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Posts That Were Thanked by Kafka

  1. The majority of mass shootings in the United States have been committed by people taking SSRI and mood altering legal pharmaceuticals but you will never see that on tee vee because that's who pays to keep the lights on, just ask your doctah
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Originally posted by Kafka I really think it’s made me slightly bipolar or something. I feel like I’ve had a low dose of fluoxetine ever since.

    That's an SNRI right? I mean i was crazy before i tried SSRI's and SNRI's for the lulz but when i did it made me more crazy not less.
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  3. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I was super tired and slept less than 5 hours 3 nights in a row so I got a deep REM sleep and dreamt I built a garage I've been planning on my property which served as a place where women can lure unsuspecting men for robbery and kidnapping sake. I don't remember much in the way of specifics but I believe an ex was involved at some point. I wish I remembered my dreams more often 😪
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  4. Originally posted by Kafka She said she’s booking us tickets for some place. Idk what’s going on if she really needs a friend or is les

    may I tag along
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  5. Originally posted by Aleister Crowley I don't get comedowns.

    hit the rock bottom already.
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  6. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I just react inappropriately to reality in general
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  7. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    when I'm deep in it focusing on most of that is very difficult
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  8. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I had a dream recently that I'd built a lighthouse using a fabricator, but somehow just the ladders and walkways came out in random sizes so it kind of looked like an mc escher painting

    it was fucked and I woke up angry
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  9. Speedy Parker Black Hole [my absentmindedly lachrymatory gazania]
    Originally posted by Solstice You're the one who decided to try to stir up negative shit over one of the only positive posts I've made in months, for no fucking reason other than to stroke your ego and feel superior to someone you don't even know. Don't patronize me over my desire to argue when you're the one who came into a thread where you never post just to belittle me and attempt to make me feel bad.

    Go fuck yourself you bitter old man, and work on your insecurity.

    Do you always lash out in anger when advice places the responsibility on you?
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  10. Originally posted by frala Well I wouldn't go that far, but he does look like George Clooney trying to dance with a dead girl in Weekend at Bernadette's.

    She was verrrrrrry drunk n i was verrrrrry sober and this was the face i made the moment i realized shed been talking to all our friends about our sex life in explicit detail while id been waiting in line for our tacos.
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  11. frala Avant garde shartist
    Originally posted by Kafka He looks psycho

    Well I wouldn't go that far, but he does look like George Clooney trying to dance with a dead girl in Weekend at Bernadette's.
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  12. The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    Originally posted by Kafka I slept all day, took fluoxetine for the disorientation, friend phoned me to say someone’s dead. I feel like Tetsuo from Akira, drinking hot chocolate.

    I feel like tetsuo the iron man

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  14. Meikai Heck This Schlong
    I drove my T-90 through your garden last night
    I kicked your front door down around at midnight
    Something's telling me, boy, that you're avoiding me
    And when I find you, you will run for your tea
    Oh, I've got a brand new shiny helmet and a pair of kinky boots
    I've got a lovely new flak jacket and lovely khaki suit
    And when we go on night patrol, we hold each other's hands
    For we are the Russian Army and we're here to take your land
    My good friend Ivan, he's in the SVR
    Searching for weapons he will go near and far
    Up around by Kharkiv, you'd never find him there
    Oh, the only gun he'll get there is an AK in his ear
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  15. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. Grylls Cum Looking Faggot [abrade this vocal tread-softly]
    Originally posted by Kafka I slept 15 hours, feel like I’d rather be in England rn.

    You’d always be welcome 🙂
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  17. If you don't take this place seriously it's not that dramatic or toxic, more retarded than anything.
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  18. Originally posted by Kafka I’ve been tracking my mood for months and this is the first day it’s been happy probably because of lack of sleep and cuddling with my nephew. I feel like I burnt my arm, it got too close to a fire and feels burnt. My nephew is my reason for living.

    if a man said the same thing about his lovely niece hed be jeered at.

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  19. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Yeah it's kind of interesting the further I live, the more I find myself sort of always weighing the idea of 'trying to better myself' and 'jesus fuck who even cares at this point, it is what it is.'

    Like you said, it's not HEALTHY to have self destructive thoughts, by definition, but when you don't care about healthy than you just... Don't care.

    You're def right as far as me losing my faith in god and I will be the first to admit that there is a big difference between it, mainly the fact that with faith, regardless of how shitty things are, you can hold this belief that it's 'part of a plan' or whatever, that no matter what happens, God is there and will help you get through shit. When I gave that up, I didn't necessarily realize the impact that it has when I realize that life is truly on my terms and I am completely responsible for myself and my actions.

    That said, I still just can't arbitrarily start pretending I believe in god again just for the sake of hoping it will help me and my accountability. It would obviously feel disenguine as fuck. But I suppose that's why people come up with other higher powers and I guess I could pretend the fucking cosmos is my leader and it'll make everything right in the end.

    For now, I am DUST IN THE WIND.
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  20. Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    Originally posted by mmQ Samesies. Although I've come to realize at this point that regardless of any strides forward I make, or Happies I obtain, just when I think I've perhaps turned the corner on the path to enlightenment, I fuck something up and slide back to where I started. Basically my life is a game of chutes (snakes for you weirdos) and ladders and there's just a lot of fucking chutes. It's hard for me not to believe that it's subconsciously hardwired into my brain to fuck things up whenever I'm doing well, as though I deserve it or something. Who knows. Whatever. Blah. Countblah.

    Yea man, maladaptive coping mechanisms and self destructive tendies and shit. I just deal with shit wrong and manifest destruction by thinking negatively. Not sure if the first summer I'm off all conditions since I was 19 is good or bad for me but I'm leaning towards good because it's less stress but potentially less mindfulness of legalities. I just want things to be simple and peaceful
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