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Posts by Cowboy2013

  1. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Pete Green Now look at him. He's on Dr Phil's show as "Christopher from Ohio" and something something blowing up a swing set with other kids (dudes got to b e like close to 40 now living with his mom. he's also known as Black Red Guard or Red Black Guard or some shit on Youtube. pulled all of his videos the day someone came on here and posted the Dr Phil episode. which they had a reunion episode since. to see if the parents are friends now

    total ratings grab for Dr Phil. also he said he was ending his show but still is running into the next season. what set him off?

    To be fair though Tacho is a Maoist. No self-respecting communist would come to the defense of Obama. Maoists and Trotskyists are just shitlibs in communist clothing. You have to learn the difference.
  2. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    I never got into calling Michelle a tranny because it was mostly Alex Jones and Infowars retards doing it but she is 5'11. 4" into suspicious territory but you never responded to my threads about Megan the stallion being one.
  3. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein That’s the problem with you political weirdos …you can’t handle someone not taking a side ..if I see something crazy on either side imma say something

    If Trump talking crazy I’ll say something
    If Biden got crack in his quarters imma say something

    None of them care about me nor you ..get a clue

    You're taking a side. I'm the one that's not. Obama may like boy pussy, but the OP was about Lindsey Graham's boy pussy. They're on different sides of the uniparty.

    You remind me of Tacho. He used to get triggered when I would talk about the Obama's. Especially the daughters.
  4. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Cowboy2013

    Notice anything?

    American politicians are probably just inherently effeminate, and a good bit of them may cross their legs like that but I noticed it more with Obama because there were a lot rumors about him fucking guys at his church.
  5. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein I’ve never discussed my political stance …I’m just stating facts ..that’s a black woman..that’s not a man ..

    It’s extremely disrespectful and being a black woman myself I won’t sit by and let that happen in my presence without speaking up

    I wouldn’t give a damn if it was Janet Jackson ..

    You say things that make you seem like a black Trumper. Which is cringe too. But it's funny that you feel like you have to come to the defense of these terrorists because they're (more or less) black.
  6. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein I’ve never seen him do anything that would remotely make me question his sexuality..

    But that’s just a difference in opinion we have

    Notice anything?
  7. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein Michelle is not a man she has beautiful daughters that came out her coochie that looks exactly like a mixture of them both

    People love to put masculinization black women for being strong and educated

    I thought you were a republican. The Obama obsession doesn't make sense but neither one of them looked like Obama or like each other. I heard he was cucked by Eric Holder. That explains the older one.
  8. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    When will Lindsey Graham come out of the closet as a sissy?

    America is ready for a war mongering republican faggot. Bussy is beautiful and he's ten times the faggot that Buttigeig ever was.
  9. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    China doesn't even bother with Euro-cucks anymore because they just get their marching orders from The Great Satan and meeting with them has been pointless for a long time too.
  10. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Bitches need to get beat sometimes and cops who get involved need to die.

    That has to be a hill you're prepared to die on though.
  11. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Meikai is a tranny?

    Frala has a cunt though so did she just say she wanted to be a cat mom?
  12. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra I guess it's possible they found a charismatic lunatic and fed him the helter skelter race war stuff

    if you've ever seen him talk at length he seems to think and communicate in a very unusual way, but that could just be down to how he grew up being raped and beaten a lot, always on the outside edge

    At the end of this book the author calls him in prison to bring this stuff up. His parole officer, Bugliosi lying, I think this guy Reeve Whitson and he just bullshits the guy and talks in riddles like he always does.

    I just thought what an asshole. I don't see him as this anti-establishment figure that I used to.
  13. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Meikai Charles Manson wasn't CIA. There isn't even conclusive evidence he was a victim of the CIA. lmao

    Nigga how are you gonna tell me? You didn't even read the book or address the points I brought up from it.

    The truth is the truth. Even about our childhood heroes.
  14. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Pete Green Literally bought it for my girlfriend who got spooked. I have a hard time reading more than 3 pages and remembering. I need the audio book of it.

    so she put it down after about 10 pages. shits spooky I guess.

    The book doesn't mention Satanists but other books I read about Manson did and Bouseliel (sp?) I know was in some film for Anton Lavey. And I know that is all tied in with the CIA/Mind control.

    But the guy the book mentions is Jolly West. He was partners with his parole officer Gregg Smith and David Smith at the free clinic and also interviewed Jack Ruby

    But as far as him looking for Terry Melcher, he knew where Terry Melcher was living at the time because they supposedly broke into his house. And Terry melcher also lived at that house with Dean Moorhouse, Ruths father which was completely lied about too. That's something else it gets into.
  15. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Pete Green

    So whatchu think?
  16. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Shut your bitch ass up
  17. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    It's time to decorate for Halloween though
  18. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Pete Green Yes Michael. Every year a nipple or two is mutilated by an angry firework

    To blow anything off it has to be enclosed. You can light firecrackers on your open hand all day.
  19. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by That forum guy that helps you understand sarcasm
    stay blessed never stressed POSITIVE SQUAD

    How can this be anti-Semitic if he's wearing the Zelensky logo?
  20. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Wtf is dh
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