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Remote Control System - Galileo

  1. #1
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Hacking Team's flagship software Galileo-RCS has been cracked. Researchers at Hyperion have managed to get the software to run without the required liscense and hardware security dongle. And now so can you should you so desire.

    Here's all the RCS source code.

    RCS Backend DB.
    RCS External Libraries.
    RCS Console
    RCS Common Components
    RCS Collector
    RCS Backdoor
    RCS Agent for Windows 32
    RCS Agent for Windows 64
    RCS Agent for Linux
    RCS Agent for Mac
    RCS Agent for iOS
    RCS Agent for Blackberry
    RCS Agent for Symbian
    RCS Agent for Android
    RCS Agent for Windows Mobile

    You can simply pull the files/installer directly from the data dump the torrent for which can be found here.

    Or here.
  2. #2
    What exactly does this software do?
  3. #3
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    What exactly does this software do?

    Complete take-over of computer systems, including mobile phones. Though mainly it's used for eaves-dropping. This is some NSA grade shit :)
  4. #4
    SBTlauien African Astronaut
    267GB, goog god.

    This may help in understanding how this works...
  5. #5
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    267GB, goog god.

    This may help in understanding how this works…

    Lol the data dump has a lot of other crap including some rootkits and 0days that have since been patched unforunately. Might be fun to write a metasploit module for them regardless for the times you encounter an unpatched system.

    Good link by the way.
  6. #6
    Yup this decides it I'm never using a computer again shits gonna get real cray real quick.
  7. #7
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    Yup this decides it I'm never using a computer again shits gonna get real cray real quick.

    Installing and getting this software to function properly does not strike me as a task just anyone with a computer could achieve.
  8. #8
    Installing and getting this software to function properly does not strike me as a task just anyone with a computer could achieve.

    I dunno man. I would wait for spectrals take on this. He does a lot of computers so im sure he could preach it too us about how the head developer of the software is doing injustice or some such poppycock.

    Either way, I am almost sure I couldnt do it. so Im shitposting rampantly.
  9. #9
    SBTlauien African Astronaut
    It would take some technical knowledge to set up and run. I don't have a link, but I think I may have read an article stating that this has all been patched and wont work. As far as getting the software onto the victims machine, are there any tutorials? I know it's asked a lot, but I have never really paid attention to it in the past.
  10. #10
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    It would take some technical knowledge to set up and run. I don't have a link, but I think I may have read an article stating that this has all been patched and wont work. As far as getting the software onto the victims machine, are there any tutorials? I know it's asked a lot, but I have never really paid attention to it in the past.

    After you build an agent with the options you have defined in the 'factory' as they call it you're going to have an executable. What you can do then is encode the executable to bypass AV(Even if it has definitions for this particular trojan) using this totally awesome python tool or something similar-> PeCloak and then bind the executable to a legitimate one using exejoiner and spread via your desired vector. Torrents, social engineering or whatever, maybe you could even set up a website that gives an innocent looking popup with an option to click 'ok' then when it is clicked it downloads and executes your implant.
  11. #11
    Merlin Houston
    I'm surprised this is still on github. lel
  12. #12
    Sophie Pedophile Tech Support
    I'm surprised this is still on github. lel

    Github doesn't afraid of anything.
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