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Posts by Dissociator

  1. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Wicca and witchcraft is real. I'm surprised more people don't try it. They probably reject it as soon as they hear about it thinking its for edgy emo linkin park teens or that its just ridiculous superstition. But honestly, read into alister crowley's books or the original wiccan, Gerald Gardner. shit is real. energy manipulation is used all the time in buddhism, meditation, the bogus "law of attraction" theory, in prayer, etc.
  2. Dissociator African Astronaut
    yeah if you want a burnt butt.
    also at ^ T-PAIN free acid does NOTHING at all. a "free acid" isn't even a thing. theyre implying its analogous/synonymous with the opposite of a freebase. its not.
  3. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I never used the metal bowl for scaling. Lost it when I first got the scale. Pretty much just calibrated it with a bottle cap on it and measured with that. Or dumped drugs straight onto it,.
  4. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Yes I have. currently its in storage encrusted with syncan sticky residue and permanently stuck on T-PAIN residue
  5. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by CASPER Nah he's still a junkie. He's just 10 years away from realizing it.

    Nigga you think you're the first awkward, high school age dude to snort pills, drink a bunch of cough syrup and brew up some devils trumpet for an impromptu drive to the airport?

    I was dodging holographic cheetahs in a Beamer back when you were fisting cheerios in high chairs with Lupita.

    (True story)

    I'm 20 and currently in an inpatient rehab (luckily I have access to a computer). Hopefully you caught glimpse or followed the splooshambo antics of 2014-2018 because they were fucking GOLD. Those days are over now I'm CLEAN and going home in 4 days,.
  6. Dissociator African Astronaut
  7. Dissociator African Astronaut
    ooh. clever

    you couldve said

    in the sky with diamonds
    or something referencing that 60s show bout that ditz chick
  8. Dissociator African Astronaut
    thats a misuse of the word sublime, buddy
  9. Dissociator African Astronaut

    herez some nonsensikla lyrik: thought my eyes and it was
    but apparently i was wrong
    if i could help it i would not fixing myself
    i was so tough on myself
    when i was 13 i thought
    put myself on a shelf
    family important and repressed and went crazy
    now im lazy
    im in a daze

    i know its not a phase
    when you look in my face you can tell theres something without a trace
    you dont know what my names gonna be now
    you dont know me now

    you fucking thought you were someone that would end up like the normal kid
    but normalcy doesnt exist its just nothing

    we're all the same and we should love eachother but
    the world doesnt work like that

    if only it did I wouldnt sin i wouldnt commit any crime no time to whine
    you wouldnt have the time and be late to work
    rush hour and time and your phones out of power

    you got a sour taste and its so sour
    you go to get bumfucked and you get a patdown but
    forever they dont realize they feel you up with a grin on their face
    you walk into a story and then they dont accept you
    then they dont regret you
    they just wanna inject you

    they call me regrets
    the great recession
    a new session
    in my house
    put on a blouse
    they think im just a repression

    so long time i thought being different was a sin
    now i realize i was wrong i was different back then
    so many chemicals its like toxic roulette
    muriatic acid in my skull

    be yourself
    they say it not ashame

    you cant learn this in school
    even when they teach you tolerance
    its just like the dare program
    you wont stop doing drugs

    you gotta discover yourself on your own
    if you have anyone alone
    you can get someone else to help you

    but im lonely
    i dont have to wonder why im so fucking lonely


  10. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL "Never tell them where the line is, because if they know where it is, they will want to get so near it that they can snort it. Better to keep the line a secret." ~ zok
  11. Dissociator African Astronaut
    anyone in a 12 step program is a junkie
    an unstablized drug cadet that knows hes a flippyfloppy drug future-cadaver is a self aware user-loser, but not a junkoy
  12. Dissociator African Astronaut
  13. Dissociator African Astronaut
  14. Dissociator African Astronaut
    A biblical name

    last name: of zomeone that would zell you a houze or zome zhit
  15. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Recently I started getting into wicca, and a few days ago I came up with a spell called "the cunt directive"
    I'm at an inpatient facility and a bunch of the nurses let me take my meds an hour early cause u know, I'm pretty cool.
    Anyway a nurse wasn't cooperating with what I wanted so I made this spell
    "Cunt directive"
    to cast power over those in my path, influence their minds to serve me
    "espite your invalid attitude, mind over matter, power over fued. The solution lies within, I figuratively be penetrateth your weak mind and cunt, bring my intentions to the front"

    anyways, 2 days later she accidentally gave me an extra dose of subutex. LOL NOW SHE FUCKED UP. I reported this mistake to her superiors and she got fired.

