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Why does alcohol make people so mean?

  1. #61
    Aleister Crowley African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Kafka Nope. Guessing you do?

    Meh, like really golden color I suppose. Just heard other people saying it changed theirs and was curious.
  2. #62
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Kafka I wish I could stop drinking monster because two cans per day for three years is excessive, makes me feel like I’m due for a stroke, stomach doesn’t feel great, bad for teeth, kills collagen, ruins complexion, I thought I had peripheral neuropathy at one point, right hand still feels a bit rigid. I just need it to wake up though, sipping it from a straw when it’s cold is great and I need b12.

    I don't know what the solution is for you other than replacing it with something else. I have an extremely addictive personality but for whatever reason I've never been addicted to coffee or caffeine as far as I know and never used anything to "wake up and start my day" other than just plain old water.

    But maybe would a nice tall caramel iced coffee be better for you to wake up with rather than the energy drinks? I did drink 2-4 monsters every NIGHT a while back for about 1 year, while I stayed up playing call of duty for 6-8 hour sessions. Just got so used to having them but I think that was half the addiction, and it didn't really by any means need them to stay awake or anything, plus I just liked the taste.

    Now I pretty much just drink exclusively water and I'm used to it and it definitely feels noticeably better on the body than filling it with sugars and other junks. For me I'm almost able to use my addictive nature to my benefit in that regard by being "reverse addicted" to not using stuff (like coffee or sugar or energy drinks or soda).

    Ive also quit smoking cigs entirely unless I'm drinking (which I've eliminated to once a weekend) and I'm hoping to snowball off that reverse addiction to hopefully quitting altogether.

    Now I'm just talking about ME ME ME I'm sorry. What was my point? Oh yeah to try the nice caramel iced coffee in the morning instead of energy drink, I guess idk if that's even healthier or not but energy drinks feel gross looking back at them, definitely a good idea to try and eliminate them from your diet. And trust me I'm a professional dietician and cosmonaut so I know pretty much everything there is to know about everything, ever.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  3. #63
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Aleister Crowley Meh, like really golden color I suppose. Just heard other people saying it changed theirs and was curious.

    I think my organs are failing or something is weird because I will drink exclusively water for 7 days and some days my piss is clearish and other days it's pretty yellow and it actually pisses me off (huehuehue) when it's yellow and I'll visibly scrunch my face at my urine and get mad it for not being clearer. I hope it's just due to whatever I'm eating or something but no I'm probably just dying, which is fine I guess, lol. Whatever!
  4. #64
    Aleister Crowley African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ I think my organs are failing or something is weird because I will drink exclusively water for 7 days and some days my piss is clearish and other days it's pretty yellow and it actually pisses me off (huehuehue) when it's yellow and I'll visibly scrunch my face at my urine and get mad it for not being clearer. I hope it's just due to whatever I'm eating or something but no I'm probably just dying, which is fine I guess, lol. Whatever!

    Just dehydration brah if it's yellow/ orange. Could also be what you have drank.
  5. #65
    Kafka sweaty
    Originally posted by mmQ I don't know what the solution is for you other than replacing it with something else. I have an extremely addictive personality but for whatever reason I've never been addicted to coffee or caffeine as far as I know and never used anything to "wake up and start my day" other than just plain old water.

    But maybe would a nice tall caramel iced coffee be better for you to wake up with rather than the energy drinks? I did drink 2-4 monsters every NIGHT a while back for about 1 year, while I stayed up playing call of duty for 6-8 hour sessions. Just got so used to having them but I think that was half the addiction, and it didn't really by any means need them to stay awake or anything, plus I just liked the taste.

    Now I pretty much just drink exclusively water and I'm used to it and it definitely feels noticeably better on the body than filling it with sugars and other junks. For me I'm almost able to use my addictive nature to my benefit in that regard by being "reverse addicted" to not using stuff (like coffee or sugar or energy drinks or soda).

