No but it's fine because I can take someone hostage when the time comes.
The were talking about a young man whom had a heart attack. The social worker kept going to his house but there was no answer so she kept phoning the police but they didn't come out. So a week later she got the landlord to let her in. He had a two year old that starved to death and was found clutching his leg. There was a dog in the house as well that the neighbours heard banging around but they did nothing. People have blamed the social worker for it. I can't imagine being her now.
Is it normal for blood to be drawn when you scratch your skin? It happens to me all the time. Or maybe my skin is thin? It's every time I scratch it.
There's a storm. I have to go get food, shower, go to the hairdressers then I'm gonna finish cleaning clothes today. It should take two days tops. I'm excited about a fairy book arriving today.
Meeting strangers off the internet
Ballet - at a class and at home, I also like watching it.
Can always kill time shopping.
Learning languages
A lot of time is spent on my mental health
Collecting antiques. I like reading antique books as well.
Audiobooks - I recommend Proust and Murakami
Library, cinema, hackerspace, graveyard, arcade, diner, abandoned buildings are places I'd frequent. Occasionally the pub and crackhead corner.
I used to volunteer at the science festival
Idk there's been a lot of strange activities but I can't fit them into a category. Tracking down Sophie with Myers was one of them. Walking along a beach in Wales playing the soundtrack from Submarine so I could feel like I was in the movie. Last year I made a game with people. Going to a Fetlife meetup. Scooby Doo role-play. Plotting revenge. Drugs.
Ig I'll leave out the online stuff and things I'm learning.
I found a new community that's irl and online. I'm getting to know them online first before I start going to the place but I think this is the first time I've tried to befriend people whom have similar interests as me. I never make an effort.
I booked a microneedling and skin peel appointment so I have a reason to live for a few more days.
It's my bedtime but I'm waiting on food. I don't want to waste any time so might stay up.
2024-01-19 at 4:30 PM UTC
Pedo List
I want to sit on a park bench under cherry blossom trees at dusk in Japan doing mdma with an old friend and being comfortable with silence.
2024-01-19 at 3:55 PM UTC
Pedo List
Few people whom speak English as a first language know all its rules.
2024-01-19 at 3:33 PM UTC
Pedo List
I think I have a stuck up streak because of my mum and Nana. Not as bad as them but it's there. I judge people whom don't read literature.