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Posts by Bradley

  1. Bradley Florida Man
    that's cool bro i'll buy you a big mac. I even have a bunch of coupons that my plug gets (he eats mcchickens twice a day) that are buy 1 get 1 any sammich.

    I can get 1 large coffee, and two big macs for like 4.50 or some shit. under 5 might be like 5.04 and i just hand the kid 5 dollars and look at him like's fucking retarded if mcdonalds can't come off four fuckin cents for a lifelong customer (all americans are life long customers of mcdonalds). The coupons are really cool, i have like 20 of them.

    I used to flirt with this one real weird guy, he had a volknut (The symbol of Odin's dead warriors that I have over my heart) on his forearm (I noticed it once when he handed my ex food through the drive through) and i tried to talk to him a bunch and i found out he's like this weirdo bisexual alcoholic that is like, he kinda creeped me out even though he was ike 5'2, 120lb and obviously flamboyantly gay.

    My ex told me about how she googled "Dating an odinist boyfriend horror stories" and reaffirmed that my God (And I) are by her opinion bad, bad, men. I said "Wow you really don't ever think about me when we don't talk for eight months, don't you?"

    LOL damn i do one dab and i'm so faded and just happy to be here and to be participatin
  2. Bradley Florida Man
    I named my torch Dabby.
  3. Bradley Florida Man
    i need to go work out today but i feel not so great. Second day of sobriety (I'm still getting really high on dabs tho and not working any program other than "Post on Niggasin.Space and don't drink, and if you end up posting 200 times in 8 hours, who gives a fuck! BradleyB this is your shit ass recovery and you better put the shit in the ass and recover.

  4. Bradley Florida Man
    truthfully he makes several valid points.

    The fact that this is posted by russian state media when we fully know they're intrusively entering our political.

    While there are many charities/PAC that adopted the name BLM or Antifa, he's right in that. It's like thinking White Skinheads have 1 leader like the German Reich or something.

    When really I could shave my head, shave kipo's heaed, declare us SHARPs, and we'd be another set of leftist antifa style punks with an LGBTQ theme.

    Does this mean I am the leader of the SHARPs? No. Just means i adopted an ideology that makes an incohsive motley crew out of similarly minded people.

    Das it mane. He is right.
  5. Bradley Florida Man
    ITT: OP cruises the internet for BBC
  6. Bradley Florida Man
    i don't think he knew what he was saying, this is a youtube series you don't receive that int he "mail"

    or maybe you do in poland idfk
  7. Bradley Florida Man
    well what's up hot shot

    Show me what u got
  8. Bradley Florida Man
    I'd make her ass smell like catfish
  9. Bradley Florida Man
    Umm. Do you like mcdonalds, the authentic food of my people?

    I'll get you whatever two items you want off the dollar menu, cuz u worth it.
  10. Bradley Florida Man
    did u m ake that photo warriat
  11. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by Quick Mix Ready Kinda new to Now Is Our Last Time and new to dating in general. I've been with 3 women and all of them were ladies of the night if you know what I mean. A couple things I really wanna stresss, you must be a beautiful white woman with no tattoos, or any scars, no large amount of weight or any sagging or visual imperfections. You must not be a drug user. You must have very low self esteem and expectations. I am open to women only between the ages of 18 and 19. I have been married before it was arranged (They were not of this contintent) and basically it didn't work out and her family kept the moped i bought their village and i didn't even get to fuck. Also very much into nigger males of all sizes, but mostly am interested in their cocks.

    A little bit about me, I'm a predator and an angry old white man with standards. I know what I want. I have a loving son I don't see often because he's successful, but i'm working on grooming him. His name is Bradley. We talk a lot on the internet where I keep it hip with him and his friends.

    I am a very very successful man who is in the prime shape of his life. Ladies, this man is already 68 1/2, if I don't find something tonight, I might never. So if you like star wars, trash bags full of leaves, sexy grey foxes or are easy to restrain, I am your Jaba the Hutt. Are you my princess leah?

    Please do not contact me with fiancial offers as I am a broke negro as my son would say.

    He made that photo for me to use. It's a very nice photo, I am very very strong in chin and breast.

    You're so brave dad!
  12. Bradley Florida Man
    you love them darkies don't you
  13. Bradley Florida Man
    Originally posted by POLECAT I havent seen a black person in over 6 months

  14. Bradley Florida Man
    That's pretty racist to say
  15. Bradley Florida Man
    i kinda wanan see sarah goldman in knee high socks now
  16. Bradley Florida Man
    can it be tacos or is that racist to say to a POC
  17. Bradley Florida Man
    I really wish Kipo would do drag all the time and identify as a transgender person or cross dresser. Who knows, after reading that, you wanna come trip bud?
  18. Bradley Florida Man
    It's like banning foods high in fat or calories or the sizing of soda in new york city, i'm not sure if people think it's gonna help but if someone wants to be a fat slug looking motherfucker, having to buy three sodas or 1 of each candy bar cuz there's limit, isn't gonna change shit.

    Get rid of children too cuz they grow up into people who do stuff and it might be bad later.
  19. Bradley Florida Man
    times are changing bro they got tiktok and shit now no one wants to go walk around with a blaze orange jacket and a broom handle saying they're a deer hunting cuz it was halloween and i wasn't missing out

    I would alternate this with all camo and the broom stick, at whichc point i was a soldier.
  20. Bradley Florida Man
    You're only loving jedis, so it's racist to the others you are depriving of you.
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