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The Retarded Thread: Get Rekt, Faggot!

  1. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Puppy Wuppy!!
  2. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 Because it's so small?

    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Yeah, the fulcrum and lever are present but no one has ever applied effort to it.

    Because bitches line up for it, it aint need to do shit, dem bitches come to me. Being an beta is effortless.
  3. I'm gonna be straight up, I do lie a lot. It's just fun to me. I literally lie all the time, it's like creative writing to me. Someone will ask me a mundane, boring ass question and my brain instantly goes to "well I COULD just say 'fine' but I could also construct a story about how I saw a homeless guy hanging from the back of a bus, projectile pissing his way down the whole boulevard."

    Idk if that is an actual mental illness, but it very well could be. I love just fibbing. I never tell big or harmful lies. But I will lie about shit just for fun literally all the time. If someone says "have you ever played XYZ game?" and I haven't, my response is usually something like "yeah I refunded it in steam the day I bought it because I couldn't stand the load times. Should I buy it again? Is it worth the load screens?" The alternative is saying "no", and starting the conversation over and over until you find common ground, or get annoyed and stop. My reply turns it into a conversation. And then we have essentially the same conversation, but they're not trying to explain boring shit to me, like game mechanics I don't give a fuck about.

    This has been a pretty valuable skill in my professional life, funnily enough. It's amazing for networking, courting clients, appeasing customers, and so on. It's also great for picking up chicks. No matter who you are, I will almost always have common ground with you, or so it seems.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. Originally posted by Lanny Took mushrooms on a farm north of Sacramento during the winter once, it was a pretty cool experience (pun semi-intended). Mind you, it's California winter so no snow but there was frost and stuff. It was really nice to sit by the window with the fire going and look at the trees and empty fields and stuff, looked really dead but thinking about how different it would look in spring and the changing of the seasons and stuff was nice.

    I wasn't outside long, went out and felt cold as a motherfucker so I decided to jog to try and warm up, ended up falling and scraping up my palms and that kinda sucked. But I think that has more to do with me being a klutz than anything else.

    Your winter is basically fall here, at best. I'm talking like -10F to 15F range of weather with a good foot of snow on the ground. It's oppressive enough while sober, and when it's in the negatives you can start to feel the cold burn at your skin. I'm just not sure if it would be like "Wow I can feel this so hard right now, look at all this civilization and what we've built to withstand these temperatures this is amazing even my clothes are technology" or if it'll send me into a massive frustration. Playing with snow would be pretty cool tho.

    I took mushrooms in the winter once but I just stayed inside and I don't enjoy mushrooms anyway so it wasn't very fun. I can relate to the looking at dead trees thing tho. Once I took DMT and upon entering the real world again, dismantled a small bush to return it to the earth.

    Might wait till it's warmer, like 30F or something. That's pretty comfortable winter weather.
  5. Originally posted by Lanny Because bitches line up for it, it aint need to do shit, dem bitches come to me. Being an beta is effortless.

    As a Bichon frise, the term "bitch" triggers me. We prefer the term dog womyn.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. Originally posted by Captain Falcon As a Bichon frise, the term "bitch" triggers me. We prefer the term dog womyn.

    nb canines only
  7. Originally posted by Captain Falcon I'm gonna be straight up, I do lie a lot. It's just fun to me. I literally lie all the time, it's like creative writing to me. Someone will ask me a mundane, boring ass question and my brain instantly goes to "well I COULD just say 'fine' but I could also construct a story about how I saw a homeless guy hanging from the back of a bus, projectile pissing his way down the whole boulevard."

    Idk if that is an actual mental illness, but it very well could be. I love just fibbing. I never tell big or harmful lies. But I will lie about shit just for fun literally all the time. If someone says "have you ever played XYZ game?" and I haven't, my response is usually something like "yeah I refunded it in steam the day I bought it because I couldn't stand the load times. Should I buy it again? Is it worth the load screens?" The alternative is saying "no", and starting the conversation over and over until you find common ground, or get annoyed and stop. My reply turns it into a conversation. And then we have essentially the same conversation, but they're not trying to explain boring shit to me, like game mechanics I don't give a fuck about.

    This has been a pretty valuable skill in my professional life, funnily enough. It's amazing for networking, courting clients, appeasing customers, and so on. It's also great for picking up chicks. No matter who you are, I will almost always have common ground with you, or so it seems.

    how do you play it off when u get busted?
  8. Originally posted by Captain Falcon I'm gonna be straight up, I do lie a lot. It's just fun to me. I literally lie all the time, it's like creative writing to me. Someone will ask me a mundane, boring ass question and my brain instantly goes to "well I COULD just say 'fine' but I could also construct a story about how I saw a homeless guy hanging from the back of a bus, projectile pissing his way down the whole boulevard."

