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Posts by SBTlauien

  1. SBTlauien African Astronaut
    I really only know some of the basics to be honests but finding serious security holes in important websites isnt very hard.
  2. SBTlauien African Astronaut
    I see some that would be good. Maybe we could start a donation thingy. I would pitch in a buck to have the name changed.
  3. SBTlauien African Astronaut
    Doesn't most fraud involve buying things on the internet? (inb4 every computer comes with a closed source chip reader required to make any purchases).

    No, the chip is to stop people from actually using cards in stores. I read that they expect online card fraud and bank fraud to rise due to the chip.
  4. SBTlauien African Astronaut
    From what I've read, it that each time you use the chip, a number is generated based on an algorithm that the banks hold, and this number is held for the next transaction. So if someone skims your card data when you use the card and then later sells it, if you used your card since it was skimmed, that number will have changed and the buyer of the data won't be able to successfully purchase goods.

    I'm not 100% clear on how it all works though. Is this number put back onto the card itself each time a transaction is made?
  5. SBTlauien African Astronaut
    This is how I have been starting it lately...

    private void startArpSpoof() {
    try {
    Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su");
    DataOutputStream os = new DataOutputStream(process.getOutputStream());
    os.writeBytes("echo '1' > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward\n");
    os.writeBytes(getFilesDir().getPath().toString() + "/arpspoof -t " + targetIpData.getText().toString() + " " + gatewayData.getText().toString() + "\n");
    os.writeBytes(getFilesDir().getPath().toString() + "/arpspoof -t " + gatewayData.getText().toString() + " " + targetIpData.getText().toString() + "\n");
    } catch (Exception e) {}

    However, I was using but it seemed to hang on certain commands and I couldn't execute another command using it because it was hung up on the first command.
  6. SBTlauien African Astronaut
    But OP some places won't allow that, I have seen in some shops the chip was dirty and they refused purchase ('go to the bank, get cash and come back')

    Maybe that's how it'll end up here...

    Another thing, is that the purchase was small. So maybe a large purchase would have been rejected. Most of the reactions the machines have to cards regard the issuer and their standard of procedures. The store/company doesn't actually have much do do with it.
  7. SBTlauien African Astronaut
    eh…kinda, like you implied. It was obviously stupid in the sense that I just up and quit; no warning or notice or anything like that, and I don't have another job lined up, and I have bills to pay, so essentially I just threw myself into a potentially shitty situation. On the other hand, there's no lack of job openings around here and I'm more than sure that I can have a new job by Tuesday. But yes I'm happy to not be working at a place where I was the only one who gave a shit and busted my ass while everyone else stood around fingering their assholes, yeah. XD

    I've done this myself before, but I also noticed a lot of job openings in my area. It actually usually turns out better in the long run. But I still think you should have tried to get fired. You could have clocked up and just fucked around all day long. Sleep on the job, mess things up, clock in and go to the bar for a beer(I actually did this at a job I had), showed up on drugs/drunk/experimenting with new drugs(I've done this quite a bit as well), pissed on shit(I've actually done this as well ), whatever your heart desires. I have more respect for people that go out this way rather than just quit. I have to assume that your management must have been good to you or something.
  8. SBTlauien African Astronaut
    So as you all know, I have this retail gig that I've been at for about six months now. This allows me to look at people's driver's licenses, checks, credit cards, even hear customer's SSN occasionally.

    A few months back the store changed out all of the card readers so that they can read the new chip cards. Basically, if someone tries to swipe a card, it may ask for them to insert their card so the chip can be read. Apparently, this seems to be based on the issuer, and according to customers, is random(but they could be full of shit).

    I had a customer attempt to pay for about $15 worth of items using his chip card. The register read "CARD ERROR". So the customer said, "I'll try to swipe it instead." After swiping it, it said "PLEASE INSERT CARD". I asked a manager what I should do, and he said to just type in the card info. So I went through the process, which had me type in the card number, expiration date, and the 3 digit security code on the back of the card, and it went through.

    So basically, if you have the card's number, expiration date, and three digit security code, you could just print out a card with a damaged chip, and spend away.
  9. SBTlauien African Astronaut
    My retail job is nuts. I just put items that are out of place, behind other big box items. I dump shit everywhere(inside cardboard displays, inside other items, under the shelfing). I think I actually create more work than I do. I also would like to not work.
  10. SBTlauien African Astronaut
    I honestly don't save that far ahead. I expect to die before I am at a retirement age and I actually kind of hope to die before I get that old.

