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The Retarded Thread: Get Rekt, Faggot!

  1. Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 Kolokol, will you marry me?

    We can do the ceremony with the rings and the cakes and champagne and the wedding dress but they said I'm "not permitted to sign legal paperwork without a mental health professional present"
  2. Originally posted by Lanny I guess so. Is there a particular reason you want to be banned though? You can always just log out.

    idk lol
  3. Originally posted by Kolokol-1 We can do the ceremony with the rings and the cakes and champagne and the wedding dress but they said I'm "not permitted to sign legal paperwork without a mental health professional present"

    Are you allowed to leave the country unsupervised? We can get married somewhere far off. How does Peru sound?
  4. Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 Are you allowed to leave the country unsupervised? We can get married somewhere far off. How does Peru sound?

    I'm not allowed to leave my house unsupervised

    But they don't have to know that. Peru sounds lovely
  5. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Lanny uhh…

    I didn't insult his character, simply stated the truth. He did some seriously vile things, some seriously awful things, has gone on to say even more hurtful things, then has the nerve to insist I actually did something to deserve those actions, when I didn't. I had a particularly rough day, and needed to be alone for a while- that was my awful offense to PoC. I did love PoC, and initially, I blamed myself, and beat myself up over feeling like I failed someone who was dear to me. It took me a bit to realize, with the help of a friend, no, I failed nobody, I was the only one who was failed as a friend, as a partner, and I shouldn't beat myself up over things I didn't cause, I didn't do. I admit when I'm wrong, and even have remorse for such, I just won't be doing it anymore for things hat are not my doing, or failings.
  6. Originally posted by Kolokol-1 I'm not allowed to leave my house unsupervised

    But they don't have to know that. Peru sounds lovely

    I'll pick you up at 7.
  7. Originally posted by hydromorphone You are a petty person, but you do vest a lot in the almighty dollar.

    "Frame" you? lol omg, you're a fucking idiot. I haven't "framed" anybody. I've said from the start, I believe it to be you OR my ex. Yes, it's speculation, based on facts. You did some seriously fucked up shit, abused my trust, manipulated, and tried to control me. THe emails came about around the same time as all this shit according to §m£ÂgØL. Why would I put that past you? I have no doubt you'd have wanted to make me out to be as bad as you can, if you thought you could. You lost any shred of respect for me when, exactly? After I told your mother you were a pedo? Oh, then why did you abuse my trust, and fuck with my account? Why did you do the other shit you did too, then? You pull stunts like that and you don't expect people to be pissed off and angry? Yeah, I said it out of anger, and I apologized. I thought about causing you real grief, doing some dirty shit, but no, I'm not as low as you. Shit, I thought you mom didn't even tell you. You found out because I can at least admit to my wrongs, even if I did have justification for doing those wrongs. You had zero justification for what you did. You threatened me because I wouldn't talk to you, because I COULDN'T at that time. You gave zero shits waaaay before that about me, because if you had, you'd have let me deal with my seizures, and just talked to me the next day or so. You acted like I owed it to you to talk to you then and there- When I didn't owe you fucking shit. What? Some fucking phone card I didn't even want? In my situation, having a cell phone ha brought me waaay more anxiety than it's worth for the people I live with and I told you that on several occasions before you bought it. You bought it for yourself, not for me. I took me a while thinking on that before I decided, why should I give you more than I already have given you?

    As for the instruments, I never asked for those back. I only said, after you had said so many times that you WANTED to send them back (to do with some such nonsense as not wanting to be reminded of me), then fine, I'd rather then back then you destroying them, as you said you would do if I wouldn't take them. I only asked for my father's leatherman back, that was it. I'd given it to you to hang on to, and a sign of my trust in you.

