Originally posted by aldra
you really need to have a plan down before you start working on it, especially when you've got a bunch of people working on different moving parts
I shouldn't have let her brief the new programmers privately in a voice call. I thought it would be simpler but she could have told them we were doing anything since I was the only other one who hadn't deserted. Or maybe it's fine since conflict could have scared them off.
Idk I'm annoyed because she's acting like we work for her and already had this artwork made so she had a game in mind beforehand and wouldn't accept any other ideas. I'm fine with doing her game because I'm only there to network but it's meant to be fun and it isn't.
I gave them seven samples for a sound, shortened one when asked and now she's saying I should make it a little bit shorter so it's perfect but you know I'm not going to do it because she's been micromanaging everything and has her own role which isn't this. I'm just going to say thanks for the suggestion and not do anything unless the majority want it changed.
Idk why I felt grief when he passed, I knew it was just an object but it was real grief. I didn't even react like that over my dad. I had him since I was six and it was always there. I was the one who burned him but didn't expect it to be the end because I had cut him up so many times and he'd always been sewn back together, or dangled him out the car window. It didn't register with me that he could be destroyed for good.
I thought I was over my teddybear passing in 2018 but a few weeks ago I had a bad dream about it. Then the other day I remembered the toy brand it came from, this arrived today so I'm happy.
They didn't like my first idea of explorers travelling to parallel worlds to uncover the history of humanity and they have a limited time to gather information before they're trapped in the worlds. They keep changing elements so I'm lost now.