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Posts by jerryb
2024-07-05 at 11:22 AM UTC in How to steal modern cars?
Originally posted by ner vegas you can buy those key encoders off alibaba now, not sure how much information you need or whether it just clones physical keys though
will find the model number again later
The reason I suggested having someone at a dealership, they have access to the database. Most cars stolen for parts, if you have a car with common parts to many others then you have a higher chance of getting it stolen. -
2024-07-05 at 11:12 AM UTC in UK Election: time to vote
Originally posted by Donald Trump Hey Kafka whenever Ireland is finally one united country do you think you'll let me pick you up from your house to leave you at the airport?
LOL Isn't July marching season in NI. Maybe Kafka wears the orange and building her pallet bonfire. Some of those are fucking huge and some tard always falling off one. -
2024-07-05 at 10:54 AM UTC in 18 At Last!
Originally posted by Charles Ex Machina due to the lack of rich and powerful men, yes ?
Maybe not in your neck of the woods but farmers here pretty damn rich. Just an average farm is worth couple million in land only.
If your whoring around everyone knows your a whore so nobody going to believe your rape story. -
2024-07-04 at 9:54 PM UTC in 18 At Last!
2024-07-04 at 9:48 PM UTC in Fucking Lanny Sup with Hotspot Devices?I use Visible, unlimited talk, text and hotspot for $25 month. Also no contract, uses Verizon network.
Don't know what country your in so this may be useless info for ya. -
2024-07-04 at 2:14 PM UTC in Happy 4th of July
2024-07-04 at 2:06 PM UTC in Happy 4th of July
2024-07-04 at 1:54 PM UTC in Happy 4th of JulyI'd like to welcome our newest American, Jiggaboo. Of course he'll not read this because we're not worthy on his days off.
2024-07-04 at 1:45 PM UTC in Dog attacks cop
2024-07-04 at 1:42 PM UTC in 18 At Last!Stop trying to come up with excuses for your pedo ways vinny or we'll have Bradley rape you. Have you seen the size of Bradleys cock? Don't think you want that or maybe you do.
2024-07-04 at 1:37 PM UTC in Military Genius Zelensky wants Ukrainians to throw molotovs at Russian tanks
2024-07-04 at 1:36 PM UTC in Dog attacks copLOL they barely tapping it with the baton. Doggie lucky it's not in the states because they'd shot it.
2024-07-04 at 1:30 PM UTC in Military Genius Zelensky wants Ukrainians to throw molotovs at Russian tanksOh well the powers probably decided the weapon makers have made enough and time for the aid and rebuilding to rip us off to make a little.
Countries like Germany can go suck on Putin cock and beg for gas, after all it is America fault, we dindu nuffin. lol Hopefully Putin makes them pay out the ass.
It's all a racket, loads of shekels to be made in the west and Russia. Aid to Ukraine, resupplying all those weapons and research to build new weapons. Dementia Joe hoping like fuck they keep him in office, just think all that money Hunter can get.
Fuck this war has finally got them what they've been wanting, a new alignment and with it a new cold war. Lots of shekels made during the last cold war.
Any way happy 4th of fucking July muh niggas! Fixin to head out to make me a few dollahs because that's what America all about. -
2024-07-03 at 12:04 AM UTC in Trump thinks the F35 fighter is actually invisible.Today the Brits would just Tomahawk the fuck out of the Argi air bases from subs. Actually drank beers with our brother submariners that sunk the cruiser(target) Belgrano. Poor fuckers never knew what was coming, they trailed it for days before London gave the OK to sink her.
2024-06-26 at 12:51 PM UTC in People I HATE!!! and reasons why :pGuess I'm a retard. To retarded for the double secret handshake backrooms.
2024-06-26 at 12:29 PM UTC in People I HATE!!! and reasons why :pWhen I first came here I tried being nice, lol. Bradley informed me most people here are shitheads and you can't be nice, he was right.
2024-06-24 at 10:12 PM UTC in what collage do you want to go to
Originally posted by harriettubman20 Community college is good for getting credits towards a degree at a real college, especially if you can get good scholarships and grants. Assuming your high school waives the ACT fee and you aren't a retard, you can just study for a couple of hours and score well enough to get a full ride to a community college, pocket any grants you earn, and then transfer to a school that actually matters.
The learning part of college is only halfway about actual knowledge, it's about learning from someone that employers actually trust did a good job. Sure you can read books on your own and learn a skill, but some other dipshit can say he does "his own research" and he's dumb as bricks. A degree is someone with authority signing off on what you learned.
In some fields that's not even the important reason to go to college. It can be useful for the internship opportunities and the connections you make while you're there, since it lets you skip the line and get in at a decent job. A lot of my STEM friends pulled that off, but pretty much everyone I know who went into humanities (including me) had to scrub toilets or flip burgers or something before they started getting real jobs.
This is a good post and for the record I never told anyone not to go to school. I would tell someone to research what people earn with a degree they're interested in. Stupid to spend 4 years and get a 30K year job. -
2024-06-24 at 10:04 PM UTC in Modern politics is just a bunch of people asking you which dick do you want to suck
Originally posted by Donald Trump I like that as the US Elections have evolved to be more entertaining (they are basically reality show at this point) turnout has improved.
Meanwhile as Japan has fallen into senescence turnout has fallen, cos who really cares who runs an old folks home?
Who the fuck waste time and gas money going to vote. I want Trump and Ye(nigga known as Kanye) to run because it would probably be the best shitshow in ages. -
2024-06-24 at 9:57 PM UTC in How to steal modern cars?
2024-06-24 at 9:55 PM UTC in Kim Jong Un: Dog fucking is a bourgeois viceSounds like a big BBQ in the making.