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Posts by Kafka

  1. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Bradley Too happy to talk to you, miss.

    You will never get a positive response from me.
  2. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Bradley Very edgy. You. Are. Unique!

    Why haven’t you hanged yourself already?
  3. Kafka sweaty
  4. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ We find people literally frozen solid in the morning and stuck to fences, doorways, walls and bridges around here. No one can survive outside in -45F temps for long without some kind of thermal shielding.

    Where is that?
  5. Kafka sweaty
    There was another time in London, I arrived at Victoria Coach station and had missed the last train somewhere, phone was dead and they had nowhere to charge it, not until cafe Nero opened at 6am. I need a phone to navigate travel. So I was stranded there with all these homeless people, think I had a meltdown, went into a toilet cubicle and I was awake but I don’t know where I went for two hours. I’ve only ever had meltdowns in London so I didn’t even know what it was. I’ve been fine in cities in other countries.
  6. Kafka sweaty
    My first time in London I couldn’t deal with it, I got lost and the tall buildings made me claustrophobic like being lost in a forest. I was looking for a kebab place for two hours, didn’t find one just some Muslim place where people were giving me daggers and I had to eat outside. Then all these homeless people came up to me asking for change, one woman in crutches, so I just got a train out of there, to a different city where not a single hotel had vacancies and I almost froze. Now I know there’s a 24/7 McDonald’s and I think I will just go to the airport if I’m stuck in future. I wouldn’t be able to handle homelessness being a night owl, like where would you sleep during the day?
  7. Kafka sweaty
  8. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by mmQ I don't know what the solution is for you other than replacing it with something else. I have an extremely addictive personality but for whatever reason I've never been addicted to coffee or caffeine as far as I know and never used anything to "wake up and start my day" other than just plain old water.

    But maybe would a nice tall caramel iced coffee be better for you to wake up with rather than the energy drinks? I did drink 2-4 monsters every NIGHT a while back for about 1 year, while I stayed up playing call of duty for 6-8 hour sessions. Just got so used to having them but I think that was half the addiction, and it didn't really by any means need them to stay awake or anything, plus I just liked the taste.

    Now I pretty much just drink exclusively water and I'm used to it and it definitely feels noticeably better on the body than filling it with sugars and other junks. For me I'm almost able to use my addictive nature to my benefit in that regard by being "reverse addicted" to not using stuff (like coffee or sugar or energy drinks or soda).

    Ive also quit smoking cigs entirely unless I'm drinking (which I've eliminated to once a weekend) and I'm hoping to snowball off that reverse addiction to hopefully quitting altogether.

    Now I'm just talking about ME ME ME I'm sorry. What was my point? Oh yeah to try the nice caramel iced coffee in the morning instead of energy drink, I guess idk if that's even healthier or not but energy drinks feel gross looking back at them, definitely a good idea to try and eliminate them from your diet. And trust me I'm a professional dietician and cosmonaut so I know pretty much everything there is to know about everything, ever.

    How did you get off monster? I can’t stand coffee. Tea is bearable but not what I’d choose. For some reason whoever’s closest to me has a crazy amount of influence over me. I didn’t smoke for two years when my closest friend was a med student, so I think I just need a new bestie. I probably will have diet questions when I think of them.
  9. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Aleister Crowley I use to have one every 2 days when I was hungover from the night before going to work. There's just so much shit in those cans it's unreal. Do you find your piss changing color? (Serious question.)

    Nope. Guessing you do?
  10. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Aleister Crowley Yeah I fear my teeth rotting away would be the worst.

    I have braces so they get checked regularly and there’s no decay, it still makes me paranoid though because it can’t be good. I think drinking with a straw stops it touching my teeth to some extent.
  11. Kafka sweaty
    I wish I could stop drinking monster because two cans per day for three years is excessive, makes me feel like I’m due for a stroke, stomach doesn’t feel great, bad for teeth, kills collagen, ruins complexion, I thought I had peripheral neuropathy at one point, right hand still feels a bit rigid. I just need it to wake up though, sipping it from a straw when it’s cold is great and I need b12.
  12. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Aleister Crowley A friend of mine who is an alcoholic needs an op to remove cysts on his spleen which has in turn made him a Type 1 Diabetic. There is a chance it can recover or so he says and I hope it does cause he's a true Gont. I told him we'll go play golf/ fish and other shite in a few weeks to keep focused.

    I'm starting to fear if he doesn't change soon this will be the end game for him.


    How old was your friend when that happened?
  13. Kafka sweaty
    I heard it changes your cells so they crave alcohol to use as energy.
  14. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Sudo Ever see "sightseers?"

    No, what’s that?
  15. Kafka sweaty

    City Lights 1931 is also cute.
  16. Kafka sweaty
    I feel uneasy about relaxing, I’m not used to being all caught up so I feel like I’m forgetting something important I have to do. I know there is no such thing as free time because there’s books to read.
  17. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4 Kissing women LOL that's honestly kind of gay it she's impure because she used her mouth to do impure things to other people so it's dirty

    just one person's opinion but you raise a good question . And what's all the shiny goop for are they hiding herpy or something now that's a bit sus

    So you won’t kiss after a bj but will before or not?

    I like lipgloss because the rest of my face will be glowing with mimi Luzon gold glow serum so it looks odd if your lips are dry, I think it makes my eyes twinkle more as well, it seems that way.
  18. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by I Live In Your Crawlspace Secretly4

    Aye cabroney I got an scratch that can't be itched and now THIS

    Do guys actually like kissing girls with lipstick/lipgloss on?
  19. Kafka sweaty
    I was composed and sociable at first, then started doing things like falling off railings and almost drove someone's car into a wall, so it had to end.
  20. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Sudo I'm sorry that sounds like a brutal way to go. It sounds like your visit helped him alot though.

    I guess his physical problems aren't too bad considering. His parents both lived to be close to 90 and were tough folk who drank and smoked for 80 of those years so he has good genes for it. He just has facial tics, a stutter, bad memory loss and literal gout (which has gotten better). His liver seems to have held up somehow.

    I might drink once every 2 months, if that. Last time was on Christmas, got very drunk and drove around at a high speed listening to pop smoke with the friend I mentioned earlier who fucks with people. When I wake up the next day I feel shitty but want to keep drinking but thankfully I can arrest that now. 3 times in my life I have been physically addicted to alcohol and I don't wanna go back to that. I am prescribed gabbapentin which helps kill any cravings for liquor

    You drink drive? Can I ask how old you are? Switching to two cans of monster a day got me off alcohol but it ain’t good either.
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