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Posts by Dissociator

  1. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Oh! We're having a heatwave, a tropical heatwave
    The temperature's rising, it isn't surprising
  2. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Three toed sloth
  3. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by DietPiano You literally smoke weed (or have within a couple week) and do reddit drugs and say that i need to grow up and stop using using drugs when I havent for almost a year longer than you. I got sober at 21, your 24 and arent done yet.

    Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhjhhhb picarcs ms

  4. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I really dont see the big fuxking deal about gab. I LOVE phenibut and baclofen but even when my gab tolerance was never helped THAT much
  5. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Anyway for years ive been getting high daily and when not always on several psych meds

    Recently ive been smoking spice twice a week. Gabapentin daily, writhing in bed every day I dont have money for spice

    But i decided I need to regain a default mindset so I can atleast regrow dopamines and shit and not be dependent on expired MAOI scripts or bullshit effexor

    I think I might get apply for a 2 day a week job celling cigs at a drive thru idk... currently popping well over 3600mg gab and like 200mg propanplol a day just to deal with physical and mental AAAA tho
  6. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Benzedrex bundy and spice
    Spice and bundy
    2cb and banshee dust
    Formaldehyde and chloral hydrate

    Ethchlorvynol and pentobarb
  7. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Who is frumbob
    Mal? Malice? Who is dead?
    What bave i missed in 2 yrs
  8. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Im not dead
    Off all meds
    Except efferxor and prescribed gabapenroy 900 4x a day (but i usuay take twoce that every 2 days or take more but always tey to make up

  9. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Good at
    1. Explaining their tony hawk pro skater Iv mods every time u hang out because it must be pretty damping to a ginger to have accomplished any sort of activity.. I mean hell.

    wyhhyew, it floats inside
    Heaven is not a ball of twine
    But you seem much tawl to grynd
    My big heavy dick
    Bent up n all of town
    Back to the ups underground
    like earth. Land and water and metal and acid. Buildings boats factories planes drones,

  10. Dissociator African Astronaut

    May 13 9:42 After a hatus of about 12.5 months I ordered and received a bag of Mr baggie XXX. Smoked it, immediately , even if I was running while dysphoricslly narcanned wanting nothing but sleep, a hit of this could fix me. Also VERY., trippy, many formulas, plans, constructs, and ideas trees. Feels amazing to feel like Roshambo again.

    MAH 24th
    Well I haven't ridden in quite a few days important I got my spice yesterday it gives me boners kills pain probably stimulated or his similar action is CBD the chemicals are unknown likely relatives at am2201 and perhaps mam2201 the three strengths at least on the baggie and the kosh website I'm pretty sure everyone knows what they are something not gonna list em
    Sunday THUNDAGE FUCKER PERN12 2 DODN WRIUTTY BEN PROCLOGI CLUMNAROUMA I see but for real, video of nice non RBG cube CRT ,uh NAH, TTY, LOL, WAT! Naw? HuHu? Rapscallions! Yumpin timony! Oh boy! Mama Mia! Oh shit Kenny up n fuckin died
    Whenever Steve urkel goes into mass assault mode with a howitzer
  11. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Well I wasn't born in SC but it's been my second home with family living there every winter and summer for 13 years.. then I said fuck them for 6 yrs but sadly after rehab the only place I could go was my mums section 8 apartment like 0.5 miles away from them

    They visitALLways
  12. Dissociator African Astronaut
    ITS D{\/0\¿710/\|
  13. Dissociator African Astronaut
    John gone
    South Carolina Is my home planet
    In days I fell into the scene of a crack dealer prostitute who I smoked spice with we went to the hood, got bl888zzzxxyxd on spice, went back to my house I fucked her

    UhhhIED treqrwd with nardil (gaba transferase inhibitor and gabapentin (u kno
    Vooc good spice makes good boy nice
    That's me
  14. Dissociator African Astronaut
    By oral antibiotics I literally mean like, in gel form, not a pill
  15. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost like what

    Benzocaine, lidocaine, chloroseptic, benzalkonium chloride
  16. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by OG_GREENPLASTIC_JOHNSON_III he only has 195 subs, that's nowhere near being an e-celebrity

    Used to have 3k on my old account that got shut down due to tyranny porn
  17. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Yeah I'll do that.
    I've been using oral antibiotics and anesthetics recently tho
  18. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Just dont sleep
  19. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country We have U traps. They don't generally include a vent.

    Its not a U trap its called a U bend. P traps and S traps are the only "traps" in plumbling. And trust me, im Roshambo, I know my traps ;)
  20. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Since im blind in one eye I misread this thread of my skin reeks of america
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