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Posts by Kafka

  1. Kafka sweaty
    This is because I didn’t want to read house of leaves? Ig it’s a good thing you have to resort to lies as they can’t hurt me and it’s funny because you know that.
  2. Kafka sweaty
    Is this real?
  3. Kafka sweaty
  4. Kafka sweaty
  5. Kafka sweaty
    I can’t help people with their blind spots. Not sure if argument really convinces anyway.
  6. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by aldra there can be no real equality between different standards. 'traditional gender roles' are rooted in practical requirements for a functional society, downstream from biology (ie. sexual dimorphism).

    there will always be (a minority of) masculine females and feminine males; modern trannies are just hyper-focused on controlling how people perceive them and cannot accept something they cannot change being more important than how they 'feel'.

    The masculine females and feminine males thing is what a trans person would say. You can’t pick pieces of someone’s brain and say it’s male or female and vice versa. I’m not getting into the biology thing there’s too many different arguments for that.
  7. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Sophie Can't decide if that's an honest observation or a sneaky way of mocking me.

    Being honest, I’ve written short thrillers.
  8. Kafka sweaty
    I used to be confused because of sexism and no female role models etc so I think a lot of it is just confusion, but it’s dumb to give the opposite sex credit for your mind. If you have traits belonging to the opposite sex then they don’t just belong to them.
  9. Kafka sweaty
    I think trans people are ill unless they have an excess of hormones from the opposite sex. It seems backwards to me because they’re really defining what is male or female and what isn’t, reinforcing stereotypes. When people tell me their chosen gender it’s because they want me to treat them differently, and that’s the real issue, the sexes aren’t treated equally. I think transgenderism stems from sexism. I would rather people dress how they want but identity as their sex, just get rid of gender altogether.
  10. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Sophie A while ago in my country they finally got around to realizing some chemicals can be used in the manufacture of drugs and explosives. But instead of going after people like me, for the manufacture of said explosives. They just forbade all businesses from selling stuff to private individuals. They even made selling Methyl Ethyl Ketone illegal to anyone who does not have a state registered business that can prove they need these chemicals for their day to day operations.

    Now i have many tricks i can employ to get around these restrictions, and i don't mean just importing them or buying them on the black market. Although i do wonder whether a Chinese lab would just allow me to buy the quantities i need, and if i pay a little extra, package it fraudulently. I think i may give that a shot in the future so for future reference. If anyone is familiar with Chinese chemical companies without scrupuls(Non of them have any but i don't have guanxi[The right Connections] in China) please PM me the website of said companies. If you manage to find me one that is reliable, i have an incentive for you. I will owe you a big favor. To be cashed in no questions asked.

    I am in dire need of some precursors, well dire need is a bit overstated. But i am running low. In the mean time while i make my preparations for the acquisition of these precursors, i'd like to talk about concentrating hydrochloric acid and hydrogen peroxide.

    H2o2 can be concentrated by distillation under reduced atmospheric pressure. However i don't have a vacuum chamber big enough to fit my distillation column. Generally when dealing with concentrations of up to 70%, you can simply freeze the water out if you have the ability to control the temperature precisely. Water freezes at 0 degrees C, H2o2 at -0.53 degrees C. I have the equipment to do so. However the freezing process works great when you have those high concentrations. Not sure how it would work out with say 12% concentrated H2o2. Anyone any experience with this?

    Now for the hcl, i can distill that no problem, but i was wondering if the freezing method would work as well. I think the lower concentrations might be diluted enough to perhaps have water ice crystals form. But i might be wrong.

    Thoughts anyone?

    It sounds like the start of a thriller novel esp the favour with no questions asked.
  11. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Aleister Crowley Wrong! Your friend is a retard and deserves to die. Only freaks obssess over fictonal characters anyway.

    Lost me at “deserves to die”. You could say that about Christians.
  12. Kafka sweaty

    “And like others, Webb has self-mutilated in homage to ”Fight Club”’s infamous lye scene.”
  13. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Aleister Crowley Your ex is a fucking dumbass then and interpeted it wrong. Nothing to do with hitting, "rock bottom", Tyler says we are all enslaved by the consumer culture and the need to want more of what we don't need. His whole teaching is that without all this, we are truly free.


    People have multilated themselves for Chuck Palahniuk. It says self-destruction is the answer there’s no other way to interpret that. In Invisible Monsters she blows half her face off to become ugly so then she can never go back to a shallow life. She didn’t interpret it wrong she just shouldn’t have taken it to heart.
  14. Kafka sweaty
    I think I will just tell the doc about it so hopefully I don’t have to get the second dose. N.I has just scrapped vaccine passports but I want to travel abroad.
  15. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by aldra I dunno, I usually feel similar. I sober up, then remember why I started doing drugs in the first place.

    I wouldn't ascribe psychological effects like that to covid or the vaccine unless you know for sure you didn't feel that way beforehand. it surprised me how poorly I remember states of mind when I really thought about it, so it's hard to tell how long I've actually felt any particular way - if I always have, or if it's been a recent thing. maybe that's why people keep journals.

    That doesn’t seem normal, you should keep a journal or at least rate every day out of ten to track your mood. I haven’t been functioning since Christmas but that could have been due to other factors. Since getting the vaccine on Saturday I’m crippled, takes me five hours to get out of bed. I’ve had shortness of breath as well even just while taking a shower.
  16. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by aldra

    Her nose is weird
  17. Kafka sweaty
    I never really wanted to read it again, life is too short.
  18. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Bradley Wanna get drunk and talk on the phone

    No, you aren’t decent, I’m looking at your DP.
  19. Kafka sweaty
  20. Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by Tyrant Hey Kafka I'm sorry

    It’s aight
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