I don't know where the day went tbh, all I did was shower. I am drinking now and wondering if I should work on my portfolio for a remote job I don't really want to do but I do want a remote job, or if I should not care since I have a flight to London next week. I'm still annoyed I can't decide on a necklace I want, I don't love any of then.
2024-08-25 at 8:59 PM UTC
Who has the best forearms?
Your wacky behaviour makes me suspect you and Lanny do pry into people's DM's.
Wishing I hadn't left year gaps in my online diary because it'd be good material for a horror story.
2024-08-25 at 7:55 PM UTC
Who has the best forearms?
Post them here. I will judge which ones are nicest. Just forearms.
2024-08-25 at 2:38 AM UTC
Humor me and my paranoia
Rn I'm sensing the return of tweede and the end of yoga pants.
2024-08-25 at 2:31 AM UTC
Humor me and my paranoia
I wonder if it's a normal feeling. I started having this paranoia as a child and still get it from time to time. Does anyone else have fashion premonitions?
2024-08-25 at 2:26 AM UTC
Humor me and my paranoia
I didn't get the gist of this. I have often felt paranoid that fashion designers are reading my mind though. I decided to wear skirts over my jeans before it was a trend, right before. Maybe I'm having fashion premonitions.
2024-08-25 at 1:19 AM UTC
Browsing necklaces
It says you can get three letters engraved and the polar bear teddy I lost had a three-letter name.