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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    it's pretty cool but i don't do silver and u seem like u would like it
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    i bought a donald trump ring off an dif u want i'll send it to you
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by CandyRein

    do it bother you that he bit and beat up rhianna while she was in a car with the seat belt on multiple timse and he would probably bite and pull ur hair and scar u up if u were dating?

    Chris Brown i mean.
  4. Bradley Florida Man
    i fucked up, we're at 2001. I've been cursed.
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    and i don't mean spectral's account
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    Hi everyone. I was hit with a curse approximately 75 days ago while i was fornicating near a bush that had been contaminated.

    I didn't know until later on...

    To free myself from the Zok curse I was forced to return to our community and make 2,000 glorious posts.

    In the ensuing weeks, we have seen a lot cum & go, the more the merrier, if she's your sister you gotta do it type shit.

    A big shout out to the following users who i would've never been able to get through this wouldn't:

  7. Bradley Florida Man
    Yeah I wasn't all that interested. I try to really really avoid getting in entangled relationships with women. I can't remember the last time i hung out with women unless you count someone's wife listening to me talk to my friend but not really present, or like my roommate and I doing shot trains of Rum and chasing it with a mickey's forty.

    I don't really count that because we're two people hanging out that live together and drink. That's liek saying i hang out with my mom once a week and she's a girl, i hang out with my mom cuz she's my mom, type shit.

    I have a list of users on the site that live in the North America region that I will either have sex with or come onto in person when we're getting really wasted.

    #1 on this list will be:
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    soemoen told me the chlorine in the pool can "carry" I shit you not the YMCA lady said "Carry" the covid virus into others and since you can't wear a mask, the pool and hot tub are remaining CLOSED.


    I told them they should do tanning beds and they said the YMCA doesn't do that anywhere ever. I don't really wanna be tan (White Power) but i've never been in a tannin bed so idk if i like or dont' like it and i'd like to try it once i think
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    I go to sleep at like 9 or 10pm, bro.

    I'm not a loser who can stay up all night and sleep the fuckin day awaay.

    I have shit to pretend to do, OK?

    I'll be in there in a little bit. Go make yourself a cup of coffee, pull that traffic cone out of your ass and come cam up and we can make some memes and things together.
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    No (I think both the United States and Russia LOVE fuckin with each other's elections, media, populations, economies, and world positions, if Vladimir Putin was my rival like he was for Donald Trump, I'd wanna fuck him to be honest. He's like 60 and rides around horses and fires cannons and plays hockey and does judo. He gets off on this shit like donald trump used to get off makin Tweets.)
    Yes If you break loyalty to strong men, strong men send other strong men after you to poison you for HAHAs! Remember Leon Trotsky?
    No It's like hitting yourself in the face when you're in trouble to get into less trouble as a little boy in the principles office. They used them on themselves and filmed it all just like a cop planting a rock in your car cuz he hates you.
    I don't know or care. If we actually catch them in the act, the chechnyans will become the next Al Qaeda/Taliban for the United States to fuck Russia back with.

    Russia's not our friend, ally, or anything other than a relic enemy that's still a major contendor and not done fuckin with us for lulz.

  11. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Hey moron what does the header say okay I didn't know if he got Actual physical Card in the mail With YouTube info Please stop being a small minded as this other queer I think you and sldra have AIDS of the brain

    rather have aids of brain from aldra than aids of anus from the strangers you pay money to on grindr.
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    OK i Like u as a poster. Don't ruin this by telling me Russian State Media isn't owned by the Russian State. Like this isn't a conspiracy theory like covid or the size of a user's titties. It's fuckin fact.

    I showed this older lady i know ur BLM code thing for the 100% discount, she responded.

    "Somehow father's day cards and work boots are the only thing they didn't loot. Which is weird cuz father's day is next month."

    i lold.

    I wish we could just get a whole farm somewhere, and take all of our black people, and just put them on their Liberia Land or w/e. There will be no police officers and everything is paid for by someone else. Honkeys regularlly pull up, honk their horn twice, and nigresses come out to serve them for 20$ will Harriet Tubman's face on it.

    Toss that bitch a tubby
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    Whenever I wake up I sometimse go "EY EY ey ey ey eyyyyyy...... SMOKE WEED EVERYDAY" while i look for my drugs
  14. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Donald Trump Still waiting on that evidence.

    Here is that evidence.
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    What these liek chechnyan rebels or some shit I can't do the heavy metal
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    not gonna lie, i don't have a switch and my emulator stopped workin to play new leaf. I am extremely jealous of you.
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    i think they should just put a tape mask over everyones face holes whether they like it or not

    Those who resist will be handcuffed and reasphyxiated with more tape.

    This results in 0 covid tests unless you die at a hospital.
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    my ex would be liek "You know you ruined your friendship with him over some runescape gold and made him your friend stop playing the game?"

    I said just cuz i sold shit to him and he knew my number, and he said im his ifriend, do not make him my friend OK?
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    dude i used to play runescape so much i would hit the 6 hour forced log out, 4 times a day.

    I ran a clan of 7 men who were also amatuer body builders (it was weird), we all went to high school together although i was the oldest in the clan (The average age was 20, i was like 23)

    WE called ourselves The Masturbation Station. This one faggot would let others train his account for him, and like just openly gave his password to everyone. I did not like him EVER but i kept this to myself.

    So one day I log in, loot all of his gold onto my account, take all of his untradable items and drop them in the wildy, tell my freinds to kill me so i could lose whatever i couldn't drop, and then raised his defense to 46 to ruin his ability to be a zerker.

    I just straight griefed him, then when he asked everyone who did it, because I had so much gold and was so great at the game i had no reason to do it. But then someone told him "BradleyB likes to hurt people he doesn't like, did you guys ever beef or anything cuz he'll say yall good and just gutter fuck you the next moment." which is true.

    I don't lie to my friends and I don't often tell the truth to my enemies. If I say "HEy yeah we're totes good bud I'm past it." and I hate you, anyone who knows me, knows i'm just getting closer to snake you because it would've too hard if you were scared of me. HISS MUFUCKA

    So then i made my ex at the time lie and say i was at her house smoking weed and pushing pipe and played computer for like 8 minutes that day.

    Then he got my IP Address from Jagex and I asked him if he wants to get hurt IRL over Old School Runescape GP.

    That's when I stopped working out at anytime and started working out at the YMCA.

    Be cool dude, don't play video games. YOu seem really mature for a 13 year old, so you're probably in yoour mid 20s. Pretend to be a girl online, become a real girl online, play a cool game, have you played Star Cocks 2? It's my new favorite.
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    i don't like mac sauce cuz i think it's just an oilier version of 1000 Island Dressing.

    which isn't even from an island btw
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