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Posts by Dissociator

  1. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Famous ones atleast im trying to think of all the ones i can

    Max's kansas city in NY
    stone pony in asbury park NJ
    Mudd club in NY
    brighton bar in i think long branch NJ
    CBGB in NY
  2. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Thanks for reminding me I missed the only descendents show I ever wouldve been able to attend when they played in asbury park nj at the stone pony aka one of 4 amazing music clubs in the country

    Mudd club, max's kansas city, stone pony.. uhhh
  3. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Less than jake played there
  4. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Descendents played at coachella once

    Ive been to warped tour in 2014
  5. Dissociator African Astronaut
    At one of my rehabs in florida the owners name was Hotse and at the hospital when I had rhabdo my doctors name was dr Botse

  6. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by WellHung Do you enjoy levoamphetamine? Because you weren't getting dextroamphetamine from those inhalers.

    Those are vicks inhalers
    Benzedrex is propylhexedrine
  7. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Ive stolen about 45 benzedrex inhalers and maybe 10 pairs of panties from walmad successfully
  8. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Im pretty sure I overdosed on stims during benzo wd to try to die but instead I just had seizures and rhabdo instead

    Something is making me think I wouldn't make a dysphoric bonehead move like that for fun
    99 percent sure I tried to kms
  9. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Also BOOM im using my lunch tray alcohol towlette to disinfect everything so I dont get sepsis.
  10. Dissociator African Astronaut
    First pic is what i unscrewed to suck thru 2nd pic is what I removed to sublingual
  11. Dissociator African Astronaut
  12. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by hydromorphone The small amount of air bubbles won't kill you. They actually inject saline with small air bubbles into people to check for a heart condition that could kill divers. It takes 10+ cc of air to kill someone anyway.

    As for sublingually using bupe? Why? Is it really better that way? I'd think IV would be better… IDK anything about bupe though. I'd just IV my dilaudid through my IV/picc line though. Or collect the dilaudid from my PCA pump and get a healthy shot.

    Why are you hospitalized?

    Hospitalized because of rhabdo.
    They dont just IV the bupe its 8mg infused over an hour but not even all of it goes through... half the fluid is left in the bag when the infusion thing beeps anyway
  13. Dissociator African Astronaut
    So my bupe IV never finishes in the hospital before they unplit it.. for the past few days ive been too much of an idiot to realize I can just suck the IV fluid out and sublingual whats left... analyzed the machine thing/iv pump thing for 10 minutes, first tried sucking it out of the port that connects to my iv thing on my arm.. no go.. sucking on it prob created air bubbles which might kill me but whatev

    So I just ripped the bag out of the iv spike and lo and behold there was like 2 mouthfuls of bupe/naCl fluid left.. wow... swished that shit around for a while and now im hi.. cool
  14. Dissociator African Astronaut

    Ive slept literally like 20 hours becsuse this morning I had to REMIND MY NURSE to give me nardil since I broufht it in she was like UHH NOO HONEY ONLY WHATEVERS ON THE LIST