    Ive also quit smoking cigs entirely unless I'm drinking (which I've eliminated to once a weekend) and I'm hoping to snowball off that reverse addiction to hopefully quitting altogether.

    Now I'm just talking about ME ME ME I'm sorry. What was my point? Oh yeah to try the nice caramel iced coffee in the morning instead of energy drink, I guess idk if that's even healthier or not but energy drinks feel gross looking back at them, definitely a good idea to try and eliminate them from your diet. And trust me I'm a professional dietician and cosmonaut so I know pretty much everything there is to know about everything, ever.

    How did you get off monster? I can’t stand coffee. Tea is bearable but not what I’d choose. For some reason whoever’s closest to me has a crazy amount of influence over me. I didn’t smoke for two years when my closest friend was a med student, so I think I just need a new bestie. I probably will have diet questions when I think of them.
  6. #66
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Aleister Crowley Just dehydration brah if it's yellow/ orange. Could also be what you have drank.

    "Could also be what you have drank"

    Lol I just said I'm ONLY drinking water. But yeah maybe hopefully it's just that I'm not drinking ENOUGH water. Come to think of it I will go a day and then realize I haven't drank hardly anything like maybe 6oz of water for a while day. That's kinda fucking weird man. Why am I not thirstier?

    God damn it is not being thirsty a sign of failing organs? Hmmm
  7. #67
    Aleister Crowley African Astronaut
    You should drink your piss, that will cure the discolouration
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  8. #68
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Kafka How did you get off monster? I can’t stand coffee. Tea is bearable but not what I’d choose. For some reason whoever’s closest to me has a crazy amount of influence over me. I didn’t smoke for two years when my closest friend was a med student, so I think I just need a new bestie. I probably will have diet questions when I think of them.

    I honestly don't remember how I stopped drinking the EnErGyDrInKz. I think it was just kind of a realization like you're talking about where I'm like "fuck man this is dumb (and expensive) why do I keep buying these every fucking night? And then I just... Didn't buy them anymore, and again, let my habitual personality work in my favor to get in the habit of..not using them, almost to the point where the idea of having one just seemed gross.

    I don't know how the fuck I haven't used this some principle with trying to quit smoking though long long ago. Cuz if energy drinks are a stupid unhealthy expensive habit than smoking is like the dumbest thing in the fucking world. Just get so used to it that it feels weird not to but really it is absolutely RETARDED since you get basically nothing out of it other than the psychological aspects of it, at least for me (stepping out at work, extra breaks, a nice smoke after a meal, smoking in the car, smoking with a buddy) it's all social habitual routine stuff thats more the addiction than the actual nicotine itself.

    The best advice I can give for any addiction is it NEEDS replacement because you got a huge void to fill whether it's physical or mental.

    Also I don't like coffee at all either but with enough sugar and caramel I do love, and I keep saying this, a nice iced caramel coffee. Maybe it's just as unhealthy as an energy I really don't know I'm obviously not really a dietician.

    When I visited Alaska there was this little coffee booth we'd visit right at the crack of dawn every morning and they had this caramel apple iced coffee and Jesus of Nazareth it was the greatest thing of all time. I know I like the McDonald's ones they make but I'm scared to get one as it might trigger some new addiction that I don't need right now.

    What are your exercise habits like?
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  9. #69
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Aleister Crowley You should drink your piss, that will cure the discolouration

    I'm way ahead of you m8. That's pretty much all I do.
  10. #70
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Why am I typing longposts at 4:30 in the morning? I hope I'm entering a new phase of mania because I'm sober as fuck.
  11. #71
    DontTellEm Black Hole
  12. #72
    Aleister Crowley African Astronaut
    I enjoy sobriety cause I just wake up feeling happy and question why I ever drank in the first place.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  13. #73
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I fucked with this girl who drinks 66ers of vodka regularly and is 5 foot 2 and had to be hospitalized for pancreas issues when she was 23. Another friend of mine is a millionaire (inherited and invested like a bitch) and has also been hospitalized for pancreas issues due to drinking

