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Posts by Kek

  1. Kek Houston
    I went to catholic school in my youth. I appreciate it because catholic schools really do have a higher bar on the education they give. Never once was I taught that evolution was a lie, though one time the school priest called our class heretics* because of what we said when he came to our religion class. Twas top kek. I do not think the church is evil or bad. I dont like the tone the media takes when discussing the catholic chuch (especially compared to islam or buddhism) and I think that many people are deprived of the incredible history that theology has especially in conjunction with the way much of what we today have as historical reference and first hand accounts have been preserved by monks and followers of the faith. I mean look at how many view the churches "condemnation" of various scientist. The church did not bring about charges of heresy or whatever to Galilleo for presenting his theory of heliocentricity. Their dispute with him was largely academic and were actually based on the fact that his theory was not proven by the standards the courts held.

    Now I am getting off topic. I should present the fact that I am not a practicing catholic. In my teens I quite angstily renounced the church in favor of a more agnostic and chaotic view. If I were to become part of the church again it would not be the catholic one. I have long believed the Orthodox church to be the true church and that catholicism is papism. And papists are faggots. But the orthodox church follows the church architecture laid out in the bible. Its mass is symbolically and rhythmically similar to those first meetings among followers of christ. And their churches and iconography is exceptional. If I were to ever call myself a christian again I could only do so under orthodoxy and I have contemplated it heavily.

    But for now I shall remain a heretic*. I shall worship Kek the Frog God of Dank Primordial Memes. I shall bow to Eris the Godess of Chaotic Discord. I shall meditate upon what it all means.

    * Now the term heretic has itself taken a sort of meme usage. If you are frequent of 4chans political or historical board it will be evident. The problem of this term, Heretic, is that in this age the heretic is one that basks in his heresy. Todays heretics get called heretics and their only rebuttal is that they are proud to be a heretic. This is all wrong. A true heretic remains steadfast in his heresy. In his mind it is not he whose belief is heretical but the others. Martin Luther was a heretic to the church but to him the church had been the one guilty of heresy, To him it was he who was doctrinally and dogmatically correct. This is true heresy. To look at an institution that is near 1000 years in development and say "No, you are wrong you fucking heretics" rather than "My heresy is my philosophy" is the core of this term. Am I getting through to you.

    Hold on the liserd people are back.
    *Pulls out broken off broom handle*
    Git! Git out you fucking liserds!
  2. Kek Houston

    Now thats cheeky
  3. Kek Houston
    is that the php hello world program?

    Teach more cuz printing stuff is pretty fuckin basic.
  4. Kek Houston
    I remember when I first started using the internet how cool it was. Not every dickbag and their mom was on it making facebooks for their rescued pitbulls and sharing pictures of what they ate for dinner.

    I am pretty dissapointed that my initial experience with the internet was hampered with the advent of myspace. It was still way less corporate owned and dominated but now it seems like the internet is doing way more harm than good on a lot of fronts. I have seen it said that we need to consider this thing we call the world wide web as a veritable library of alexandria at our fingertips; Sadly people have turned it into a means to inflate egotism and rather than communicate with others they alienate themselves by congregating at those terrible hugbox echochambers that expose no one to that which they find disagreeable.
  5. Kek Houston
    I was objectively sad but I'm not anymore, because my nigga be back.

    Sounds like something a sad person would say. Stay sad faggit.
  6. Kek Houston
    You expect us to believe you have a sweetie? Top Kek m8
  7. Kek Houston
    I wanna be a space cat LSD cook

    You would kill yourself by mishandling the ergot
  8. Kek Houston
    Wow a whole paragraph, I can smell the mad from a mile downwind.

    Stop being so rump rammed silly pants
  9. Kek Houston
    He wrote 3 lines and you wrote 50. Sure does look a lot like a madpost to me, and I would know, because I am objectively mad.