    Good thing I flirt with my night nurse who actually took 45 minutes of her own time to correct it in the computer and triple dosed me
  15. Dissociator African Astronaut
  16. Dissociator African Astronaut
    All my f****** memory comes back since April 23rd, down to the last moment of Consciousness I had before slowly growing catatonic and at the same time developing rabdomiolisis from combining monoamine oxidase inhibitors and research chemical stimulants, I remember I ran through the last benzo prescription the rehab gave me in a couple of days. And then frantically trying to find the hook up that my rehab doctor gave me, apparently I lost the reference on the flight or something and told my mom that my rehab doctor had a colleague right where I was living. She didn't f****** believe me because I was already delirious and benzo withdrawal so she haphazardly find me a shity doctor at the last minute who wouldn't even prescribed me benzos. I spent maybe one or two days binge drinking with kava trying to Quantum Leap and beat time by cheating benzo withdrawal but it just wouldn't work. From the 23rd to the 27th I slept, having Mash on Loop through a streaming service. Since I was so f***** up when I woke up I tried to smoke a cigarette outside of my new home and some old lady was yelling at me saying I couldn't smoke on premises because it was a Housing Development. For some reason I thought I was on bundy and I freaked out. Apparently that next day was spent begging my mom for Fenty Beauty and to try to fill my Gabapentin early. Pass out again woke up in the middle of the night with Gabapentin, despite shoveling dozens of those and baclofen so I still couldn't beat the benzo withdrawal. So I saw the doctor on Thursday and got Subs but by Sunday I couldn't remember anything I kept asking my mom to date and the month and that's when my body started to fail. By Tuesday or Wednesday I think I was in the ICU, where I stayed for a few days with rhabdo. I abused the hospitals IV Ativan and one of the doctors realized I was in severe benzo withdrawal. The rhabdo went away with fluids and the benzo withdrawal curbed with a taper.. Now I'm on a general floor

    Maois brought my memory back.

    Most of this was audio dictated hopefully if theres nonsense my phone couldnt translate someoke can for me.

    General chain of events is right dates might be wrong
  17. Dissociator African Astronaut
    During benzo wd
  18. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I got rhabdo from overexerting my fat fuck self on phenelzine
  19. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Last day before I went near dead was April 23rd. Went from 6mg Ativan a day for like six months to zero, went from sleeping three days to confused to unable to feel my body to catatonic to hospital to rhabdo diagnosis... I was in the ER for maybe a minute or two before triage sorted me to icu for being fully paralyzed and unable to talk, I remember extremely high CPk levels and second rhabdo diagnosis in life.l or third idk.. I’ve spent days with memory loss but the catatonia deaf blind thought loops days ago were fuuuckdd.

    I’m on a Valium taper rn I might post more when my hands start to get more dexterity
  20. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Anyway, at first when I woke up I knew I NEEDED something to get me through the day... downers.. no, at least, what I have in terms of downers is a fucking joke. I'm pretty sure the fact that all meds were low, and not even one was full as it said on the bottle, was sketchy. I was told directly by the nurse that doctors orders and certain policies are to supply patients with enough medicine to get them through a reasonable time to find a psychiatrist/ maintenance doctor. I was told by my social worker and my therapist, both of them, that THEY would set up an aftercare plan, then as my discharge date became closer, it became, we would ASSIST in an aftercare scenerio. Then after telling them straight up, Listen, I didn't ask you to help me with my plans at home, but YOU offered, and I leave tomorrow and NOTHING AT ALL has happened.So after asking about 20 times, because this place is disorganized as fuck, I was told they needed to fax over proof of patient documents and the doctor would talk/fax/email/mail/telegram the opioid maintenence place I planned to go to. On the day of discharge, I got NOTHING. 10 MINUTES BEFORE LEAVING FOR THE AIRPORT. I FOUND THIS CHICKEN SHIT BALD FACE LIAR AND WASTER OF 12 MONTHS OF TIME AND THE FACT THAT AT THAT PLACE, THE ONLY EFFORT I EVER MADE ENSUED. He gave me a sheet with FAX in big letters with info about my meds. He said its a copy of the fax that they sent over.

    a copy of a fax. ok. what? no proof?
    what about the doctor? hes the one who needs to send over my med info
    uh.... idk..

    so I arrive at home. Open up my pill bottles

    23 ativan, 3 a day
    a week and 4/24 days. Ok. I'll call this doctor and get verification that the fact was sent over
    I call the doc. They never heard of any such thing
    so I get a week plus a morning dose the next day.
    yeah stupid me for taking an extra like 4 when i first got them.. about 4 days ago I realized I was fucked and went to straight 0 a day detox.. to level out my pills so if I have any anxiety I got some

    anyway im stuck with yogi kava tea... oh and snorting bupes because I got like 70% of my script and i take 20mg a day, so i just snort em

    wtf was I talking about
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