    Pancreas: the forgotten organ I'm here to remind you about
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  14. #74
    Aleister Crowley African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Sudo I fucked with this girl who drinks 66ers of vodka regularly and is 5 foot 2 and had to be hospitalized for pancreas issues when she was 23. Another friend of mine is a millionaire (inherited and invested like a bitch) and has also been hospitalized for pancreas issues due to drinking

    Pancreas: the forgotten organ I'm here to remind you about

    Mad is it not? I thought I would live out my life of sobriety in abject torture knowing such pleasures exist that I am forbidden. I care little for them but do seek others, sex is only as enjoyable as the climax itself. I find myself lay there thinking, "now what?".
  15. #75
    RIPtotse victim of incest [my adversative decurved garbo]
    Because it's a shit drug when used in excess

    I'm all for having. Glass of wine for dinner or a beer or a cocktail but when I start to feel the effects is when I stop because I just know that means I'm gonna feel like ass the next day.

    I haven't binge drank in a long while and it feels good man.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  16. #76
    stl1 Cum Lickin' Fagit
    Originally posted by mmQ I don't know what the solution is for you other than replacing it with something else. I have an extremely addictive personality but for whatever reason I've never been addicted to coffee or caffeine as far as I know and never used anything to "wake up and start my day" other than just plain old water.

    But maybe would a nice tall caramel iced coffee be better for you to wake up with rather than the energy drinks? I did drink 2-4 monsters every NIGHT a while back for about 1 year, while I stayed up playing call of duty for 6-8 hour sessions. Just got so used to having them but I think that was half the addiction, and it didn't really by any means need them to stay awake or anything, plus I just liked the taste.

    10 Best Coffee Alternatives to Try This Year
    Brittany Gibson Jan. 13, 2022

    Move over, coffee. You've got competition.

    You’ve got options
    Somewhere between hunting down the best coffee makers, the best cold brewers, and the best gifts for coffee lovers, we decided we should maybe take a coffee break, and ended up here. Maybe you’re a coffee connoisseur who’s tired of dealing with caffeine jitters or that dreaded afternoon crash, or maybe you’re just looking to spice up your usual morning routine. Whatever the reason that led you to read this article on coffee alternatives, you’re here now, and we’re in this together. Before we jump in, let’s acknowledge something: If you regularly rely on traditional java for your morning buzz and mental clarity, ditching it might feel like it’s anything but easy, but we’re here to tell you that it is, in fact, totally doable.

    There’s a coffee alternative for pretty much everyone—yes, even hard-core java fans. (Side note: You officially qualify as “hard-core” if you can answer these coffee trivia questions.) Short on time? There’s a coffee alternative for that. Need a chocolate fix? There’s one for that, too. Still craving the taste of traditional coffee? Yep, there’s even one for that. The best part is that all of these have tons of health benefits and they wake you up, so you’ll be getting the energy and focus you need without the side effects of regular coffee. Sounds like magic, right? It sort of is.

    Crio bru Brewed cacaoVIA AMAZON.COM
    Brewed cacao
    Best for: Chocolate lovers

    If you’re a fan of mocha-flavored java but want to venture into the world of coffee alternatives, we have a solution: brewed cacao (not to be confused with cocoa). Think hot (or iced) chocolate that’ll give you a serious boost of energy while also benefiting your health. You won’t need to give up your morning routine, either. You can brew cacao just like a regular cup o’ joe—sans the bitterness—and it’ll make your kitchen smell heavenly.

    And that energy boost? You can thank theobromine, a naturally occurring stimulant in cacao that expands your blood vessels (as opposed to coffee, which constricts them), doesn’t activate your central nervous system, and lasts longer than caffeine. As an added bonus, brewed cacao is full of immune system–boosting antioxidants, as well as magnesium and phenylethylamine (aka the “love drug”). If you’re trying cacao for the first time, this sampler set from Crio Bru—which comes with five delectable flavors—is perfect for newbies.

