Scared of myself because of the lack of empathy. When I first saw the cat sitting close to the pigeon watching it I just assumed everything was fine, that the pigeon and cat were friends. It took me five minutes to realise it wasn't okay. I shouldn't have pet the pigeon or checked in on it three times because I was causing it more stress. I was also shouting at the cat to get away, that would have scared the pigeon.
I'm glad I stopped that cat from preying on it but I can't help feel that I contributed to its shock because I handled it.
Upset because of the pigeon so I'm drinking beer. I had plans today and want to stop letting emotions get in the way of my productivity; I need more self-discipline so I hope the rest of my day can go to plan. Idk I'm just upset because I know my dad loved pigeons, the last time I saw him in his house he was trying to tell me a story about a pigeon on my shoulder when I was a child, but I was in a rush to go home so I didn't let him finish the story.
2023-03-26 at 12:01 PM UTC
Turn to the true faith
If you have sex with a girl who hasn't reached puberty then their ovaries can become damaged so they can never have children. Even if they have reached puberty, having a baby at that age will cause their growth to become stunted, they won't get taller and since they haven't fully developed they can die I'm childbirth. You're sick.
2023-03-26 at 10:29 AM UTC
Dying pigeon
I'm upset about it I don't want it to die alone in a dark garage.
2023-03-26 at 10:24 AM UTC
Dying pigeon
I think its pigeon friends are looking for it.
2023-03-26 at 10:24 AM UTC
Dying pigeon
I found a pigeon in my garden, a cat was watching it closely and a few seagulls. I kept having to scare the cat away. I didn't see any injuries but it was very slow to move and seemed sick. I picked it up with some rags and have put it in the garage now and made sure no cats or anything can get it, but it's dark in there and I don't want its final moments to be in that dark garage, it's a bird. I don't know what to do with it or who to call.
The human brain can make itself believe things, but deep down you'll always doubt.
Idk where to travel next. I often go back to the same places but I would have seen so much of the world if I didn't just go to England for years. I like the netherlands because it seems a good place for women and the freedoms like gun range, euthanasia, truffles. It bothers me that I'd stand out too much if I dressed up there though... I saw girls out wearing flare things and trainers... No stripper heels. I don't want to go to Munich without Mik.