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Posts by Dissociator

  1. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Ghost Hahahaha I am so jealous man. Being isolated and having no friends and ordering drugs off the internet… OH WAIT I DID THAT FOR YEARS AND IT FUCKING SUCKED AND I WANTED TO KILL MYSELF

    But I guess you figured it out. Move to somewhere that matters and get a job

    i need to get disability... at this point, due to lack of proper benzos and opioids, I'm a nervous wreck all the time... its even worse when fully sober. like, suicide worse. every time im sober its just brutal awful gnawing hell.. sometimes I sleep for days until my legs have so much built up energy i have to run around the bloc just to pass out again

    I dont want this life
    I dont even know where to start with friends. the friends i had at home in jersey I made when I was younger, more human, and the drug tolerances were lo enough that the alterations from adderaxanax and ebverything else made me personable enough to seem eh ok

    like even the way my face looks and the way i dress, alot of people tell me i look and act like a confidential informant. even that natalie chick had to tell everyone at the hood i had autism so they wouldnt be sus mode
  2. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frumbob 🐎🦄🐈🐯🐷🦊 be careful with kosh. if you smoke the amount you would usually dose of k2 (even with the weakest version, but mostly with the XXX and XXX-2) you could overdose. it is made to be so potent its kinda like the potency inbetween regular k2 and pure synthetic cannabinoids. start as small as possible, even just like 2-3 specks of leaf

    as a reference:

    id say regular kosh is 2-3 times stronger than most old spice blends

    the xxx is twice as strong as regular kosh, so 4-6 times stronger than the classic spice

    the xxx-2 is twice as strong as the regular kosh, so 8-12 times more potent

    regular kosh is EXTREMELY weak. ive tried it once and the whole bag was gone within hours

    Originally posted by frumbob 🐎🦄🐈🐯🐷🦊 be careful with kosh. if you smoke the amount you would usually dose of k2 (even with the weakest version, but mostly with the XXX and XXX-2) you could overdose. it is made to be so potent its kinda like the potency inbetween regular k2 and pure synthetic cannabinoids. start as small as possible, even just like 2-3 specks of leaf

    as a reference:

    id say regular kosh is 2-3 times stronger than most old spice blends

    the xxx is twice as strong as regular kosh, so 4-6 times stronger than the classic spice

    the xxx-2 is twice as strong as the regular kosh, so 8-12 times more potent
  3. Dissociator African Astronaut
    yeah, we all remember the good ol stuff. it actually was very good ongoing until early 2015, if you buy from the right sources. I'm pretty sure the brand names had even their own uniform mix common to vendors, probably from people buying off of them to stock their own stores, or effect wise. like you always know scoob is gonna trip u the fuck out but sedate you with amazing body high, and geeked up is gonna feel like you just smoked crack with superweed

    but yeah syncans nowadays are crazy terribkle. i thought in 2017 i was gettin a risky product.. nowadays when they dont use the right flavor or aroma its so sickening i gag from a hit.. and it gives you the worst tin head facies, jaw lockage heavy-metal surpreme and the WAYA OYHUPERFINSTERS
  4. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frumbob 🐎🦄🐈🐯🐷🦊 opioids reduce neurogenesis chronically

    gabapentin reduces synaptogenesis
    but enhances neurogenesis
    and is neuroprotective as an anticonvulsant

    I didnt read the whole article because of bad formatting and ROG BRAIN but, I'm sure they used high doses of very potent opioids, or studied patients chronically addicted. I really really doubt a normal, say, 10-30mg of hydro/oxy/morphine a day has ANY noticable/significant effect on neurogenesis

    the gabapentin yeah, I'm not surprised it halts growth of synapses. it pretty much inserts a computer virus into your calcium channel so all the channel gets is static and sometimes MAYBE a very poorly interlaced out of sync photo of bundy with the body of a pickle riding rollerskates on top of a giant whale thats red and says robitussin on its back
  5. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by frumbob 🐎🦄🐈🐯🐷🦊 if they dont want to destroy their lives

    there was a diet drugs thread, now this is the thread of most unhealthy ones

    -phenibut (but your mileage may vary)

    nice troll. most unhealthy ones?

