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Posts by Cowboy2013

  1. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein I think I know the one you’re talking about…

    I thought it was the one she got famous for on Tiktok or something. The first time I watched that video you posted if you go to like 1:36 I thought the white one had a penis but the quality was lower or something. That's actually just the outfit. I was thinking that was really unnecessary though.
  2. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Meikai i miss greyfox/armsmerchant

    anger is fear announced

    What was the shit about wanting vs desiring?

    One day instead of hitting the ground running he just hit the ground.
  3. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley

    here u can laugh too cuz u new and don't know about this legend

    It doesn't look like he made it out unscathed....

    I'm not that new though just haven't been active on NIS. Why don't you and him like each other?
  4. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein I’ll listen to that soon ..haven’t heard that one should check this song out of hers I really like this one ..

    I like that one too. I was expecting it to be that main one where she was talking about aliens 😑 but the alien one is where I first heard her on some video.
  5. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut

    Candy do you like this song? It's really addictive for some reason so I'm pretty sure it's some mind control thing telling me to kill somebody but I haven't figured who yet.
  6. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny sorry, no speak ebonic.

    That wasn't ebonics at all. I think you have the biggest crush on Candy.
  7. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Meikai I mean… yeah. If you think there's any fringe political belief the glowies don't have their fingers in, you're crazy. It's not like they keep that shit confined to the left either, comrade. It's not about crushing communism to bring about some glorious golden dawn for the aryan race, that's for sure. It's about maintaining a right-of-center status quo and expanding labor supply - getting women into the workforce drove down wages. They practically doubled the labor pool overnight. It's why immigration is a thing too.

    So long as your views are compatible with maximizing profits for the corporate masters, you are on side with the CIA. Killing blacks? That's 15% of the labor pool gone. No importing mexicans? Are you insane? This is why the CIA hates the fringe right more than the fringe left: it's a lot harder to redirect in-group preference against itself. You can swap out the blank in "liberate the oppressed _______" with just about anything, and the people who care the most will agree with you (so long as you can make a good enough case that they are, in fact, oppressed). They want to do good things and free people from their chains. Class, race, gender, sex - it doesn't matter, they all have the same emotional valence. It doesn't make a difference who you're liberating, so long as you're liberating: that's what makes you a good person.

    Good luck convincing Bubba H. McCoy that actually all these Mexicans are great for the white race, and actually 30% of black people are smarter than 50% of white people (this one's true, but Bubba's an idiot who also works off of the emotional valence of statements, and he's gonna think you're saying something you ain't because you talk like one of them book learnin' types - he don't trust them much).

    Leftists aren't really wrong to say the US and West is white supremacist though, just not the type of white supremacists people generally think of when they hear the term. That give a shit about poor white people. Their bottom line will be profit. Exploitation of the global south is the priority but they have no qualms about exterminating these people either. The current President voted to murder over a million Iraqi civilians.
  8. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley idk if he's had a rough life but he's got a rough I nose dat.

    Nobody nose what hapepned to my nose.

    Besides that it looks like a mugshot in a hospital gown.
  9. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Pete Green Who wants to watch a Movie with me live on Tinychat?
    someone gonna have webcam on while movie running
    Seconds: Rock Hudsons only Sci Fi Film. Great acting

    Its not set up just yet but will be funny to mock lines while chatting

    I'm pretty sure I remember you doing this on Zoklet. I would if it was a movie I was interested in.
  10. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    I see a lot of people say feminism is a banker plot against white people. This is a small minded view of things.

    I'm assuming they're referring to Gloria Steinem who was indeed a banker but to say this overlooks something more important. She was working for the CIA and I believe also had funding from the FBI at points.

    If you're familiar with how these agencies have been undermining and discrediting left wing movements, this shouldn't seem odd.

    At the time you had politicians houses being bombed, black panthers laying siege to police stations, a legitimate anti-war movement and so on. Why would it be surprising that the FBI would rather turn this into dog fuckers burning bras and wearing pussy hats? Or dick chopping, and drag queens for that matter?

    If they can take the focus off of strikes, the opposition to their wars, and direct the left in the West towards harmless social issues while simultaneously pushing the working class who have children to the right why not?

    I'm sure the FBI and CIA are paying some trannies and drag queens for the same reasons they did Gloria Steinem. Whether or not they're bankers is irrelevant.
  11. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    I've been adding weighted pull-ups and dips in. I had bacon and eggs but only had 3 eggs left 🫤 and whey protein mixed with two scoops of skim milk powder.
  12. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    I did more this morning and a little later in the day but I was busy, skipped lunch and feel like shit now.
  13. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CandyRein Just swam in my pool for an hour ❤️

    You didn't.
  14. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker After 10 years if being retired (yes I retired at 51) I've decided to do something. I'm buying a successful popular bar and grill in Kingman Arizona.

    The asking price is $650,000. The owner is financing. I'm coming with $200,000 down and he is going to carry $450,000 for 15 years with a nallon payment option after 10 years and no penalty fir early payoff.

    It has a class 12 liquor license which men's the sales must be a minimum of 40% food. Currently it's averages 57% food and 43% liquor with a total gross sales average of about $250,000 per month. My payments will be about $3500 per month.

    I'm getting a turn key operations complete with staff, management, stock, a loyal customer base which all know and like me, 5 acres of property with ample parking, and all recipes. I do have to sign an NDA on his Jack Daniels beans.

    Anyhow this is all set to close on or before September 1st. Once I have they keys I'll let you know where it is and what it's called. That way the internet tuff guyz can vist anytime they wish.

    It's smart of you not to say where it is now.
  15. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley Is this the same place where you were jacking off to Donald Trump youtube videos and had to beat up Hilary Clinton's son with your cane? You remember that?

    Pretty sure they don't like you, bro.

    You don't think you'll ever stop by if you're going out West?
  16. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker Some bald bitch from the 80s

    Why all the hate? I remember in the 90s she was always the butt of all the jokes on tv shows. Then I read she said something against Israel so maybe that's why.
  17. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Bradley speedy parker criticizes people for their level of fitness

    while looking like this:

    He's had a rough life
  18. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Pete Green Cleanest water in USA is an underground artesian well (Because like Seattle, San Francisco raised the streets 14-25 feet above ground). So it's a spring that comes up like an artisan well but it's original pressure point is below the current streets

    It's being bottled now.

    The other is in West Va and VA has great water

    The oddest thing about pure water is it taste sweet. It sends a signal to our brains it's safe and gives a sweet taste to encourage you to drink from it's source.

    I think spring water tastes better because if the sodium. But I see stuff about all kinds of shit being in spring or well water.

    Distilling it seems like the cleanest probably... charcoal enhancemented into a glass jug if you want to get really autistic about it.

    Edit: why tf is filtered censored
  19. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    I don't think he's a jedi and I don't think it's the same guy but I only ever saw the fat guy with the highlights who eats like a slob. I never saw the appeal.

    Then again kids these days watch other people play videogames on YouTube
  20. Cowboy2013 African Astronaut
    Today is my leg day. So far I only did leg extensions and leg curls. I can't deadlift without hurting my knees or back it seems like and I can only front squat with lighter weight. I feel like trying deadlifts later though.

    I want to make a punching bag out of tires too.

    I want to try to have the base with one still on a wheel. I think that would be heavy enough you wouldn't need somebody to hold it.
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