    Matcha powder packageVIA AMAZON.COM
    Best for: When you really need some energy

    We know what you’re thinking: How can I give up my morning black eye (ahem, drip coffee and double espresso) on those days when I really need the extra energy? We’re glad you asked. Enter matcha, the more nutrient-dense version of traditional green tea. (We’re talking twice the amount of antioxidants, people.) Traditional green tea’s nutrients come from the water that the leaves have been seeping in; with matcha, you consume the entirety of the crushed-up tea leaves after whisking the powder in hot liquid.

    Matcha contains more caffeine than traditional green tea but less than regular coffee. One eight-ounce cup of matcha touts about 70 mg of caffeine, while an eight-ounce cup of coffee usually has around 95 to 200 mg. Health benefits aside, matcha contains something called l-theanine, which helps slow the process of your body absorbing the caffeine so you’re less likely to experience caffeine crashes. Plus, matcha is pretty versatile and can be used in smoothies, baking, cooking, lattes, and even skin care.

    Yerbamate teaVIA AMAZON.COM
    Yerba mate
    Best for: Tea enthusiasts

    You might be familiar with yerba mate (or “mate”) just based on how often you’ve seen cans of it lined up on the shelves at your local health-food store. If you haven’t tried it yourself, let us fill you in on why this traditional South American beverage is so popular. Yerba mate comes from evergreen tree leaves, which explains its tea-like flavor, and contains naturally occurring caffeine (albeit slightly less than how much coffee has), theophylline, and theobromine. Although it’s often purchased cold and pre-canned, you can also make your own yerba mate at home with tea bags. If you don’t like its bittersweet flavor, milk and sugar can be added, similar to how coffee is prepared.

    Yerba mate is also full of things called polyphenols (coffee contains these as well), which can act as antioxidants, have antibacterial properties, and protect against diseases. In addition, yerba mate is a great option if you’re watching your blood sugar levels, trying to lose weight, or looking to reduce LDL cholesterol levels. If you don’t want to trade in your regular morning brewing routine for some canned “mate,” you can order a variety pack of this highly rated organic yerba mate from Kiss Me Organics and make your own at home.

    Dandy blend Dandelion coffeeVIA AMAZON.COM
    Dandelion coffee
    Best for: When you’re short on time

    You overslept, don’t have time to wait for coffee to brew, and need a serious energy boost—fast. Sound familiar? It happens to the best of us, which is why dandelion coffee is the perfect caffeine-free solution if you’re often on the go or want to minimize your morning routine so you can squeeze in every last minute of shut-eye. Dandelion coffee has a mildly sweet, rich flavor and is made with roasted dandelion root. It’s often blended with other ingredients, like barley rye, beets, and chicory root, all of which dissolve instantly in hot or cold liquid (think instant coffee, but better).

    The roasted dandelion root is rich in probiotics, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, so its health benefits are pretty darn impressive. It also tastes super similar to regular, full-bodied coffee, but without the acidity or bitterness. In lieu of caffeine, the root (pun intended) of post-dandelion energy is thanks to its trace minerals that can support adrenal functions, according to Gina Reale, director of development of Dandy Blend. There’s a reason Dandy Blend has more than 8,200 five-star reviews on Amazon, by the way.

    Teecino Brewed chicoryVIA AMAZON.COM
    Brewed chicory
    Best for: If you love the taste of coffee

    Just because you switch over to a coffee alternative doesn’t mean you need to give up the beloved flavor of a traditional cup o’ joe. Brewed chicory mimics the flavor of regular coffee pretty seamlessly without containing any caffeine or upsetting your digestive system. “Chicory is a prebiotic, and it is the botanical with the highest content of inulin, a soluble fiber that nourishes the microflora in the microbiome,” Caroline MacDougall, the CEO and founder of Teeccino, tells Reader’s Digest. Its high levels of inulin (not to be confused with insulin) can help increase your gut’s good bacteria, tame blood sugar levels, and even reduce the risk of colon cancer. Plus, brewed chicory can improve brain health, courtesy of its levels of manganese and vitamin B6.

