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Posts by Dissociator

  1. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by inert_observer and it's cogs are oiled with THC

    fuck you. you insult and degrade anyone whos taste in drugs isn't like yours (oh man its ultra exciting talking to one of them o natural elitist fags, its been so long)

    your machine sucks because it uses a primitive form of cannabinoid
    thc? partial agonist? lel

    thc is like the subutex of cannabinoids while spice is the heroin
  2. Dissociator African Astronaut
    black face like a nigger or like a shadow?
  3. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Oh wow, the good ol days. First time I ever used suboxone
  4. Dissociator African Astronaut
    wow nice way to boost your post count, scraggly ThreeG
  5. Dissociator African Astronaut
    wow 2015
    also I like that static, its like a representation of kava visulios
  6. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by JĎ…icebox Phenylpiracetam+citicoline are the only nootropics that work for me so far

    Also flmodafinil works great, but I don't consider that a nootropic as much as a classical stimulant

    must suck to have 2 shitty nootropics be the only ones that work for you

    for me I prefer NAD+, phenibut, phenelzine, T-PAIN, nicotine
  7. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country Not that I noticed. But in fairness I never noticed an effect from nootropics either. Maybe my noticing is just wrong.

    I do notice that SSRIs and assorted stimulants at the right, moderate dosages help.

    >assorted stimulants
    like what, yohimbine, ephedrine, caffeine?
    or like, amphetamine, d-deprenyl (YES IT EXISTS AND ITS GLORIOUS)
  8. Dissociator African Astronaut
    its made me irritable before
  9. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by gadzooks Oh ok. Age might have been a significant factor. My first time with hallucinogens (shrooms) was at 18.

    And even then, it was overwhelming.

    Idk I was 13 when I first did bundy and it was the correct amount of whelming
    did a true psychedelic for the first time at 15, it was either 4-aco-dmt or bk-2cb
    underwhelming but the hallucinations were ok
  10. Dissociator African Astronaut
    get them to do said halluinogens
  11. Dissociator African Astronaut
    get him to form a religion like/join trianglism
    Sometimes on certain stims id never shut up other times I was so locked in prism i couldnt move except for typing tirnalgism
  12. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I incorporate trianglism into my branch of wicca

    I have this on a talisman
  13. Dissociator African Astronaut
    No its not stupid at all
    when you know the chemical
    specifically shit like am-2201 and nm-2201 or, originally created by pfizer as an analgesic, theyre really good highs trust me

    dont smoke street spice tho
    get mr baggie
  14. Dissociator African Astronaut
    BTW for anyone that thinks my rehab stint is just eh whatever
    I've been in over 30 rehabs in the past 12 months. I was forced into rehab by the psychward at home, and my parents. Long story short, I had one psychotic break on lsd and coke where I tried to cut my stomach open, threw a rock through my window and made my dad write sissy on his stomach and scream like a banshee infront of my house and if he didnt comply I'd throw rocks at him. anyway, I got psychwarded. Despite being stable for a month, my parents convinced them I was paranoid schizo, by mentioning all the times I beat my dad up in the past 10 years, but failed to mention that my dad would get drunk and beat me up starting from age 10 and when I was old enough to defend myself I did. Every time I defended myself my dad would call the cops, tell them I started the fight and that hes an innocent old man and I'd get psychwarded. happened about 20 times from age 13 to 19.

    anyways, the hospitals solution was either a)I go down to florida for rehab, get off methadone and be 100 percent sober or b) get to stay on methadone but go to the state hospital longterm (the doc said longterm means anywhere from 6 months to multiple years)

