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The Retarded Thread: Get Rekt, Faggot!

  1. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by bling bling nooohm i wont on tc noone was on

    I will b wtih u
  2. I've always assumed it was the lack of something and i just googled this while halfway through typing this and it appears I might be on to something.

    I only notice the smell when it's Nov-Feb here. I have a bad sense of smell but it smells cleaner to me, not like a fireplace.
  3. Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 I've always assumed it was the lack of something and i just googled this while halfway through typing this and it appears I might be on to something.

    I only notice the smell when it's Nov-Feb here. I have a bad sense of smell but it smells cleaner to me, not like a fireplace.

    well if the temperature, environment, colors, harvests, and weather all change you'd assume the smell would change too right?
  4. RestStop Space Nigga
    Strawberry Watermelon is the best Gatorade flavor yet.
  5. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by WhiskeyPhoenix Nah, I'll feel bad and send it back to her eventually. Otherwise I would. I still owe you for the jerky and cookie butter.

    Don't feel bad. She sucked your soul energy dry as she did so many intrepid men before you. A husk of your former self. Shes probably doing some fucked up white trash voodoo on you right this minute, using that knife as a conduit. Fortunately for you though, my great grandfather was a witch doctor in Louisiana and it is within the power of my lineage to remove such a hex. Ill send u drugs for it. Way better drugs than u get off the shitty internets.

    And holy shit i forgot about that. I dont remember whether i included other goodies in there or whether that was just to make sure the package made it to you, since some packages ive sent to other users did not.
  6. like what if things sound different in the middle of summer vs the middle of winter :o
  7. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 I've always assumed it was the lack of something and i just googled this while halfway through typing this and it appears I might be on to something.

    I only notice the smell when it's Nov-Feb here. I have a bad sense of smell but it smells cleaner to me, not like a fireplace.

    THIS. WTF. I thought it was just me!!
  8. Originally posted by just one more mongol well if the temperature, environment, colors, harvests, and weather all change you'd assume the smell would change too right?

    Maybe it does? I went to LA one January and it did not smell the same as it does here.
  9. Originally posted by CASPER THIS. WTF. I thought it was just me!!

    This is the most facebook post I've ever seen you make.
  10. you fucking fags if literally the entire ecosystem changes you shouldn't be surprised to find the smell changes too
  11. if two "ecosystems" are right next to each other, i wonder what criteria they use to separate them as distinct entities
  12. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Theres hardly an "ecosystem" in coastal LA though. The cold air concentrating the smells makes some sense though. In the last week or two, it really has gotten much more chilly towards the end of the day. I love it. I should make a thread to have you guys help me curate a movie list. We have like a week.
  13. you have an ecosystem it's just humans, dogs, cats, pigeons, mice, and spiders competing for dominance
  14. Do it. We'll watch some Halloween movies and shiettt. I still recommend Penny Dreadful. It's kind of refreshing.
  15. Originally posted by CASPER Theres hardly an "ecosystem" in coastal LA though. The cold air concentrating the smells makes some sense though. In the last week or two, it really has gotten much more chilly towards the end of the day. I love it. I should make a thread to have you guys help me curate a movie list. We have like a week.

    i watched henry: portrait of a serial killer today it was good and so relatable
  16. "If the intelligence quotient is higher than 150, we note a correlation between intelligence and culture. As if starting from this value the individual were to use an enriched intellectual substrate."
    "If the intelligence quotient is higher than 160, we note a correlation between intelligence and thought. As if starting from this value the individual could carry out face : speed of the intelligence and power of the thought."
    "If the intelligence quotient is higher than 176, we note a correlation between intelligence and discovery. As if starting from this value the individual tested the need for using his intelligence to discover."

    my enriched intellectual cheeriolioliolios with vitamin dad include viewing the functions of weather and the earth relating to our perceptions and being as a direct 1:1 correspondence and i have decided this at the age of 20 sun rotations
  17. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Should check out mindhunter on netflix. Its pretty elementary serial killer pysch stuff, but its presented in a really interesting format. I binge watched all of season 1 in a couple of days. It occurred to me that I would probably make for an excellent serial killer in a movie of some sort.
  18. henry is realistic
  19. oh, henry!
  20. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by hydromorphone I didn't insult his character, simply stated the truth. He did some seriously vile things, some seriously awful things, has gone on to say even more hurtful things, then has the nerve to insist I actually did something to deserve those actions, when I didn't. I had a particularly rough day, and needed to be alone for a while- that was my awful offense to PoC. I did love PoC, and initially, I blamed myself, and beat myself up over feeling like I failed someone who was dear to me. It took me a bit to realize, with the help of a friend, no, I failed nobody, I was the only one who was failed as a friend, as a partner, and I shouldn't beat myself up over things I didn't cause, I didn't do. I admit when I'm wrong, and even have remorse for such, I just won't be doing it anymore for things hat are not my doing, or failings.

    I'm not trying to say you were right or wrong, but it's kinda BS to say you're above someone else and forgive them the second after delivering a long winded philippic against their person. I don't know if what you're saying is fair account of what happened, I only care in the train-wrecks-are-exciting sense, but either way delivering an insult to an asshole is still delivering an insult. Forgiveness doesn't look like how you've been acting towards PoC.

    Originally posted by HTS best final fantasy game

    Is that 9? I never finished because my janky emulator couldn't carry a save from disk 2 to 3 for some reason. 7 will always remain the best in my mind but 9 is a close second.

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