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Posts by infinityshock

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    there is a disturbing lack of relevant full-frontal nudity in this thread
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    @infinity, sophie asked about what my exhusband did to warrant being called a pedophile. That is why I am doing all this, to protect my son from this sort of person before I check out. I know Im not mentally right in the head, especially at this moment in time, but one thing Ive always been is honest about all this shit. People think this shit was a troll, when I got pregnant. I wish to fuck it was. Evaulation w/o pics: I am a stupid, ugly, horrible person, never cut out to be a mother, a partner and have never found a way to fit into society (probably why I ever posted here). §m£ÂgØL can be pissed off, mad, or whatever about what Im posting- I dont care, I really really dont care anymore. My Give-A-Fuck finally broke. Im serious as a heart attack about going through with reliquishing my parental rights once my Ex husband is off the BC, and ending the worthless, awful existence that is me. The world will be a better place without someone like me in it. Im so sorry I brought a baby in this world or ever thought I could fix mylife, fix, my family and make things better. All those delusions have done is cause extended suffering for the people I love around me including §m£ÂgØL, my baby and myself. I see what I need to do and I will fix my mistakes to the best of my abilities. I hope my child, when older realizes I did love him and did try to do right for him, but being a broken, toxic piece of shit like I am, I couldnt. It doesnt matter though. I dont care what §m£ÂgØL tells him about me if he chooses to raise him, just hoping he has a good life and does better than I have, which shouldnt be hard with a family to help do that. I really did try. I just cant anymore. Im just trying to feed him, change him and show him the love I am capable of showing him for now, until I give him up. Even simple shit like that is a struggle for me. Ive really gone off the deep end. I wish it didnt have to be this way, but there is no turning back now, there is no way to fix this as it has become, only going forward to fix the one mistake I made that I can fix is all I can do and hopefully I manage to doit before I completely lose my mind- its going that way.. Im strugglingnto hang in there just to do that. I post this shit because it doesnt matter. If §m£ÂgØL thinks hes gathering ammunition against me, hes soon goingnto realize, I DONT CARE, he doesnt have to gather ammuniton, I am going to GIVE UP MY PARENTAL RIGHTS just as soon as the child molester can never touch my baby again. @spohie, I didnt think you were they rapey sort of pedo. I disagree with your attraction, but as far as pedos go, there are most def worse than you. Thats why I said you wouldnt defend the shit my exhusband did.

    thats all well and good...but considering youre in some sort of would be a great time to post nude selfies and i promise to have at least one sincere, positive comment
  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    this is the only other one i have of her

    very nice. we should trade concubines some time
  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    My ex husband violently raped a 6 year old girl. Lied about it, down played it and basically told a tale much different than the court documents which he signed. He was a lying, manipulative piece of shit. You wouldnt have even have defended his actions of what he did. I wasnt aware it was so fucked as that. There is a difference of a 13 yo having a 6yo girl touch your penis than having violently raping a 6 yo when youre 15. He couldnt even keep his fucjing lies somewhat straight. I was raped repeatedly in our fucked relationship but too stupid to realize it. I have a sleep disorder.. he kept saying I was coming on to him and provking shit while I was asleep. I told him to just leave if I did that, but rather he just would give me bullshit about how I got mad at him if he did that. I woke up a majority of days feeling violated and like scum not even able to remember what happened, just cum in my cunt. Thats why I believe the court documents versus his play on things so much. He was an abuser and was good at making people feel sympathy for him, until you see what the court papers say that is… I was stupid. Im just continuing this fucked existence until Ican get my exhusband off the BC and §m£ÂgØL on it andnthen the ball is in his court- he can raise his son or place him with adoption. this isnt about child support- this is aaout a broken person unable to keep going raising a child completely alone with nobody, nothing in their life for support emotionally. It takes everything in me to not just clock out prematurely. Ive got the means, Ive got the desire. I just love my son so much, the least I can do is spare my child being raised by that fucked up piece of shit.

    that was slightly random selfies. i want to evaluate you
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    …have sex with hot, athletic college age girls regularly (like legit hot girls, not like the nasty welfare stamp hoes Bill Krozby fucks on the reg).

    ive exchanged bodily fluids with a range of chicks from 'hot athletic' 18-y/o models to trailer-park tramps...overwhelmingly the hotter the chick the worse she is as anything other than a warm hole. theyre generally not even good at sex.

  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    post better pics of the chick
  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    pedos prey on children because of their own inadequacies. they are so mentally defective they hypnotize themselves to believe that not only are they not doing anything wrong, but they are helping the child they are abusing. granted, the pedos themselves are inferior and mentally defective while suffering what should be considered a neurological disorder, but that doesnt justify allowing them to live. if psychological rehabilitation is possible to cure them of their disease they should be allowed to remain in society. if not, they should be removed.

    adulthood has two types: physical, and mental. its possible for a post-menarche 10 year old girl to have D-cup breasts and full hip development as well as the ability to bear children, but the likelihood of her being able to psychologically handle motherhood is virtually nil. its possible for a 10 year old boy to have full pubic hair growth and the ability to ejaculate but the likelihood of him being able to psychologically handle fatherhood is virtually nil.

    the legal system has arbitrarily added a number with virtually zero significance to the age at which an individual is legally permitted to have sex. if laws were created by intellectuals instead of sociopaths the rule would be if an individual of x-age wanted to have sex with an individual of x-age both parties should have to undergo a real psychological screening by a board of real professionals that assesses the ability of both individuals to understand what theyre doing, the consequences, and the ability to maturely and successfully handle the consequences of having sex. all the consequences of various type.

    regardless, nature has in place its own system for screening out defectives. regardless of humanitys hubris, nature will always win at who gets to dictate the rules.
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    this is pathetic. humanity's ancestors thrived in ice-ace conditions and when a little flurry twinkles out of the sky everyone goes all armageddon. let's do something more fun...and realistic: societal collapse with balkanized ethnic warfare; as per yugoslavia circa the early/mid 90s
  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    you'll be a nice prison wife
  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    elevendy billion
  11. infinityshock Black Hole
  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    You two are going hard at each other. I like it. 2 men (LOL) enter, 1 man leaves.

    two men couple leaves
  13. infinityshock Black Hole
    this payphone thing...never heard of it
  14. infinityshock Black Hole
    pics or it didn't happen
  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    Propane tank thrown into a campfire then when the emergency valve opens...shoot it BLEVE
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    Most of the people in my neighborhood cross the street when they're walking in front of my house. Some chink does it every morning so I intentionally say hello to her but she ignores me regardless
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    I made th bitch go get a test to see if she was sterile. Turned out to be true. Woop.

    theres no such test
  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    I can't click on a thread without having half naked little girls on my screen. Why is that necessary? Why do you feel the need to share your sexual preferences? You like what you like and I'm ok with that but posting screenshots of little girls you stalked online? You make them write your nickname on their arms and you screenshot it? BRO…. bro, that's some fucked up shit. Get a grip.

    youre just jealous that you have competition and all the old men arent paying attention to you as much as they used to
  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    How come my hand feels better on my cock then any pussy or mouth? I feel like women are overrated…a wise old man once told me the biggest mistake you can make is marrying a women. This scares me. Sometimes I think about just living by myself with some kitties, and heroin.

    youre doing it wrong.

    fucking your kittens dont count as pussy
  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    OP done banned.

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