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Posts by infinityshock

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    literally multiple paragraphs about getting cucked

    you would need to have lost your virginity...much less hit puberty...before you'd have a chance at qualifying to comment on such things
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    watch the starter capacitor doesn't have any charge post pics
  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    organized religion is inherently wrong worse than pornography
  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    gurgle. snort.

    you can stop posting now. youve proven the maximum extent of your mental capacity is on par with that of a whores tampon that she forgot about 10 years ago and is now permanently lodged in her fallopian tube after getting fucked so many times
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    literally multiple paragraphs about getting cucked

    your athletic abilities is abysmal

  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    If they are different things, can someone be all three?

    mmqs post was accurate

    keks post was applicable, but almost irrelevant

    ill clarify somewhat but this is as basic of a primer as it gets. this shit is really complicated and the terms have very broad definitions used by the individuals actually using them instead of just reading about them on porn sites.

    - open relationship

    the couple is in a relationship however they are individually allowed to becomen involved with others. it is a very broad term and most of the time the couple has rules on how it is conducted. ie, no kissing, no sex, only sex with condoms, becoming involved with someone only upon the approval of both parties, etc., etc., ad nauseum. the most common use ive seen is where the term is used amongst those who are in a dating/marriage relationship but meet others outside of that relationship for sex-only. ive seen it apply to gay couples (men and women) and straight couples, ive seen couples that have sex with others because one partner cant/wont have sex or because theyre only staying together for the kids, etc.

    i think i made a post on RDFRN or skankery about a date i had with a chick in an open relationship who was married.

    to a woman.

    thats another reason for an open relationship...lesbians that like dick, or fags that like pussy

    - swingers

    related to open relationship but from what ive seen swingers are in an exclusive relationship however on occasion will swap partners for sexual purposes. generally sex doesnt happen unless all four parties agree, the participants are in a relatively close proximity (same room...same building...etc)

    - 'cuck'

    the term 'cuckold' was originally designed as a term to define a male whos wife had a child through another male against his knowledge/will. the word was derived from the cuckoo whos reproductive habits involve communal nests with unknown parents as well as a habit of laying eggs in the nest of a completely different type of bird who then hatches the egg and raises the baby bird as its own while the cuckoo has nothing to do with it. a wife having a child from a different male other than her husband due to the husbands infertility, genetic/hereditary disorder, etc, does NOT fall under the term 'cuckold'

    in modern times where all kinds of new sexually-related terms are becoming common (babydaddy for one) the term 'cuck' defines a male who derives gratification or stimulation from his female companion having sex with a different male while in a submissive position. ie, hes being forced to do it, as in hes forced to watch her do it. from my own observations the motivation is related to masochism

    there is another 'paraphilia' that is somewhat related however instead of the male being in the masochist role hes in the sadist role where the motivation/stimulus is the wife being in the submissive position. ie, raped, forced, harmed, etc.

    and...monogamy is an unnatural human invention and the practice should be removed from society
  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    its better at ludicrous speed
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    I got my job back at the high-end beef and booze restaurant I used to work at. I'm going to try and get to the public health building and get on some type of medication to boost my energy/confidence levels. Ideally I will work in the kitchen until I feel better and then try to pick up some shifts as a waiter, where my genuine smile and charming personality will allow me to rack in some top-tier tips. I am nearing broke status but I just payed my rent so I'm at least not homeless and my cat isn't either. May end up being w/o internet for a few weeks. So, I'm 'starting over' once again, but I guess that's better than giving up once again. I have faith that I can rise from my pit with the help of some brain chemistry readjustment and eventually start my own business or at least muster the courage to perform a calculated home invasion and obtain at least $100,000 from a wealthy family. XD

    you could sell your body to a sugar daddy
  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    in your transverse colon...
  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    thats the stupidest dare ive ever heard
  11. infinityshock Black Hole
    post pics of the chick your fucking

    unless its a ladyboy...
  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    as a modification of the dick-sucking faggotry idea...give away your asshole to as many niggers as possible, then when you have every known STD...and a few undiscovered ones...fuck her until she gets pregnant, then commit suicide, leaving her with not only a severe case of rotten crotch...but a swollen uterus with slappy spawn...forcing her into the only job that will have her: the sex trade. nude pics of your gf
  13. infinityshock Black Hole
    tort was in the navy? that means he was a seaman

    tort...whatd you do in the navy?
  14. infinityshock Black Hole
    as often as possible. im trying to make the word more stylish and usable again like it was before the PC-tards took over. most recent examples:

    - this morning at walmart some nigger male stopped its car in a crosswalk to let its negress out...blocking traffic. i repeatedly used the word nigger in front of a few dozen people in the parking lot.

    - a few weeks ago i witnessed a nigger driving a POS nigger-mobile litter in my neighborhood (which is 99.9% white and the .1% not-white is a geriatric renter who may be black but not a nigger...not sure) so i repeatedly and emphatically used the word nigger. im fairly sure all my neighhbors heard

    my favorite:

    - during a road-rage incident some white guy called me a nigger whereupon i called him varying degrees of nigger. after the fact i thought it funny that two white guys were standing in the middle of a road, blocking traffic, calling each other niggers. im pretty sure theres a video of it somewhere...i saw some geriatric holding her phone up
  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    pics....or it didnt happen
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    college is a scam

    the entire 'education' system is nothing more than a way to indoctrinate the sheep into the flock

    ask anyone with a degree how much their 4/5/6/8 years of higher education applied to the actual job they currently hold

    me? zero percent. big. fat. gooze-egg
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    stfu and post nude selfies
  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    Is this just a general statement or did the part about the purse offend you?

    i dont get offended. i get aroused
  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    I did cocaine until 9am and took the battery out of my phone. I was with a girl and some guys but did not fuck her, although she said I could. When I put the battery back in it immediately started ringing and my gf and her 4 year old son were on their way to my house. She assumed I was cheating on her, I reassured her I was doing cocaine with male compadres. Then I played super smash brothers with her son, fucked her in the other room (which made a loud clapping noise that her son must be used to by now) and she was kinda nervous about her son catching us again. Then we smoked cigarettes and talked while she stressed about her daughter getting on a different bus to go to her piano teachers house and I laid down naked. Then I gave her $20 for a cab and fell asleep for 7 hours and woke up missing calls from a different girl who's in another city now and wants to bang again and a shady car salesman who's on his way to jail. I once took my girlfriend to a bridge that goes over traintracks and told her to look down then threw her purse off (she had two on her, I picked the one she had before she met me) while she cried uncontrollably. I told her that would be her if she fucks around. I also told her to wait in the lobby of a building (twice) while I went and fucked another girl.

    The truth is women just want a relationship to work because that's how they feel they have value. After spending months telling her to kill herself, if you start to acknowledge her decision to continue living might have been a good idea, they'll feel like they achieved something and are doing alright. Plus she's probably bored.

    I want to waterboard you using an old homeless woman's underwear and my nut sauce
  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    I just woke up and my body hurts. My back and legs are killing me and I have no explanation for this. Probably a nerve.

    thats what you get for sleeping on your stomach
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