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Posts by Kafka
2024-10-01 at 6:34 PM UTC in How stupid am i?
2024-10-01 at 6:28 PM UTC in How stupid am i?
2024-10-01 at 6:26 PM UTC in How stupid am i?
Originally posted by Fluttershy There’s been tons of studies suggesting intrinsic sexism within schools, young girls often get preferential treatment in class, are engaged with more, punished less for doing poorly, rewarded more often for doing well, and are given extra credit assignments and grade amendments significantly more often than young boys.
Someone's in denial. -
2024-10-01 at 6:25 PM UTC in How stupid am i?
2024-10-01 at 6:20 PM UTC in How stupid am i?People end up killing themselves because they can't imagine a way out.
2024-10-01 at 6:20 PM UTC in How stupid am i?When people reach the age of 30 their chacter is pretty much set, it will be extremely hard for them to change themselves. That's why you should always have a fiction book open, to develop your character, and because imagination is necessary to survival. You won't be able to problem-solve without it or have a great life unless you can imagine one.
2024-10-01 at 6:17 PM UTC in How stupid am i?
2024-10-01 at 6:14 PM UTC in How stupid am i?Take note Crispy, men HATE when women are smarter than them. They can't accept it and are so fragile that over history they have barred women from education. Know why? Because girls get better grades than boys.
2024-10-01 at 6:10 PM UTC in How stupid am i?I suspect they've been making a point to call me a retard because they don't want Crispy to listen to me. They want her to be easily influenced by them. With the exception of quiet lurkers whom I can't judge, I am the smartest person on this site.
2024-10-01 at 6:07 PM UTC in How stupid am i?
Originally posted by Fluttershy Yes I’m gonna post my full home address to prove I’m not a pussy.
People aren’t misogynistic against you kafka, you’re just retarded and egotistical.
you’ve somehow turned this whole thing into tracking me down, you give 0 shits about the harm done to any little girls, let alone this one.
The amount of times you've felt the need to call me retarded and this girl stupid tells me you are insecure about your own intelligence. You've shown enough intent to harm women that I will make you a main target now. -
2024-10-01 at 6:01 PM UTC in How stupid am i?
2024-10-01 at 5:59 PM UTC in How stupid am i?
2024-10-01 at 5:56 PM UTC in How stupid am i?
Originally posted by Fluttershy She is stupid. She’s on a website soliciting older men and then asking if that makes her stupid.
Yes it makes her stupid.
How are you struggling with this concept?
I can see why you need to hide behind an alt. Pray I never find out who you are. You need your shit-breathing mouth sewn shut. -
2024-10-01 at 5:51 PM UTC in How stupid am i?
Originally posted by Fluttershy Girls in their formative years typically don’t go on forums telling other people to kill themselves, or posting anorexic pictures as “thinspo” or do any other number of the fucked up behaviors crispy displays and has displayed long before she showed up here. Putting the blame on any one person or even this website is stupid.
I never claimed to be credible or responsible.
Don't call little girls stupid because self-fulfilling prophecy is a thing. I need confirmation you won't do that again before I can leave you alone. I won't tolerate misogyny, especially toward a little girl. -
2024-10-01 at 5:44 PM UTC in How stupid am i?
Originally posted by Fluttershy There’s tons of incriminating evidence on this forum alone. It’s not my job to spoon feed you it so you can threaten to give it to someone without actually doing anything.
Why do you seem to think that I’m responsible for what happens here? Or anyone for that matter? Im not the police and I’m not anyones parent.
Are you still trying to be credible? Lol. -
2024-10-01 at 5:43 PM UTC in How stupid am i?
Originally posted by Fluttershy No more or less stupid than your average teen girl. You’ll likely be fine as it seems like you have a decent amount of stability and really all it would take is some slight whining on your part to have a lot of fellows arrested and criminally charged.
So yeah you’re retarded but you’re also a woman which kind of balances it out.
You don't say things like this to a girl in her formative years. It's pretty fucked you used the word whining instead of reporting. You don't want her to report anyone and are trying to stop her from doing so. -
2024-10-01 at 5:40 PM UTC in How stupid am i?You just said you would send authorities incriminating evidence if you had her address, now you're saying you don't want to be responsible? If you weren't talking shit you can send me the incriminating evidence.
2024-10-01 at 5:34 PM UTC in How stupid am i?You've made misogynistc comments toward her and called her stupid, responsible adults don't do that. You're just a troll and my IQ exceeds yours.
2024-10-01 at 5:17 PM UTC in How stupid am i?
Originally posted by Fluttershy It’s simply a piece of advice and anyone who’s not delusional would see that.
Also, if I had crispies PI I would 100% get in contact with her caregivers and school and send them every little piece of incriminating evidence I could find.
15 year olds can’t be trusted to make proper decisions when it comes to self preservation.
Neither can you but since you’re an adult and European i really don’t give a shit.
You just threatened a girl to not tell anyone about the men grooming her here. You are the one who lacks self-preservation. -
2024-10-01 at 5:12 PM UTC in How are you feeling at the moment..I'm not going to risk the consequences of brain surgery, I'm going to choose the certainty of death. I'm going to be drunk until I find out.