    Now that we know some of its health benefits, let’s move on to what makes chicory such a convenient source of natural energy, starting with its high levels of potassium. Some chicory beverages, like Teeccino’s, contain even more potassium than popular sports drinks, which helps restore electrolytes, providing a boost of energy without the crash that caffeine gives you.

    Barley (orzo) coffeeVIA AMAZON.COM
    Barley (orzo) coffee
    Best for: If you have an espresso machine

    If you’ve already dropped hundreds (if not more) on an at-home espresso machine and don’t want it to go to waste by ditching espresso altogether, barley (or “orzo”) coffee will be your best friend. Also known as caffè d’orzo, this Italian coffee substitute is caffeine-free and made from roasted ground barley grains. As you could probably guess, barley doesn’t exactly taste like traditional espresso; instead, it touts an “earthy, slightly bitter taste, with less body and richness,” according to The Kitchn. Although its most popular preparation method is via espresso machine, barley coffee can also be made using a regular coffee pot or a stove-top Moka pot.

    It’s important to note that barley coffee doesn’t necessarily have “energizing” qualities besides its potassium content, which can help restore electrolytes; although, if you’re trying to wean off traditional coffee, it might be a good, caffeine-free alternative to periodically switch off with. Plus, you’ll be taking advantage of all the other nutrients found in barley, like vitamins B and E, phosphorus, and magnesium.

    Dona Masala Chai Concentrate Liquid Chai TeaVIA AMAZON.COM
    Masala chai
    Best for: If you love spices

    First, we need to talk about the common misconception of the word chai. Chai translates as “tea” in Hindi, so if you say “chai tea,” you’re really just saying “tea tea.” Masala chai, on the other hand, means “spiced tea,” which is what we’ll be discussing here.

    Masala chai is a strongly flavored, full-bodied black tea that’s usually accompanied by hot milk. Much of its taste comes from added spices, which usually include cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, or other varieties. And yes, like most black tea, masala chai is pretty caffeinated—but it still has less caffeine than a cup of regular coffee. Besides giving you the perfect morning buzz, masala tea can also improve heart health, lower blood sugar levels, minimize nausea, improve digestion, and aid in weight loss. If you want to save some money, masala chai is super easy to make at home using masala concentrate and the milk of your choice.

    Coffig Roasted Fig Beverage, Coffee SubstituteVIA AMAZON.COM
    Roasted fig
    Best for: When you want to wean off traditional coffee

    If fig coffee isn’t already on your radar, we have some pretty good reasons why it should be. First of all, figs are full of vitamins and minerals, like potassium, iron, vitamins A and E, and alkaline. They’re also naturally caffeine-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, and processed sugar–free, which makes fig coffee a smooth, rich, and healthy substitute for traditional java.

    If you’re trying to wean yourself off the latter, Coffig, a company that exclusively creates fig-based beverages, has an entire program dedicated to precisely that. It’s called the Coffig Replacement Program (CRP). The process begins by mixing a 20:80 ratio of Coffig to coffee for three days. Then, the ratio increases to 50:50 of each beverage for the next three to four days. After a week passes, a ratio of 80:20 of Coffig to coffee is used for two to three more days. At about the ten-day point, you might find that you’re finally able to ditch coffee for good, says William G. Paúl, cofounder of Coffig.

    The brewing process is an absolute breeze. You can make this stuff in virtually any coffee maker, although Paúl recommends using a French press. One thing to keep in mind: Fig coffee can be pretty concentrated—almost twice as much as regular coffee—so keep that in mind while brewing.