    Not to mention all of the economy stuff going on right now. I wouldn't doubt it if it all crashes at one point and everyone losses their 401k and is SOL. But we still probably have at least 10 years until that happens.
  11. SBTlauien African Astronaut
    In the US we kind of do. We can usually get a deferred sentence on a first time misdemeanor.
  12. SBTlauien African Astronaut
    It would take some technical knowledge to set up and run. I don't have a link, but I think I may have read an article stating that this has all been patched and wont work. As far as getting the software onto the victims machine, are there any tutorials? I know it's asked a lot, but I have never really paid attention to it in the past.
  13. SBTlauien African Astronaut
    I ordered some film, hopefully it'll be at least somewhat correct.

    I have noticed that gloss is far too reflective, but it shows the colors really well, it's very transparent. Matte fades the colors and makes the black text look a bit less black which looks obvious, and it's not reflective at all. Satin doesn't look quite right either, but luster may be the correct choice.

    The main issue is that these rolls of film are like $400+ and most likely don't have a refund if it's not correct.

    I have also tried applying chemicals to these laminates in order to fade them, but no success. I even tried rubbing coffee grinds on them and letting them dry for weeks but it just washes out and leaves no stain.
  14. SBTlauien African Astronaut
    267GB, goog god.

    This may help in understanding how this works...
  15. SBTlauien African Astronaut
    I don't know shit about any of this, but would this be better using C rather than Python? Just curious.
  16. SBTlauien African Astronaut
    I've got a little Android program I am making and it'll ARP Spoof and SSL Strip as well as some other things.

    The user can chose a pinged IP, and ARP spoof it, and then watch/record using TCPdump. TCPdump in my app can watch/record multiple interfaces and/or IP address, and each one is separated from each other.

    I'd like to set up the ARP spoofing, so that I can chose a pinged IP and ARP spoof it, chose a second pinged IP and ARP spoof it, chose third IP and ARP spoof it, then maybe decide to stop the ARP spoofing of the second IP that I had chosen.

    Can I achieve this by issuing multiple commands to ARPSPOOF or is ARPSPOOF only going to work for one box at a time?



    arpspoof -t
    arpspoof -t

    arpspoof -t
    arpspoof -t

    arpspoof -t
    arpspoof -t

    If YES, the only way I know how to stop ARP spoofing, is to issue a "killall arpspoof" command, which will stop all. Is there way to stop just one of these?
    .....If NO, I may be able to killall, remove that IP from the arraylist, and then restart all of the arpspoofs again, but it'd create a disturbance in the ongoing spoofs.
    .....If YES, how?

    If NO, would it be possible to change some of the code for ARPSPOOF to make this possible?
    .....If YES, would this slow down the network.
    .....If NO, I guess I'll only ARP spoof one box at a time...
    ..........If NO, go to jail.
  17. SBTlauien African Astronaut
    You should have claimed that you never received it and you would have paid nothing. You can also torrent those books.
  18. SBTlauien African Astronaut
    I forgot to ask, if you have used a die cutter on laminates, what do the edges look like after punching it out? Are they straight, or do they angle?
  19. SBTlauien African Astronaut
    Now that I work in retail, I get to look at a lot of licenses including out of state licenses. I have noticed that Oregon, Utah, and Texas all use the same type of laminating pouch. I am almost 100% certain that Oregon uses teslin. Texas licenses look matte rather than the slight shininess that Oregon and Utah has.

    I still can't figure out where to buy these pouches from, if I even can. These pouches are laminated closed on the edges, and the front edge is sharp, while the back edge somewhat curves towards the front.

    The closest my friend has come to replicating these, is by carefully sanding down the edges of the teslin at a 45 degree angle, laminating, and then use an iron to melt the back edges of the laminating pouch towards the front, so that it melts in the front pouch at the edges. This doesn't come out pretty, although my friend has a good idea on how she could make it come out nicely.

    Does anyone know where these could be bought or have an idea on how they could be replicated?
  20. SBTlauien African Astronaut
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