    Oh so writing a detailed post more than three lines is what counts as mad now? I had a discussion with OP in another thread and he made a very valid point about how boring it is to read one line shitposts and how people need to be writing in paragraphs.And let's dispel once and for all with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing. He knows EXACTLY what he's doing. Barack Obama is undertaking a systematic effort to change this country, to make America more like the rest of the world. That's why he passed Obamacare and the stimulus and Dodd-Frank and the deal with Iran. It is a systematic effort to change America. When I'm president of the United States, we are going to re-embrace all the things that made America the greatest nation in the world and we are going to leave our children with what they deserve: the single greatest nation in the history of the world.

  10. Kek Houston
    o+ is based faggit. dont be hating.

    Also didnt read butt fuck capn falcon
  11. Kek Houston
    It's a fucking disgrace that these are the most "dank" websites on the internet in 2016. Normies have completely destroyed it with their social media bullshit and this will go down in history as the decade the internet died.

  12. Kek Houston
    Psycopathy: 32
    Autism: 17
    Bipolar: 4
    Schizoid: 17
  13. Kek Houston
    That's being a masochist fag. Masochists are fags.

    Not if you want to rip her organs out and play in her blood too. Egalitarianism buddy. ;)
  14. Kek Houston
    Wouldn't it be kind of a turn off to be fucking a girl and realize "this bitch wants to like, play with my organs……"

    >Not into girl who actually wants to play with your organs

    Do you even psycopathy bro?
  15. Kek Houston

    >Dank websites
    >No onions

    smh tbh fam

    >implying im going to post dank .onions

    Finding onions is a hunt bro. Not gonna post that on the clearnet.
  16. Kek Houston
    I used to think about offing myself a lot. I pretty much had a top three suicide plan list. It is an interesting thought experiment if not a bit morbid and unhealthy. I began to get into meditation and discovered what is called A-Khrid meditation. It involves many steps but one of the phases is the phase of meditation upon death. This intruiged me so I began my own meditations based on the practice. I would stick a gun in my mouth and consider the action of pulling the trigger. Imagine the gasses burning my mouth just before the bullet emerges from the chamber. Its path through my brain outwards slightly angled up. A bullet hole in the wall. My hand and the gun falls to the ground and my bowels evacuate. I am dead. I imagine the person that finds me. I imagine my funeral, my burial and my long dark nap. Other times I would consider a drowning. Going under the water. Knowing the o2 in my lungs is all I have. Trying to make it last. Finally I cant take it. My mouth bursts open in some vain attempt to gather the necessary gasses but a liquid rushes in. Slowly being filled with water until my lungs are full. Thrashing about in a panicked fever. Finally the struggle stops. No more energy. No more time. Darkness overtakes me. My body bloated with water and having been a nutritious source of food for the creatures of the sea washes ashore. More wild animals find my carcass to be an easy source of food. Finally my body is found. No id, unrecognizable, disgusting and putrid. My last remains are cleaned up and brought to a state facility until it is determined no next of kin will come forth. My body is then disposed of. There is an annoying amount of paperwork that accompanies this and the file clerk is most annoyed at my passing.

    Try it out man. Get fucking intense. Feel yourself die. Then come back and see how you feel..
  17. Kek Houston
    Okay, PM me your home address and full name.

    Kevin Davis
    601 E Fayette St, Baltimore, MD

    Mail that shit to me nigga.
  18. Kek Houston
    Burn his fucking girlfriend down
  19. Kek Houston
    I said did you know this slampigs boss is dying and we laughed at her before she left the show.

    You really are one classy guy.
  20. Kek Houston
    Good for you gent. I have been on the leaf for a long ass time. I know first hand how bad for you it is. Its not that it will do anything physically but it just kills motivation and makes you dumb and boring if all you do is smoke all the time. I have done heroin, meth, opiates, tripple c's, random drugs I found at a rest stop that had chinese markings and none of them have caused me as much trouble as regularly smoking weed.
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