    Capomo coffeeVIA AMAZON.COM
    Capomo coffee
    Best for: If you want flavor options

    If you like swapping flavors every now and then, Café Capomo comes in hazelnut, caramel, classic (notes of cinnamon and chocolate), and turmeric—but its variety isn’t even the best part of this deliciously nutty, mocha-like coffee substitute. Before we get into why capomo coffee is worth investing in, let’s dial it back to the basics. What the heck is capomo, anyway?

    In short, capomo (also known as Maya tree nut) is a seed that’s harvested from capomo trees, which are native to the rainforests of Latin America, Mexico, and the Caribbean. It’s naturally caffeine-free, has no alkaloids, and comes jam-packed with fiber, potassium, calcium, iron, and other antioxidants and vitamins. Not to mention, capomo can help keep your blood sugar in check and promote cognitive function and serotonin production. In case that’s not impressive enough, capomo is also rich in anti-inflammatory compounds and even provides 19 of the 20 amino acids essential to the human body. “These amino acids are the building blocks for proteins that are important for many functions in the body, including building muscle, stimulating antibodies, repairing cells, fighting bacteria and viruses, and carrying oxygen throughout the body,” notes Peter Bowes, owner of Tattva’s Herbs and Café Capomo.

    Foursigmatic Mushroom coffeeVIA AMAZON.COM
    Mushroom coffee
    Best for: If you don’t want to give up coffee completely

    Maybe you don’t want to give up on coffee completely, but you still like the idea of packing in all those extra nutrients in your morning brew. Allow us to introduce mushroom coffee. Before you jump to conclusions about the “odd” flavor combo of coffee and mushrooms, hear us out: This stuff is delicious. Our favorites are made by Renude and Four Sigmatic.

    Renude’s Chagaccino is made from a combination of cacao, cinnamon, vanilla, and monk fruit, with chaga (750 mg per packet!) being the main star of the show. Chaga has crazy high levels of antioxidants. Plus, it is the most alkaline food on the planet, helps improve gut health, and contains more than 215 phytonutrients. It also helps relieve stress, boosts immunity, aids in anti-aging, provides long-lasting energy (a boost of up to 25 percent compared to just coffee, in fact), and helps improve brain function. All you’ll need is a cup of hot coffee (or a double shot of espresso), one packet of Chagaccino, some milk, and ice if you want to enjoy it cold.

    If you’re looking for a two-in-one kind of deal, Four Sigmatic supplies both the coffee and the mushroom goodness. Similar to Renude, Four Sigmatic’s products also utilize the magic of chaga mushrooms—sometimes with their own twist. For instance, Four Sigmatic’s best-selling product contains chaga and another mushroom called lion’s mane. Both fungi are combined with organic ground coffee to create a jitter- and crash-free experience that can also help with stress management and balancing out the energy high from caffeine in coffee.

    Golden Milk
    Best for: If you want extra health benefits

    Trendy Golden Milk, a creamy golden-hued turmeric latte with complex, spiced, gingery flavors, dates back thousands of years—to Ayurvedic medicine in India. Its star ingredient, curcumin, is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound that studies suggest can boost heart health, help fight cancer, and ease arthritis and depression. It’s also delicious! Gaia Golden Milk is made with organic turmeric, dates, cardamom, and vanilla bean, plus ashwagandha (an ancient herb known as an adaptogen for its ability to help the body manage stress). Mix it with heated milk or plant-based milk—fans love it with almond milk, cashew milk, and maybe a dash of honey—when you’re ready to savor a piping hot cup of golden goodness.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  17. #77
    Narc Naturally Camouflaged [connect my yokel-like scolytidae]
    Coz it makes you stoopid and only stoopid people are quick to mindless violence.

  18. #78
    Sudo Black Hole [my hereto riemannian peach]
    I just drank a green tea and feel a little better about life. Still wanna die tho
  19. #79
    cigreting Dark Matter
    Originally posted by Kafka I heard it changes your cells so they crave alcohol to use as energy.

    so how many then?
  20. #80
    mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by cigreting so how many then?

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