2024-10-01 at 8:38 PM UTC
Drunk Fred
I'll be just fine with my pure mind and the things you say blowing over my head.
2024-10-01 at 8:37 PM UTC
Drunk Fred
Can you understand that? That when you're always thinking of nasty things to say to people, if you feel the need to put others down, that means you're not mentally healthy? It means you have a demonic mentally.
2024-10-01 at 8:36 PM UTC
Drunk Fred
The point is, you're wasting your time, you are imagining a false reality.
2024-10-01 at 8:17 PM UTC
Drunk Fred
And don't speak to me again until you've apologised for your crime of calling me retarded and confessed I am all-knowing.
2024-10-01 at 8:16 PM UTC
Drunk Fred
Anyway you don't belong here if you're not drunk.
2024-10-01 at 8:16 PM UTC
Drunk Fred
Your cells convert the alcohol into energy. You can experience delirium if you stop suddenly.
2024-10-01 at 8:09 PM UTC
Drunk Fred
I'm scared I'll need brain surgery or that I won't be pretty anymore, and if that's the case I'm gonna off myself. My hypochondria is running wild.
2024-10-01 at 8:08 PM UTC
Drunk Fred
You can die if you stop suddenly.
2024-10-01 at 7:44 PM UTC
Drunk Fred
Don't tell me I'm the only one. I have to wait until Thursday for medical news and am imagining the worst, so I am going to be drunk until then. Don't let me be the only one.
2024-10-01 at 6:43 PM UTC
How stupid am i?
When I was 15 I read a lot of Christopher Pike, Stephen King, fairytales, about WW2, human cloning, Satanism and Wicca. I liked Sara Manning books as well. I'd read on average five books a week. While Wicca did help my imagination grow, I don't believe in having a wishbone where your backbone aught to be. Tokyo Ghoul manga also helped develop my optimism.
2024-10-01 at 6:35 PM UTC
How stupid am i?
If she does want attention then she has good reason to be more like me.