    Proof witchcraft works? I think so.
  16. Dissociator African Astronaut
    lol lil lung boi
    cant smoke cigs cant smoke weed
    got little lungs cant hardly breath
  17. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I was raised roman catholic, spent my EDGY early teen years atheist, then trianglist. I denounced trianglism about 2 months ago realizing its a ridiculous drug inspired pseudo-spiritual poorly connected string of bundy ether entities and whenever I tried to add non esoteric, or atleast slightly applicable to life... I don't know, I'm rambling. Trianglism still was pretty cool to form and the entire works of it is on

    Whats everyones opinion on witchcraft and wicca? I mean, theres a hell of alot of energy in the universe and within us, ready to be manipulated in all ways.. like at churches when hundreds of people are praying to the same god, theres energy there being produced, and their God brings forth good feelings.. I believe whichever religion or spiritual practices you believe in, as long as you fully believe and practice them with all of your soul you'll benefit from them.

    Wicca itself is pretty cool in my opinion because you directly state what you want to do and carry it out through spells.. I'm currently waiting on runes in the mail, talismans and pentacles.. white magick is probably what I'll start with
  18. Dissociator African Astronaut
    once you are unable to pay for your drugs and result to prostitution or drug dealing, you are a junkie
    once you start dropping your normie friends and hang out with crackwhores and junkies in trap houses, youre a junkie
    when you cant control your fucking life on drugs, you. are. a. junkie.
  19. Dissociator African Astronaut
    If you're like wtf is this, its an experience report for an MAOI, unfinished. Posting it on here as a draft, transcribed from notes, will update live

    11:21am 30mg phenelzine, oral
    Current AM regimen:
    8:30am- 600mg gabapentin, oral
    20mg baclofen, oral
    2mg lorazepam, oral
    8mg buprenorphine, sublingual
    *200mg bupropion
    * (bupropion 200mg insufflated between 9 and 11 am)
    Preface: I currently suffer from severe treatment resistant depression, ADHD, and anhedonia. I speculate the cause, or atleast, what has increased the severity of my ailments significantly, is 7 years of drug use. Started with amphetamine 15mg taken sparingly at age 13, and alprazolam, also experimented with. I started using these drugs to treat my lack of motivation and severe depression at the time, manifesting itself also to severe anxiety 24/7 and panic attacks multiple times a day. I would self medicate successfully for about a year, before my father noticed i was pilfering his pill bottles. At that point, I would go through severe benzodiazepine withdrawal that would land me in the hospital.

    At that time, with nothing else but finding the occasional benzo on the floor or something, I moved on to bundy. I could write paragraphs and paragraphs, an entire full length memoir on my bundy use but for the purpose of this article, I'm just going to say, I did bundy heavily from age 13 to 15.

    After starting on that, In late 2013, age 14 I discovered propylhexedrine, which I had gone on to abuse for a good 4 years. I believe this is the problem, in terms of why I have lasting anhedonia.

    I also have possible (probable) neurological damage from use of synthetic cannabinoids, research stimulants, psychedelics, and the like.

    Anyways, thats a short drug history and reasons as to why I'm so fucked up.
    11:34. +13 minutes since dose
    I'm starting to feel initial effects of motivation, as I would not have typed all that up if not for the effects of this drug. I had come down off bupropion at around 11am so I should currently be feeling like shit. A noticable stimulation, and a fuzzy feeling in my stomach.

    When I am approaching or experiencing euphoria sometimes, Theres a remarkable feeling in the stomach, and a weird semismile that it causes.. as I am stoic naturally, I'm not very good at expressing emotion so that might be why the smiling is so foreign.

    As a note for readers: I am NEVER this motivated to write unless under the influence of some sort of stimulant, and never have the clarity and relaxation to put forth into a concentrated project without a strong anxiolytic. It may be due to my current sobriety.. I live in an inpatient residential facility, on benzodiazepine (6mg lorazepam) and bupe. Maintenance.
    12:41 + 80 mins
    I'm definately starting to feel a calming, tranquil yet motivating antidepressant effect. Maybe it was a mistake insufflating ~80mg bupropion about now, will definately muddy up the discernment of effect from high from baseline. Eh whatever
  20. Dissociator African Astronaut
    i wanna get fucked by the biggest cock on a man i can find
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