    As soon as I got to florida, on april 4th 2018, I was put in a rigorous detox program to get off 210mg of methadone in 7 days using a subutex taper of 12 to 2mg over a week. The withdrawal was MISERY. After a week I was put into that programs PHP track, where I stayed for 2 weeks until I completed and got a certificate of completion (I ythought I was done there, thats all I needed to show the judge and my parents that I'm good. Well, not enough. They sent me to an IOP. On my first day, I bought meth from homeless people near my halfway and stole booze for them and got shitfaced with homeless methies all day. Came home to my halfway at like 10pm. Was good until I was woken up at like midnight. Apparently I vomited all over the room, including all over my face, clothes, even on the halfway houses pet cat. they got butthurt and kicked me out and I got sent to another php where I stayed for like 45 days.
    That was the worst so far. Dealing with the post acute withdrawal from methadone, not even knowing they had suboxone maintenance programs. anyway, I started doing ok at this php I was at, doing good on effexor. Laughing and shit.. still was dealiung with painful PAWS… Towards the end of my stay there the doctor suggested I go on an MAOI. I was ecstatic about the idea. He put me on selegeline patch. Turns out the patch doesnt metabolise into meth like the pills do. I didnt know selegeline was non serotonergic, the doc apparently didnt know either, he took me off effexor cold turkey

    I started sleeping through group every day ,extremely miserable. One of the therapists was like guys, this guy obviously is suffering. and got me transfered to my first MAT program.
    got put on 8mg suboxone a day there and 6mg klonopin. AWESOME.
    lasted like 2 days before the junkies there started hating me .I told one dude who was trying to start a fight i would rape him in his sleep, and the staff segregated me by putting me in a house on the IOP side of the compound. completely abandoned except for me. The other patients hated me.. lasted for another day until I got in a fight with some dude.. then his girlfriend hit me. I stood my ground, I was like CMON BITCH HIT ME AGAIN.
    anyways, they considered me threatening and kicked me out for assaulting a girl, evem though I just stood there. was baker acted and put into the psychward where I detoxed offsuboxone and klonopin.

    This was only my first like 2 months in florida. see all the shit ive been through. Ive been homeless abunch of times down here, ended up with a necrotic tooth infection that almost killed me, a broken jaw from a fight, etc. and all this, and now im sober

    (if schplew was in similar circumstances he'd be dead within the first week)
  15. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by GGG T-PAIN free acid is just 'normal' T-PAIN, and its bio-availability is shit.

    yeah. doesnt work at all. unless shot up, maybe works better. I bought it once, its not caustic/acidic/terrible at all like the sulf or sodium salt is
  16. Dissociator African Astronaut
    >cowboy murder
  17. Dissociator African Astronaut
    yeah kind of. good job
  18. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by GGG Translation:

    All is good right now generally okay i just sniffed right before. And I feel pretty ok maybe I should cut out the sniffy linings for a day or so while I conduct a scientifically sound experiment -

    1. Does bupropion affect the function of MAOIs (phenylzine)
    2. Yes, it increases general stimulation but fucks with certain mechanism
    2. Experiment day 1 of nardil I previously inssuflated 200mg
    *bupropion (reading previous notes, nardil reduced bupro comedown murder
    with stimulation higher affinity trumps all (when referring to NDRI/NDRA)

    Nardil (km-0.2-6am) bidding affinity to imidazoline preferring receptors

    Hard to compare affinities to a
    comparing NDRI
    and MAOI is like apples and oranges. Lets try seeing it.

    MDOO metabolic phenethylamine (normally inactive activated crossing BBBB by MAORI)
    onga B-PEA (>NDRA) reduce DA (>or MRA) nbaylimbis opthar

    enthralled BA of 100em -> Significant incase in stimulation

    B-phenethylamine reduces release/ inhibits uptake

    Bupropion -> 630am subpar DA release
    Sooo… Nardil)PEA > Buproion analy sir:
    Sa la my rose, w^ (shorthand for snorting wellbutrin does not significantly alter maoi action
    of BAEA dopaite release from MAOI metabolic… shen
    Mer De MAOs Liperlan in my cave has little allergy often

    Conclusion Bupropion does not affect action of MAOUS, therefore,

    snorting welbutrin on an maoi is a good idea
  19. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DietPiano How many days you got left?

    If your abusing experimenting with your scripts it's a red flag that you haven't done enough research yet.

    3-5 days
  20. Dissociator African Astronaut
    SUBTYPES? D1,D2,D3,D4,OR D5
    BETA adrenergic or beta adrenergi?
    do you know how AUTORECEPTORS WORK?

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