2016-11-23 at 5:33 PM UTC
lanny is being a lil bitch
If you wanted my attention that bad you should have just said so honey
2016-11-23 at 4:49 PM UTC
lanny is being a lil bitch
There's that one "muh critical thinking" thread but other where your response basically amounted to "no u". Did you really want a reply there? I can if you want.
Other than that though I have no idea what you're talking about.
2016-11-23 at 4:07 PM UTC
Lola Monroe for moderator
This thread's going places, I can tell
Person does thing
Alex Jones tries to shoehorn it into being about liserd people
The earth continues to turn
2016-11-23 at 7:29 AM UTC
Being a people helper
I like when to discussion goes into the realm of trying to litigate on what level of inserting a your penis into a woman at the same time as another man is "going to far". I'd really like to see some spirited discussion on this. Does your balls touching the other guy's count as going too far? Do you both get to make out with her? Changing up orifices?
The details here are fascinating.
Malice was certainly taunting you, sure, I think the rest of us just thought riffing on windows was hilarious.
What's it matter though? Like introspect for a moment. Malice tells you that some thing you like or attach yourself to ideologically is shit six ways to sunday. Your first reaction is "this guy's attacking me" which I guess is a natural social reaction. That's my response at times. Mockery is, in face to face interactions, an attack on your "face" or social status or whatever, even an autistic tranny like me knows that. But those aren't the rules here, that's a major part of why we're here. Rise above your base natural impulse to establish yourself the beta male.
Honestly I don't want to hurt or insult you, probably more than most people here, but I'm not going to treat you with kid's gloves because I know you're sensitive. Our lives are filled with this intricate, complicated, confusing game that is the myriad forms of social interaction. So much of my time is taken up by anticipating the social consequences of things, not hurting feelings, maintaining the social hierarchy, it's necessary yes but exhausting. I don't want to play that game here, when someone says something stupid I don't want to do this absurd calculus where I'm like "am I on good terms with that person? Is calling them out going to insult them? How are people going to perceive that?" I just way to laugh at them for saying something stupid. It's beautiful man.
So talk shit blood, speak your mind, just don't get upset when people do the same. No one is going to be upset by what you say or do and they expect the same courtesy. Call my dead dad a bag of cunts if you want, him dying fucked me up but I try to keep the level of perspective to realize that people having a laugh on the internet doesn't change anything about the situation. And in return I'd like to be able to laugh at some comic banter about your windows without it being taken as moral insult.
No one was trying to hurt you bro, the situation was just funny.
Do you not have friends that give you shit IRL? It's like a pretty normal, friendly, human interaction.
What strains do you grow?
Listening to KMDFM songs on loop now and I can feel the raw edge running through my veins.
That's kinda weirdly high production value for a window installation video. Maybe that's why these windows cost fifteen hundred a pop
2016-11-23 at 2:31 AM UTC
Planet x
"today I want to do a video on my perspective on the, uh, presidential stuff"
Yeah, lemme just pause that video for a sec so I can go get a notepad to write this down. I'm sure there's gonna be some real deep analysis coming my way.
Casting doubt on the wikileaks infrastructure and specifically calling out that individuals who might be able to confirm this are under duress (i.e. don't trust them when they say this is a hoax report) seems a lot like something the NSA would do.