2024-10-26 at 12:36 AM UTC
I downloaded an image from Reddit today around the same time.
2024-10-25 at 11:41 PM UTC
Has my phone been hacked?
2024-10-25 at 11:39 PM UTC
I was just looking in my phone album, and there was a screenshot downloaded from Whatsapp this morning. I haven't looked at Whatsapp in months and didn't recognise the screenshot. I just checked now and it is from a group I requested access to months ago but have never looked at.
2024-10-25 at 7:43 PM UTC
Okay big question fuys
I've shared dreams with people before.
2024-10-25 at 7:37 PM UTC
Okay big question fuys
I had a dream about cannibals the other night did you have the same dream?
Wasn't expecting to be awake rn, think I've been nocturnal for a month. Idk if I should do something productive or try to rest.
2024-10-25 at 10:21 AM UTC
For Trump supporters
If Trump wins then I will know the universe put me here to fight patriarchy. Musk has claimed to be an INTJ with aspergers; I am both of those and a misandrist, his future nemesis.
I just ate two packets of doritos, two different flavours and feel sick.
2024-10-25 at 7:45 AM UTC
For Trump supporters
I sort of feel like I'm talking to my sister's boyfriend in this thread it's weird.
2024-10-25 at 7:32 AM UTC
For Trump supporters
I didn't vote on the Brexit referendum because I knew I couldn't make an informed decision. No one could. Boris claimed the NHS would receive an extra £350M each week if we left the EU and that didn't materialise.
2024-10-25 at 7:23 AM UTC
For Trump supporters
I took note of Brexit and only started watching news when Ukraine was invaded. I didn't want to read or watch any news before that for my mental health.