that knows how to read and has less than 1million dollars in assets, so what do they do, oh go take your jimmy jab and now your broke, dumb ass cacn live out your 8-15 years after the vaccine was received twice, and not have kids and then within 50 years the world will have no pollution, no poor people, no freedoms for the average man and all they will have to do is sweep up the outliers their drones register and their kill squads apprehend.

    Same way they do every socioeconomic class warfare elimination.
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    i posted that on facebook saying you're gonna need one for goignt into walmart next month and you likely may need to get additional vaccines at the cash register.
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready are you back in the USA? why is that in english.

    He is not. Often times websites will have a little button you can click where it'll show some flags. Wariats likely continuing to work on his english to better advance in the western world.
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    I wouldn't either if I was as success bound as you are right now
  12. Bradley Florida Man
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    imagine being high on acid and this big mexican guy starts trying to insert a little mexican in you
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    i wouldn't take anything that reduced my ability to fuck

    except a nap
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    did i hear someone say niggers
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    I really would like to purchase this shoe, but only if you are white or chinese. Can you help me place order OK OK
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Data Should've worn a mask.

    Dude i think they kiss each other lol. They would've had to kiss each other through the mask and that's like sucking on tit through a nighty.
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    dude reading through this thread has really hit me deep,

    i think u shoudl buy smaller bags of a bunch of different ones, roll up like 10 foileys or get all ur pipes out and pack one bowl with each and everytime you kill the bowl, just toss it back into your shoe box of pipes and every time you wanna get a lil higher courtesy of the buyer u can just pick out another random strain and hit it like it's a LSD's Mom chugging the last starbucks frappachino on him
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    I have considered eating humans after watching Cannibal Warlords of Nigeria. I have eaten bites out of still warm hearts from deer before. It is typically done infront of other men i think as a "Woa!!!!!!!!!" rally cry, having your general/king/friend just rip out a heart of someone and take a nom out of it has to be the most chaotic crazy shit ever.

    I'm interested in eating brain of like animals but was always apprehensive about deer brains because of Chronic Wasting Disease which is a brain dissolving sickness that deer can carry and is a worry for hunters in my states.

    The Japanese all the way into WWII would consume the liver of enemy combatants they captured or killed, enemy's they respected, believing that the liver contains their fighting spirit. The book Flyboys - Robert Bradley recounts a POW's worst nightmare, the awareness that his body was going to be cut up and eaten by the generals very soon, they really really were respectful to the fighter pilots and bombers they shot down because of their fearlessness and great strengths and destruction.

    The VeitKong and Cambodian communist forces commonly kept alive american soldiers in their tunnels, that they would cut strips of meat off, and sear the wound closed, in order to cook in small kitchens as a supplement for protein.

    Rabbitweed gargles on semen and cleans the testicular region off on other men who thinks highly of.

    I can go on and on, we talk about things like the Donner Party and cases of starvation (like losing a war because of firebombs and eating enemies to survive. But the real fucked up part is when you're eating the heart of another dictator infront of your man after he was captured alive and encouraging your men to eat the other captured enemie soldiers and dead or the liver off an american airman you shot down because you think it's gonna make your fighting spirit stronger.

    The desire to do it makes it HELLA more fucked up.

    Humans are never helal and semen is not either, however i heard gay muslim men still swallow and all their women are 3 hole honeys too.
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    ya bro this is my first tday of not drinking and it's going alright
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