    for real, bundy. way too dirty.
    starter fluid (NOPE)
    aminita muscarina
    jimson weed
  6. Dissociator African Astronaut
    its always good to remember how much of a societal sperglord doug is.

    doug funnie.
  7. Dissociator African Astronaut
    atleast 500 800mgs
  8. Dissociator African Astronaut
    since I moved to this fucking state ive been bone dry minus this slut natalie i used to smoke crack with and fuck.. anyway I ditched her for leeching off my drugs, house, money, etc. so since may, ive been forced to just smoke spice,do whatever grey market drugs and hope I get good scripts or whatever.
    my doc forced me off suboxone against my will and every single day has been a fight since then, with the akathisia and the pain and restlessness and the days feel like 3 days in 1.

    anyone live in south carolina (im around the north myrtle beach area)

    i only got like 20 bucks but a shit ton of gabs.. like atleast 500
  9. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I'm only saying this because I was a victim of social brainwashing propaganda and acceptance nonsense and put myself on estriodol and spironolactone from july 2017 until about april 2018. do. not. do. it.
  10. Dissociator African Astronaut
    oh man look we got ourselves an insecure attention seeking bored despondent burnout here.
    no you dont want estrogen it can give you a stroke. the lack of testosterone from spiro will sap all the fight and all the life out of you and then when you reach your "goal" (??????) any average joe would be able to hold you down and rape your ass. do you want to be any old johns johnson mounter for life?
  11. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Okay its really not that urgent but I'm flipping my lid because of nasty spice withdrawal. reminds me of biscayne bay, where I'd shoot up flakka and get pummeled by UV rays all day.. getting narcan'd here and there when I pass out on a patch of grass on the side of the road or some shit.

    Anyways, I ordered mail at 3.30pm yesterday with 2 day priority shipping. by 4:53 it was processed and probably soon after put on the plane.

    so far, up until 22 minutes ago at 8 am, the tracking was stagnant with the last update being from the origin facility. Now it says its in my state, at the 3rd to last stop (destination facility, then my post office, then home)

    anyone know what time they load the mails on the trucks usually? like is there a cutoff or is it different for every unit
  12. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by Solstice The doctors give you more drugs than anyone should be getting let alone an obvious addict and abuser yet you still aren't satisfied. What are you trying to get at this point?

    actually nigger I was very satisfied when I was on suboxone +Ativan +gab+nardil. then i moved to sc and doc here cut me off of ativan against my will. then suboxone against my will.

    ive been suffering in agony not even being able to shake my own akathisia or take less than 15 gabs a day
  13. Dissociator African Astronaut
    This whole past two nights has been extremely fubar. Tossing and turning rolling over soiling myelf spendong 20 hours in bed, staggering gabs and propanolols, desperately taking magnesium vitamin b and drinking, just overall suffering

    Then 5 mins later 6 fucking solid beautiful shaded triangle s are spawned before my eyes

    Tldr: delerio triangles sodomized me
  14. Dissociator African Astronaut
    No but i pleasured myself to her discontinuing everything i order her to do regardless of the fact that my kink is her getting off to my inability to let her know it turns me off to fake orgasm to her getting me on
  15. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I dun drivu caus retadu?.
  16. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I bet it was a lame sperm whale joke without even reading the OP
  17. Dissociator African Astronaut
  18. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Especially suboxone paws even though it was only 14mg a day towards the end
  19. Dissociator African Astronaut
    Originally posted by GGG Those Florida insects are straight from Jurassic park. Lots of open swampy land and low altitude. You may as well get a tennis racket because fly swatters are too small.

    Lel i ran thru swamps for like 6 hours one time in july, somewhere between boca and coconut creek

    I litrrally thought there were crojases in the air
  20. Dissociator African Astronaut
    I drink about 90mg a day.. a coke here and there n shit. Since all I do is sleep/catatonia all day I should drink more caffeine.. .makes me feel dead more
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