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Posts by Dissociator

  1. Dissociator African Astronaut
    there are 4 genders, dom female, sub female, male, and transsexual which is really just a hermaphrodite with oversexed female characteristics
  2. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by aldra when sonic met pinhead

    what do u mean
  3. Dissociator African Astronaut
    ok I finished coloring in the transsexual one
  4. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I don't have a scanner so I have to manually edit out the camera artifacts that dirty up the clarity... anyway all of these pics are a work in progress, they'll look much better when theyre final. also as I get better at digital inking itll look less amateur and possibly I can move into the field of alien porn

    submissive and dominant females

    paper says:

    The vintari
    4 genders
    male: normal, dominant, medium size penis, 3 testicles. average height 7'4-7'6

    submissive female: 2 vaginas, 3 tits, small butt usually, short neck, style of hair usually long. average height 6'5-6'9

    dominant female: 1 vagina, 2 tits, long neck, big butt, short hair usually.. average height 6'9-7'3


    transsexual/hermaphrodite: more sexualized than sub. women and dom. women.
    more estrogen, slightly less testosterone than men and women
    third hormone: flunophesylnorverone: third sex hormone/telepathic hormone. allows gender to read minds, read emotions, to lock onto a persons sexual urges and synchronize with them, making them near irresistable
    penis: where human penis is located. average length 6-12 inches flaccid. 14-18 inches erect
    vagina, incapable of housing children.
  5. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DietPiano Lie detected.

    Doctors don't know that desoxyn exists.

    yeah well this guy does. he put me on fuckin nardil. in a rehab.
  6. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DietPiano what is kosh? The cops stole my baggie, and idk if they charged me with possesion of them or not. Iowa was like the first state to illegalize syncans because some high school kid shot himself on them, so they're probably illegaler there. Also, Chuck Grassley, the Iowa senator was one of the architects of the SITSA analogue banning bill, which thankfully got shot down due to some impressive lobbying.

    We dodged a big one there.

    kosh is nm-2201 and AB-CHFUPYCA
  7. Dissociator African Astronaut
    ok. I did subs for a good like 6 months, a strip at a time, like 2-3 times a week. then quit opiates for a year.. eventually relapsed on oxy ended up on methadone 180, ended up detoxing off methadone, sober from opies for like 5 months, couldnt deal with PAWS now im on subutex again, 24mg
  8. Dissociator African Astronaut
    the uppers I take are nardil, wellbutrin, ropinirole. good medication
  9. Dissociator African Astronaut
    yeah right now I take baclofen 60mg a day and gaba 2400 a day, along with 24mg subutex a day
  10. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DietPiano also flushed some baclofen, which i regret terribly because I love me some baclofen.

    dude how could you let pussy control your drugbrainmind? flushing lyrica AND baclofen? especially the baclofen???? wtf!!!!.

    Yeah I've abused it on several occasions of doses well above 200mg... at some point you get so faded you just start losing the ability to.. move. you get fuckin paralyzed straight into a lucid dream. feels identical to phenibut minus certain.. slick, shiny psychedelic euphoric feels... baclofen is like an adjunct euphoriant as opposed to phenibut which is a standalone rec. high
  11. Dissociator African Astronaut
    by anhydrous you mean pure form right? like a freebase or a hcl if it comes in that form?

    ethylphenidate and dexmethylphenidate hcl powder both have a nice taste when sniffed, EPH burns like fuck but d-mph is like, I cant explain it. the smoothest substance to snort. no burn, dissolves perfect. tastes like cardboard time machine
  12. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DietPiano Yeah, I think the key here is I'm talking about the anhydrous form of drugs, so while Crouton and some benzos do taste ok, idk if the pure Crouton alkaloids themselves would taste nice or not. I agree that ativan, bupe, and probably klonopin from what I've heard (never had it) taste decent. cbd isolate doesn't taste half bad either.

    Tobacco certainly tastes pretty nice when smoked, and dip is an acquired taste. Snus tastes better and you don't have to spit hardly. I'm sure anhydrous spice probably don't taste too great, but idk.

    Can you still buy original K2 syncans on the deep net? Caffeine tastes good mixed with coffee, pop, and tea, but itself is pretty bitter.

    yeah. I haven't tried because fuck bitcoin, but I very highly doubt you wouldnt be able to find jwh, am-2201, CP-55940, and WIN-52 on the deepweb, you can probably find dozens of cannabinoids.

    On the clearweb you can get a pretty good selection of cannabinoids, I know Mr. Baggie uses strictly MAM-2201 and NM-2201, and the sites that are like '''' or '''', shit like that, they got an assorted mixture of all the legal, and likely, illegal cannabinoids too. I used to have it down to a T to a vendor as to which spice brands they had contained which chem, due to me being familiar with about 10 different cannabinoid feels and associated them with others experience and binding affinities, thsoe were fun days
  13. Dissociator African Astronaut
    WTF? I even mentioned to him.. "listen.. I know you have a degree and shit.. but I'm just reminding you.. you got me on 3 dopaminergics bro" he was like "Joe, your case of anhedonia is one of the most severe I've seen in 27 years of seeing patients. If I weren't bound by the constraints of rehab center prescribing standards, I would have you on desoxyn"

    well ok then
  14. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Grylls idgaf how it tastes as long as it feels good

    I always knew you were a faggot

    thats how u feel about cock I bet faggot
  15. Dissociator African Astronaut
    No one invented botox. It's an extracted version of botulism. All it is is the toxin that botulism releases to fuck up your face lookin.
  16. Dissociator African Astronaut
    wait how could you possibly get bamboozled into flushing lyrica? ITS FUCKING LYRICA. GABAPENTIN DOUBLEPLUSGOOD BRAJ WTF
  17. Dissociator African Astronaut
    klonopin, ativan, spice, I think subutex tastes ok, tobacco (the maoi aftertaste), I think khrattum tastes ok
  18. Dissociator African Astronaut

  19. Dissociator African Astronaut
    no its written in english the spot fix fucked it up
  20. Dissociator African Astronaut

    oh you, windows 10
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