    Honor and dignity arent the same as being perfect, and I know I am far from a perfect person. I told you before, I don't lie to the people I love. That is my honor. I never lied to you, and stupidly enough, I did love you. My dignity was apologizing, and admitting to my wrongs, even when I had every reason in the world to do and say that, and more. I didn't love you mother, and yeah, in anger, that's what I told her. I mean hell, you and her have such a good relationship, it was stupid, because of course she won't believe that from some girl you were dating. The next day I'd ask you if she told you what'd I'd said, and you didn't even know, because she didn't even tell you. I apologized for that, and for the insults I'd said to you when you used that bullshit to hold over my head just so you could talk to me. Just because you needed to feel like a big man and dominate someone who'd given you all their trust, everything. You might look down on me for when I've prostituted (if you'd have only said you didn't want me to do that, and had a problem with me doing it, I wouldn't have, else I wouldn't have talked to you about it and been open about it- when the first time you just said "I'm not against it for the reasons you think I am" and elaborated that you were concerned for my safety, I respected that, and didn't bring it up again, or go against that, until a safe avenue came about, and at hat, I ask you if you had a problem with it and you said no.), or even my physical dependency to T-PAIN, but I never lied to YOU, I never took from you, or abused your trust- even now, and you know damned well I have things you'd prefer I didn't say- and I won't. You might say I have no way to do you dirty like you did me… it's neither here nor there, because I'm not as low as you, and I wouldn't.

    Since you want to mention the pedo thing here, why don't you tell me why you left threatening messages on my answering machine, called me over 15 times, threatened to chop my door down with an axe, harassed me on skype, doing all this when I said simply "I can't do this right now, I'm not well. I love you, I'll talk to you later, bye." when we were video chatting, then messaged 1337 when you couldn't get me to answer (dude, I seriously couldn't- I was having seizures, and had been all day. I'd messaged you that morning mentioning that I'd ha one before I left for my appointment. It wasn't like I made that shit up on the spot as an excuse, like you've insinuated I have. Even said before you called the first time, I felt that aura, like I was going to have another one.) to have him pass on the message of the fucked shit you'd done to me, being a petty and childish.

    You really are delusional, PoC, to sit here and act like I did anything to justify how you treated me. Surely, I wasn't perfect, but my faults as your girlfriend were mild, and simple faults, and never did I do anything in anger to hurt you. Even in our relationship, you belittled and demeaned me over the silliest and pettiest of shit. You say I "talked down" to you or whatever, which I never, ever did, and especially didn't intend to. You often would apologize after you treated me like shit, and every time… every single fucking time, I would forgive and even say you had no reason to apologize, and excuse your ill behavior toward me. Anything I said to you through that, I said to you as a friend, and someone I loved. I'm sorry you couldn't see that. I'm sorry you're too dense to see love when it sits before you. I'm sorry you're so sad and lonely, all you have in you is anger toward anyone that isn't sad and lonely like you.

    Tell me, Why are you so petty toward me? Really, what exactly did I do to deserve what you've done to me? What exactly did you lose, I mean… you message me saying I "teased" you with something you could never have (and if that meant love, well… you had it all that time, you were just too blind to see it. You had my honesty, and my loyalty too. If I wasn't an honest person, I wouldn't have even mentioned 1/10th of the shit I talked to you about. I can't help you were jealous of 1337, but at least at the time, you had no reason to feel threatened by him, and I tried every way I could to prove to you he wasn't a threat.)

    I forgive you though. I'm not petty like you and I won't hold onto anger.

    Nigga ain't nobody reading this bullshit
  8. Your boy's got a date tomorrow with a cutie off Bumble!
  9. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by just one more mongol you have autism

    lanny is deficient in vitamin D

    No shit, Sherlock.
  10. Originally posted by Captain Falcon Your boy's got a date tomorrow with a cutie off Bumble!

    you got a date with bumble (?)
  11. Bumble, the dating app
  12. oh.

  13. I feel like very few women would use an app like Bumble, and I don't know what to make of the ones that do. Let us know how it turns out.
  14. $500,000 hydro
  15. hydromorphone victim of incest [insincerely conduce my paisley]
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon Nigga ain't nobody reading this bullshit

  16. didn't read...

    ...listened to it spoken on ipad
  17. hydro will you date me after you get into an ass argument with 1337, i'll be your 4th totse fuck in a row you AIDS degenerate
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  18. $500,000 is only 10,000 blowjobs at $50. Not insulting your character, simply stating the truth.
  19. HTS highlight reel
    best final fantasy game

  20. CASPER Soldier of Fourchin
    Originally posted by 霍比特人说中文不好 In… LA?

    We definitely get the leaves falling here. This year is fucked though because it's been 70 so the grass and trees are still really green. They're confused :(

    I guess so. Its the very slight smell of like one person on the block lighting their fireplace and...idk if its trees or pollen or wtf, but every year around october, the air gets this...particular kind of fall smell, and it always brings back memories of being a teenager.

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