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Posts by troon

  1. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood well it WAS working and then made these again after I changed it to not do that but okay

    The menu [Edit -> EOL Conversion] will let you get rid of those, and [View -> Show Symbol -> Show End of Line] lets you show/hide those characters (which i guess you already know)
  2. troon African Astronaut
    danny devito has kids, just imagine lol

    then i wondered who would allow that, just imagine lmao

  3. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra that's quite a generalisation. even if it is true in 100% of cases, though, do you not think it's more worthwhile to attempt to change the situation rather than letting Rhodesia slide into Zimbabwe?

    it's observably true, generally speaking. there are even political candidates who campaign on these issues, promoting marriage, families, and Christian values. they get no votes to speak of.

    i'd argue that wrong incentives produce unwanted and feral kids which is a cost to society, not a gain.

    maybe if you had strong authoritarian control? i don't know.
  4. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra NO GIRLS ALLOWED

    they were queuing for a monkeypox vax

  5. troon African Astronaut


    where's st thomas?
  6. troon African Astronaut
    you got worse at conversation with age?

    that's maybe dementia or korsakoffs
  7. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra Ghadaffi offered massive subsidies when buying a home if you were starting a family. Hitler offered dramatically reduced interest rates on loans based on how many children you had.

    Parents have already made clear these would be otherwise unwanted children. They have money for larger families, but prioritize lifestyle over family size. In fact, they overwhelmingly choose to have the bare minimum (1 or 2 kids) to satisfy their biological urges.

    Subsidizing unwanted babies would seem like a liability. Communities would normally raise kids, but selfish rich white people give few fucks about things like that, as they disperse their own communities in search of the means to lease their new Premium Plus Q8.
  8. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra it's cheaper (for the stringpullers) to import foreigners than it is to invest in your own people to increase the birth rates

    what makes you think birth rates would increase with investment? people choose SUVs and various levels of shitty McMansions (and all the subsequent spending to finance their 'american dream' cope).

    most people could substitute what are, by historical standards, insane levels of self-indulgence, for a larger family, but they observably don't want that. virtually no white populations want that.
  9. troon African Astronaut
  10. troon African Astronaut
  11. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley u know my beer belly isn't that big right? most of which I gained in rehab eating what everyone else ate three times a day when I normally eat about half of what a regular person does.

    yeh, i never even thought u had a beer belly, was you said it
  12. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by mmQ Ok how about that devil person I can't remember their name. Bring him back.

    steve vai?
  13. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Summoning the yggdrasil could bring us to the brink of self-destruction. I'd rather not risk it.

    we're already on the cusp of self-sustaining fusion turning the earth into a star, i'd just go for it tbh
  14. troon African Astronaut
    the melanin enriched underwear of wellhung
  15. troon African Astronaut
  16. troon African Astronaut
  17. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by the man who put it in my hood they know what IP I play on now so if I even use another computer they will skitz out.

    that line says "just use my normal internet for this minecraft server" (but changing 192.168... to the address/subnet of the server).
  18. troon African Astronaut
  19. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra DELTA's shut down because they couldn't keep hackers and spies out of it, they've gone back to the old fashioned way of doing things

    lol, like the russians have been doing all along
  20. troon African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley God I couldn't imagine being so fucking fat and androgynous that I get mistaken for a woman despite being a middle aged man.

    Fuck I'd rather be bald, hairy, loud, and carry all my weight in my belly and ass than that bitch.

    he's not even middle-aged, he's claiming to be a zoomer. fat's a disease.

    lose the weight in your belly bradley, that's the alcohol that put that on.
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