    Idk if that is an actual mental illness, but it very well could be. I love just fibbing. I never tell big or harmful lies. But I will lie about shit just for fun literally all the time. If someone says "have you ever played XYZ game?" and I haven't, my response is usually something like "yeah I refunded it in steam the day I bought it because I couldn't stand the load times. Should I buy it again? Is it worth the load screens?" The alternative is saying "no", and starting the conversation over and over until you find common ground, or get annoyed and stop. My reply turns it into a conversation. And then we have essentially the same conversation, but they're not trying to explain boring shit to me, like game mechanics I don't give a fuck about.

    This has been a pretty valuable skill in my professional life, funnily enough. It's amazing for networking, courting clients, appeasing customers, and so on. It's also great for picking up chicks. No matter who you are, I will almost always have common ground with you, or so it seems.

    You don't have to lie to find common ground. Instead of making up the refund thing, you could just say "No but I heard it's good how is XYZ" or something.
  9. mmQ Lisa Turtle
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon As a Bichon frise, the term "bitch" triggers me. We prefer the term dog womyn.

    Ahhhh. Thanks for that laugh Falco. :)
  10. Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 nb canines only

    4b203920 ?
  11. Originally posted by Needledick_Needledick_Needledick how do you play it off when u get busted?

    Different ways. One of my favourites is to pull the paki card and say English isn't my first language
  12. Originally posted by mmQ Ahhhh. Thanks for that laugh Falco. :)

    Love u buddy
  13. Originally posted by 哈哈你看不懂中文 You don't have to lie to find common ground. Instead of making up the refund thing, you could just say "No but I heard it's good how is XYZ" or something.

    I know, but it's just reflexive at this point. Kind of like a power play, I guess? Like "yeah, I bought it and didn't care for it, now convince me to change my mind, you pleb". Or something like that. I think I have some kind of power complex. I'm a very nice guy IRL but I just love making people talk up to me. I very viscerally feel the rush I get from it. It's like a high.
  14. Originally posted by Needledick_Needledick_Needledick how do you play it off when u get busted?

    he starts whining and says "you're just mad that I trolled you before!"

    He's a brown, pakistani piece of shit.
  15. Originally posted by Captain Falcon Kind of like a power play, I guess?

  16. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by LegalizeSpiritualDiscovery Bitch

    you fucking incest victim

  17. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon I'm gonna be straight up, I do lie a lot. It's just fun to me. I literally lie all the time, it's like creative writing to me. Someone will ask me a mundane, boring ass question and my brain instantly goes to "well I COULD just say 'fine' but I could also construct a story about how I saw a homeless guy hanging from the back of a bus, projectile pissing his way down the whole boulevard."

    Idk if that is an actual mental illness, but it very well could be. I love just fibbing. I never tell big or harmful lies. But I will lie about shit just for fun literally all the time. If someone says "have you ever played XYZ game?" and I haven't, my response is usually something like "yeah I refunded it in steam the day I bought it because I couldn't stand the load times. Should I buy it again? Is it worth the load screens?" The alternative is saying "no", and starting the conversation over and over until you find common ground, or get annoyed and stop. My reply turns it into a conversation. And then we have essentially the same conversation, but they're not trying to explain boring shit to me, like game mechanics I don't give a fuck about.

    This has been a pretty valuable skill in my professional life, funnily enough. It's amazing for networking, courting clients, appeasing customers, and so on. It's also great for picking up chicks. No matter who you are, I will almost always have common ground with you, or so it seems.

    you are what we call in the trade 'a bullshitter'

  18. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    here falco, remember that time on zoklet when you bullshitted everyone that you were buying this big boat and started asking users if they wanted to come sail round the world with you, and then i tineyed the image and showed everyone you were full of shit? good times eh, lol?

    i can't imagine why a rich person would do such a thing tho. seems to me more like something some one who was trying to pretend they were rich would do.

  19. Originally posted by Enter YOU'RE PAKISTANI.

    Excellent observation, pussyboi
  20. Originally posted by NARCassist here falco, remember that time on zoklet when you bullshitted everyone that you were buying this big boat and started asking users if they wanted to come sail round the world with you, and then i tineyed the image and showed everyone you were full of shit? good times eh, lol?

    i can't imagine why a rich person would do such a thing tho. seems to me more like something some one who was trying to pretend they were rich would do.


    I don't remember that whatsoever, you retarded limey. The lack of vitamin C has caused a defect in your recall.

    I said I was planning on buying a fishing vessel (not a fancy yacht or whatever) and I posted a picture from a listing on the internet as one I was considering, and asked for advice on what boat to buy for such a trip. I explicitly remember you looking like a fool for this specific reason.

    Nice try though, kid.

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