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Posts That Were Thanked by Kafka

  1. Originally posted by Kafka The doctors told my Nana to forget about him, because she was in her 20s and his injury was so bad, but she took him home. Otherwise he would have been in a mental hospital the rest of his life and I wouldn’t be here. It’s scary because it could happen to anyone.

    I sometimes forget important things like my birthday how old i am and even my name once but im reminded of my name everywhere i go i look outside and see a car and remember my name is carl.
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  2. they are abstract so it depends what you want to see them as but like one is a selphie of me and one is a coffee pot one is just three ballons on the wall at mcdonolds and stuff they are all just random pics edited the shit out of.

    Originally posted by Kafka They’re great, what are they meant to be?
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  3. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!

  4. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!

  5. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. smokemon Houston
    I dreamed last night that I was at some kind of plant zoo with my dad. Each plant had its own little tomato cage thing around it and a little sign describing what plants it was. While looking at the plants, eventually we came across a dead bird on the ground. It was pretty decomposed and disgusting. My dad for some reason didn't realize what it was at first, and reach down and picked up a handful of rotten bird giblets and feathers and examined them closely. He said something like "Oh, it's a dead bird." I was all like "Ewww gross! Why did you touch it?" After he had concluded that is was in fact a dead bird, he sort of came towards me with his defiled hands outreached. I was like "Eeeeeeek!" and started running. The rest of the dream just consisted of me running away from my dad who was chasing after me and trying to grab me with his dirty bird guts hand.
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  7. Aleister Crowley African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker That is because mentally and emotionally you are 12.

    Dick size of a 12 year old too
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  8. A portable clothes washing machine I invented, very small, only useful for washing underpants and socks and about the size of a blender
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  9. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Kafka So is that the same way you are here?

    I've helped a few over the years, I've even fed two, and I have smoked several for profit.

    How about you?
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  10. Originally posted by Kafka I’ve just realised I’ve relapsed, like stopped being an alcoholic three years ago, but I’ve been drinking every day for almost two weeks now. I just feel better drinking vodka.

    Alcohol is a toxic poison that kills your organs and circulatory system. It prevents the production of the platelets in your blood that heal wounds, so if you get cut, you could bleed to death. Not to mention brain aneurysms, heart attacks, and fatal chokings.
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  11. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Kafka This is like saying it’s not you though so what are you like irl?

    It depends on who you are, what you say, how you say it, and most importantly what you do. All in all I am a fair and generous man. I've been known to help those that need helping, feed those who need feeding, and smoke those who need smoking if ya get my drift. I don't mince words and will say what's on my mind if I feel like speaking to you.

    How about you?
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  12. Aleister Crowley African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Artificial Intelligence Oct, you are being a huge faggot nowadays man.

    I'm trying to settle more now I'm sober/ trying to stay sober.
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  13. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Kafka Idk what that is and yeah that’s too much. Don’t drink and drive. It was just some random at the round about but he said he used to be a taxi driver

    Did you get in the front or the back?

    The only time I can recall accepting a ride from a complete stranger was when me and my baby mom were on the way to the hospital for her to get a C section and this minivan I got for the very purpose broke down at a busy section by a bus terminal and mall. Some random guy pulled up and asked if we needed a ride, not even knowing she was pregnant and drove us to the hospital. He said he was a helicopter pilot and I tried to talk helicopters with him but probably just sounded like a retard. He wouldn't accept any money but I threw a 50 in the back and my baby mom threw an additional 60-80 bucks in the back too. He said he lives close to where I live now that has my baby moms last name in the name of the town and I really hope I run into him someday. He was the type of person to make you want to hop in more vehicles with strangers
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  14. Originally posted by Kafka gets off on it

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  15. Haxxor Space Nigga
    I just read this in another one of your “break up” threads

    Please don't hurt anyone else and please become a better person so one day you can love someone the way I've always wanted to be loved by you…ive reach my limit and I'm done…have an amazing and beautiful life Nathaniel and achieve everything you possibly can, we probably won't be talking for a long time but maybe in the future our paths might cross again. Lots of love Jazza and Elijah. Goodbye x

    This chick is definitely playing you like a fool. Manipulative guilt trips = go to moves for a sleazy bitch who lacks character
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  16. Haxxor Space Nigga
    Originally posted by filtration

    One minute it's have a great life we probably wont talk for a long time (blocked), now this shit… I give up.

    Playing immature games.
    Block da bitch. Anything is better than that BS
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  17. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by Kafka Idk if I should go to this party tonight my friend is acting weird. I just woke up
    How is your friend acting weird?

    I was a super good boi last night so I'm gonna go to a pub and have a big bonfire with some of my favorite degenerates tn
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  18. Tattoos are pretty dumb...if you need a visual reminder your mom died you've got other problems going on.
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  19. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Finally had dream last night. At any rate a dream i remember, it was very short. I was texting with a good friend of mine. And she was sending me lewd pictures. I thought. Hm, this is inappropriate.
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  20. RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Mu uncle was an engineer for caterpillar his whole adult life...he just passed during the covid bullshit because of stress imho.

    I always loved visiting them in peoria/normal/Bloomington. I remember him taking me to his work when I was a kid and I got a cool die cast caterpillar backhoe thingy. My family always makes fun of me because when we went to visit the first time when i was like 7 or 8 and we passed the caterpillar building and I said, "Yep, that's where uncle Jim works, under the ground with all the caterpillars and worms!"

    Been a running joke in my family ever since lol
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