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Posts by jerryb

  1. jerryb African Astronaut
    That's why I would use a shotgun, pretty hard to hit anything with a handgun when your scared or excited. Most people not like John Wayne and can knock off an injun riding a horse 200 yards away with his trusty 45.
  2. jerryb African Astronaut
    I'd guess most mass shooters not really good at actual shooting. Pretty much any tard in the US can get a gun and ammo. Most use a handgun when it seems to me in a work or school environment a shotgun would work better.
  3. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny then why bother carry a gun.

    might as well practise crouching in fetal position like a bitch and beg please.

    I rarely carry a gun, I can't even remember the last shooting around here. Not wanting to kill another human doesn't mean I wouldn't if I needed to protect myself or family.

    Seems like people from other countries think all Americans loaded for bear and itching to shoot someone. lol
  4. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kawkasian I have USlawshield insurance…it's covered.

    That's good, I don't really want to kill another person even if I pretend to be a super bad ass here.
  5. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by totse2118 Only 20?

    for fucks sake Americans what are you doing bringing enough ammo to reload once and miss every shot? smh

    Americans are use to shootings so run and dodge, those Norway cucks just freeze like a deer in your headlights so make easy shooting.
  6. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Spectral news says they all died from the jab

    or that nobody actually died and they're all crisis actors SANDY HOOK did 9/11 reverse false double flag no takebacks

    LOL Spectral is everywhere and knows all, comes from living since the earth was created.
  7. jerryb African Astronaut
    That was pretty stupid on both parties. I would have just backed off, don't really want to kill anyone or spend a shitload of money on a lawyer.
  8. jerryb African Astronaut
    OK Vinny you keep being you, your OK in my book. Most of the time.
  9. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kawkasian I need to get a better holster…the one I currently have sits inside my belt line and chafes my delicate skin.

    Yeah you need to get on it, Houston a fairly rough place. I wouldn't even drive thru Memphis without a gun right next to me. lol

    Lucky TN a wide state and I live on the other side. People on the road fucking crazy these days even here.
  10. jerryb African Astronaut
    Just Americans letting off steam. LOL at Vinny talking shit, how many millions your countrymen kill each other last century.
  11. jerryb African Astronaut
    Bro you live in Houston, you should always be carrying. Even on trips to ALDI. lol

    Just joking about ALDI but not carrying.
  12. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kawkasian No you're still not getting it.

    For starters this is about RIGHTS AND FREEDOM…something this country is supposed to be all about (/scoff)

    If a nigga wants to end his life, painlessly and without the trauma of doing it himself (which IS going to be traumatic unless you are completely nutty) he shouldn't have to travel to Botswana, or lay on a train track to do it. He should be able to go down the street to:

    "KYS inc. - We do the deed for you - 50% off via gov subsidy this month (black people only qualify for this discount)"


    LOL think of the business possibilities, take Grandmammy in for the All In One service. Put her to sleep, have a memorial service and cremate in one day. Plus for a limited time get a 20% off coupon to your pick of KFC or Churches chicken for the entire fambly.
  13. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ I need to find a bootlegging family near me where do I start?

    LOL those days over. I can still find moonshine but it ain't cheap, kinda like a luxury item now.
  14. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kawkasian There are no nordic spas I'm aware of in Houston…sure there's Swedish saunas but there's no "Extras menu" action going on. Don't confuse my love of blowing my load with a love of sub humans.

    Hard to believe no women desperate to come to Houston from that 3rd world hellhole called Sweden. Houston like paradise compared to that snowbound hell.
  15. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny thats exactly why immigrants are storming the US and lay their babies like flies on a corpse.

    so that their children become "americans". when the critical mass of these immigrant anchor babies is reached, you, and your children will go the way of native indians.

    The history of the world is the land goes to those that take it. If white Americans don't defend it then they don't deserve it. Or some of the so called elite would like a version of Brazil, white elite ruling over the dumb mixed breed masses.
  16. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Lanny Midnight? Shit, it's 8 here and those lazy fucks don't even bother to open on Sunday. Bible belt sux

    Kinda a thing of the past but bootleggers use to be open about 24/7 in belt buckle here. Today most folks prefer pills or weed. Bootlegger families turned to growing weed to keep with the times.
  17. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Wariat what wucks is there is not much content of old men getting ass licked by young female.s you agree? also not a lot of dog rimming ourside the japs.

    I don't watch porn so have no ideal if the old man/ass licking hard to find. lol In real life us old guys just want some peace and quiet, young teens are annoying and stupid.
  18. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kawkasian Anyone who has an Aldi near them and doesn't shop at Aldi has probably been lobotomized (and sodomized)

    Wife was like a kid at Christmas when they opened the new store in town, before she had to drive 15-20 miles to the nearest one.
  19. jerryb African Astronaut
    Pretty sure he enjoyed snowmobiles also Bradley. He was very proud to have money to buy toys instead of wasting it own filthy whores that only want your wallet.
  20. jerryb African Astronaut
    Originally posted by POLECAT Speedy Parker

    I lived in just 2 houses until I was 18. Between 18 and 48 I lived in 51 different houses, apartments, or even a few trailers. I'm never moving again…

    7 before 18 and after that its been 11 houses in vt 8 in arkansas, 5 in indiana 1 in ill., a cutlass for a summer a 2 dodge vans for over 3 years
    ,, thats 35 as an adult.
    I'm gonna move into a 24 x 24 cabin I'll be building as soon as rick is out of the picture for good, and I may stay in it for ever but then again I might move 1 more time cuz I only have 1,3 acres and its not enough room for my truck and snowmobile collections

    The VA needs to get Rick into assisted living, they have them for vets. Or if you going to be his caretaker you should get a gov check for it.

    You're a good friend but with all his problems it would probably be better for both of ya if he went to assisted living.
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