2022-01-20 at 6:11 PM UTC
Fona 1-20-2022
I thought you lived in the United States, DT, very interesting.
2022-01-20 at 6:10 PM UTC
Age of Empires 2 HD
I have HD, not DE, not Age of Empires 2
I played two games with HTS <3 yesterday and we won both of them against the AI's who were very skilled with boats, we even put it on hard the second game.
I was first some gay ass civilization i have never played something with faggy arrowmen. then the second time i got to be Chinesey which was REALLY gay as the chinese's special soldier is an horsebacked arrowman that fires slow as fuck
if anyone wants to play games u can add me on Steam as Odin_Loves_You & Discord as Odinist#6846
if u don't have the game, it's like 10$ and has provided me about 120 hours of fun and i've had the game on disc before as a child, you can play it on anything too. My computer is so slow that i struggle sometimse to load multiple webpages of just our forum at the same time with just discord open and i run it like no problem
if u are really bad ill let u use some cheatcodes to make it easier for u until you GET GOOD
i think you should change your name to wariat
where did u come up with that name anyway? Like wario & a rat mixed together
2022-01-20 at 5:59 PM UTC
lol at kobra new vid
what did mr lantern do that upset him so much
that's actually how i do it too
& yea that's a man or was a man but hey at least they'll like to eat ass if they're in the LGBTQ
i feel like all black women have a secret white man fetish, like yea black men are great and everything but I literally am the color of an angel and have a giant pink weiner/am a big cummer, i talk like a professor when i'm sober and then when i'm fucked up i talk like Lil Wyte
i'm multicultural and i wanna have non white women remember the one white guy they tried being with who was so happy, crazy, smart, and well endowed with a bunch of weird sexual fantasies that i don't bring up at first.
2022-01-20 at 5:39 PM UTC
I feel like no one cares
i hated reading rainbow because at the end they would show ab unch of books that milwaukee public school system didnt have and i could never get, i thought the guy was gay but not in a homo way but in a faggy way, and the dog spot was a bitch
2022-01-20 at 5:38 PM UTC
Not functioning
can i just point a grow light at myself for like 14 hours a day like a weed plant
I watched more TV than I can stand to look back and recall. It was so sad.
I have the public television schedule memorized to this day and it's really sad most of my young years were spent in school, infront of a television, or reading
2022-01-20 at 5:26 PM UTC
Fona 1-20-2022
what medicine are you perscribed and can i try some since u just got them
2022-01-20 at 5:21 PM UTC
Fona 1-20-2022
there's a black girl on hampton and hopkins who hangs out next to the walgreens right there and sucks people off for 7$ i call her the 7 dollar hollar and wish she didn't come up to me and ask me if i want company, or crack, everytime she saw me but i guess i give off the got 7 dollars and want a black crackhead to suck me off vibes
part of why i want to move to florida is because with the warmer temperature year round, you'll always find people walking around year round and that's how I like to make friends is just to walk up to strangers and just start talking to them, sometimse i try to make them laugh, sometimes i ask trivial dumbass questions and act interested, sometimes I just tell lies and see what happens.
Man is the joy of Man.
^ Not a homo joke, but rather like I could only be so happy in life if I was in this all by myself. Like yeah books and games amd alcohol are fun, but i really like fucking with people a lot
like i got this long haired dude's number at the gas station, told him i knew his older brother, i thought he was a homo and knew he got convicted of a sex crime wher ehe was pretending to be a woman on the internet, so i tried convincing him he was a tranny, why not?
nah bro i'm just really smart so i drink everyday to fill the void of not having smart people around me to talk to, not doing anything meaningful with my intelligence, and to dumb myself down to a comfortable level where i can be numb.
What I like to do is drink five hour energies and stimulants and come up with plans on how i'm gonna insert myself into the lives of strangers as like an anthropological study of how different people live.
I tell them the same jokes, stories, etc and have different short and longterm goals for our relationship, and then i go crazy typically in november and they leave me