The first time I got the bar in my arm it stopped my period and stabilised my anger issues. My period has stopped again but I feel more angry lately.
I held my breath getting piercings and almost fainted. So I guess I would faint instead of whimpering or whatever.
I've been awake since 7am and am having a mental illness day in bed. I'm stressed about a deadline and the plan was to work on it today...
I got microneedling for the first time yesterday. I was there for an hour, could feel blood running down my neck, she put a mask on me and left. It felt weird like being on an operating table in a bright white room with calm piano music playing and my whole face an open wound. I actually cut my face on purpose once with a razor blade, not deep enough to scar but because I saw a fine line forming, so microneedling isn't that extreme to me. The instant results were amazing but it will take a month for the collagen to form. Anyway I intend to get more sessions and maybe leave dermal fillers for another year because this might be better.
The guy from the shop quit his job. I hate how he's still causing me stress months later. Do I have to worry that he'll kill himself or what if I was the first person he tried to ask out and he's scarred now? I don't understand how I end up hurting so many people when I don't try to nor want to. I think I've hurt four people this month.
2022-12-04 at 12:29 PM UTC
I have a few places to migrate to lined up but feel like my quirkiness is more noticeable in other communities and I quickly get too much attention. There was a blog dedicated to me somewhere. So I think I’m safer here.
2022-12-04 at 12:27 PM UTC
No, it would be sad to delete peoples voices, but changes could be made to deal with trolls/people trying to make others lull themselves.
I read somewhere that before colour tv most people would dream in black and white. Maybe my imagination just needs more fuel.
I don’t know why my dreams are different lately, just lots of details and nothing really happening. I checked online and it said people don’t remember them because your frontal lobe isn’t active when you sleep, and that recalling detailed dreams could be a sign of a health condition. They’re creeping me out tbh.
Trees covered in ice, I was walking uphill in the snow to a temple. It was big inside, lots of dark brown wood furniture and carvings, no doors inside. I was sitting at a table next to someone, we were both using laptops and I was trying not to let him see what was on mine. There was a clock on the wall, half 7. I had to leave at 8pm. Then a package arrived for me, there were so many things, bottles of Kaminomoto hair growth accelerator, a cheese board, a figurine of a shepherd. I had to rush to put things away in a cupboard, it was very detailed, lots of items and 8pm passed.
I’m too stressed lately, shouted at a woman last night at the concert. This place doesn’t help. Bye
Not all parents are parents
Stressed because my mum texted me harassment and I texted her abuse right back, but narcissists don’t like to lose arguments or see themselves in a mirror so idk what she’ll do now. She’s not going to let this go.