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Posts by Kek

  1. Kek Houston
  2. Kek Houston
  3. Kek Houston
  4. Kek Houston
    Originally posted by Bradley

    ya i just spent 27$ on two beers which is a lot of money but i figured splurging is good when you're traveling, what kind of beer do you drink Wariat? One of my favorites is this heavy ass Americanized Polish beer, called an IPA. If I go to a bar and I'mma get one (2) beers for 27 fucking bucks I'm sure as fuck gonna drink the strong oneI'm nervous as shit, turns out I'm not as unliked as I believe myself to be (I am my biggest critic, and the meanest to myself) My friends wanna pick me up from the MIlwaukee Airport, but I know if my Co President, Second in Command, Ex girlfriend agree to come to the aiport to take me to the hospital for "treatment" nigga I got this fatass {redacted} waitin from my boy when I get there and they been having some trubbbles since I left and all I gotta do is go back home and murder our enemies. & part of me really wants to do good & part of me really likes doing badass gangster shit with my homies, and my hoe ass ex girlfriend I"mma fuck in the ass again, dude if my friends pick me up there's no way I"m gonna get treatment there plan is to: arm me. I"m like good fuckin plan dude, I will submit a picture of me at the bar drinkin and typing this and the weapons that my boy said he's gonna clear up the debt he owes me (I never owe debts but frequently am owed them, btw , from my friends, family, everyone, but I don't charge interest or mind helping anyone).[redacted] with the drum clip that matches the [redacted], bustin wit dat {redacted} MAKE THEM BITCHES BACK IT UP.

    I like to drink beers wiht fruit flavors like designer beers that have like rasberries in it. In Poland you can even ask star trek he will tell you you can buy additional juices or like flavors to throw into any beer for a couple of zloty or like 0 cents. Ive never seen this in any other country where they add flavors to beers or juixes. They even have hot beers here.
  5. Kek Houston
    Every psychologist, or psychiatrist, or psychotherapist or god forbid a neurologist wants his piece. A diagnostic and statistical list of disorder of the mind. Five volumes over 60 years. Volume 1 lists 106 mental disorders. Volume 4 lists 297. Ho many are disorders? How many are behaviors of the various neurological makeups. How many illnesses of the mind are there in actuality? How many are just a matter of perception?
  6. Kek Houston
    >Talks about morals and standards and integrities
    >posts on a site of bundy abusing amphetamine cooking homeless pedophilic autistics

    Wew lad
  7. Kek Houston
    Lanny is a decent and smart lad, but he really has no clue what he is doing. The absent dictator model is worthless and a complete waste of time. If you really want a place worth coming to, you have to have a purpose, a plan, some organization, delegation, a framework, a team, etc. Lanny just wants the place to sit on its ass taking up webspace for nothing. I honestly hate to say it, but if this place is ever going to amount to anything, Lanny needs to not have anything to do with it. He has no vision when it comes to a good BBS. That much has been proven in the time since we got here.

    Says the guy who singlehandedly destroyed zoklet because you were too good to drink zoks piss. Is all you do whine? I would hate to work with someone like you.
  8. Kek Houston
    ^SCronaldo your idea of heaven is pants on the head retarded.

    You don't have free will. You are just a part of a fractal structure that is larger than you can even comprehend.

    None of this was implied in the OP.
  9. Kek Houston
    Living is a drug. We are all just addicts trying to keep the trip going. We normalize addiction and ritualization when it suits the goal. Eating is a compulsion that is driven by hunger. We hunger not for food, but we hunger for life! And when that food is provided and provided that food is good we are rewarded very handsomly (or punished rather harshly) in our gustatory perception. Shitting is a compulsion to a nessecary ritual of life. The active expulsion of that which does not assist us on our trip. Fucking is a compulsion that creates another addict. It self perpetuates, for after one has overdosed on their own time there can be another to keep the trip going.

    So what happens when someone breaks free of the addiction?

    Spiritual awakening? Ego death? Nothing? Something?
  10. Kek Houston
    Interesting. Id be interested to see what kind of rifle the shooter used. We may be able to form a solid link. Is op even murrican?
  11. Kek Houston
    If I were 100% certain that I was going to kill myself, I'd at least try to rob a bank or something, maybe an armored truck. If it failed and the police had me surrounded/cornered, then I would kill myself. It it didn't fail, I'd have a bunch of money to start over, buy a new place somewhere, get a better vehicle, go on a few vacations, maybe start a business or go back to school, and just live.

    There's other options as well, like some serious identity theft/fraud, or maybe some heavy credit card fraud, or even a ransom of some type. So many options when you reach that point.

    Think about that.

    This though. When you have nothing to lose and everything to gain maybe you wont even want to kill yourself.

    On a serious note, I wish the best for you. I dont know you too much but I remember seeing you around. If you do choose to end it all then I hope you drift swiftly into that wondrous beyond.
  12. Kek Houston
    >not posting goatse in the thread

    Its like you guys want to be seen as a joke

  13. Kek Houston
    Alan Watts is bretty cool. Ive been getting into a lot of Terence McKenna lately.
  14. Kek Houston
    Hey Lanny, if I got a vb key would that improve the site or functionality at all? I love the nigga features such as not being able to see pm's or post threads but if we all chipped in we could probably stop running this site on a cracked vbul 5 and if I were certian this site would last longer than a year I would consider buying it myself.
  15. Kek Houston
    Wow, getting lost in a national park without food for multiple days. That's bretty intense. Why didn't you bring food and more water though?

    He only planned a three hour tour. A three hour tour.
  16. Kek Houston
    crawl inside her and make her call you doug

    10th post best post.
  17. Kek Houston
    Turns out there isn't just one universe - there are many, all part of some larger fractal pandimensional structure out there in the higher dimensions of hyperspace.

    Turns out this is all theoretical. I think its funny hen people have such faith in multiverse or parallel universe theories yet refuse to believe in god and call people of faith fools. You are doing the same fucking thing by believing something that cannot be quantified or verified.
  18. Kek Houston
    I worked at 2 retail stores, 2 sandwich shops, 1 recycling facility and a pizza shop. At every one of them I just got sick of it and stopped going in. I was a decent performer in every job and exceptional at a few but its just so fucking mundane. I need to go back to school.
  19. Kek Houston
    I was thinking of that edgelord that shot random people in target parking lots ironically.

    Would have been a better movie tbh
  20. Kek Houston
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