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Posts by infinityshock

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    i ate about 5lbs of beets for dinner the other day.

    the toilet looked like someone drowned a nigger midget and sliced open his wrists and carotid.

  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Ajax What Does 20/20 Vision Mean?

    Vision Testing

    Visual acuity is usually measured with a Snellen chart. Snellen charts display letters of progressively smaller size. "Normal" vision is 20/20. This means that the test subject sees the same line of letters at 20 feet that person with normal vision sees at 20 feet. 20/40 vision means that the test subject sees at 20 feet what a person with normal vision sees at 40 feet. Another way of saying this is that a person with 20/40 vision has vision that is only half as good as normal - or, objects must be at half the normal distance for him to see them. A person with 20/20 vision is able to see letters 1/10th as large as someone with 20/200 vision. 20/20 is not the best possible eyesight however, for example, 20/15 vision is better than 20/20. A person with 20/15 vision can see objects at 20 feet that a person with 20/20 vision can only see at 15 feet.

    Levels of Vision

    20/20 - Normal vision. Fighter pilot minimum. Required to read the stock quotes in the newspaper, or numbers in the telephone book.

    20/40 - Able to pass Driver's License Test in all 50 States. Most printed material is at this level.
    20/80 - Able to read alarm clock at 10 feet. News Headlines are this size.
    20/200 - Legal blindness. Able to see STOP sign letters.

    Eye Prescription

    The refractive error of the eye can be expressed in numeric terms. The power of the lenses necessary to correct your vision is measured in units called diopters (see below). The first number designates the amount of myopia (minus numbers) or hyperopia (plus numbers). The second number (if present), indicates the amount of astigmatism. The third number shows the axis of the astigmatism. Depending on the sign of the second number, the axis indicates the orientation of the steepest or flattest meridian of the cornea. The fourth number is the "add," or the amount of magnification needed to give clear vision at near. If this number is present, bifocals have been prescribed to correct presbyopia.

    What is a Diopter?

    A diopter is a unit of measurement of the refractive error. It may be a negative number (myopia, nearsightedness), or a positive number (hyperopia, farsightedness). A -1.00 diopter myope is able to see objects at 1 meter clearly. A -2.00 diopter myope is able to see objects at a ½ meter clearly. The greater the myopia, the greater the strength of the lens in diopters needed to correct the refractive error, and the closer an object must be to be viewed clearly.

    heres an element of the equation these idiot doctors fail to account for: the usefulness of near vs far sighted-ness. near-sighted. meaning, if i take a vision test my vision is something like 20-80 or 20-100. HOWEVER...if im doing something that requires close-up viewing of work im doing, such as small electronics, reading my phone screen without zooming in, precision work on anything, (example...i could see, and was maneuvering, individual grains of 300-MP smokeless powder for a precise handload that i could never do if i had 'normal' vision.) etc, i can see the way 'normal' people would if they were looking through a magnifying glass.

  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by ACE I think a lot of problems on here is just age and hormonal problems. Because you are aging and just sitting on your ass feeling sorry for yourselves and doing drugs. I think that's what a lot of the suicidal thoughts come from. Yeah, we are all fucked, and you realize that more with age, but you can still feel good. Here are some things I've learned:

    -To shed fat and get ripped in a few weeks all you have to do is eliminate carbs and exercise. Bear crawls and body weight exercises are fine. You can have a diet high in fat and protein and not crave food or be hungry.

    -You can't get bigger without carbs (along with protein) your muscles aren't really going to grow. It's best to spike your insulin after a work out and get in a lot of protein and whatever other supplements you are on. If you are worried about your weight or gaining a little fat your muscles aren't going to grow. Without carbs you can be eating a shitload of calories and have a problem maintaining weight if you are working hard.

    -You can get stronger without your muscles growing. In fact this is the goal for Olympic weight lifters and such.

    -As far as a regular diet, I would say stick to a high fat/high protein low carb diet. Meat and leafy vegetables. I don't think there is one specific diet that humans are supposed to stick to all the time. But most of the time I think carbs are bad for humans. Cancer is fueled by glucose.

    -For functional strength always do plyometric exercises after lifting heavy weights whether it's plyo pushups after benchpresses or box jumps after squats/deadlifts/leg presses etc.

    -Don't exercise if you are still sore from the last time. Your muscles are healing and coming back bigger/stronger so if you are sore rest and eat foods for whatever your goal is. So that means if you are really pushing yourself you shouldn't be working out every day doing leg/upper body. If you really push yourself it should be leg/upper body/rest (or minimal exercise) or however you want to do it.

    -Best exercises for boosting testosterone are benchpresses, rows, squats, deadlifts, cleans, anything that involves a lot of different muscles.

    -Dumbells > Barbells for increasing gains on benchpressing/shoulder pressing, but they only go up so high. It's also a more functional strength you are building. By the time you get to benchpressing like 400lbs with barbells 100lb dumbells are about to be to light to work out with.

    -Shoulder presses are probably the best exercise for building upper body strength and is better for building strength with benchpressing, probably more than benchpressing or it seems that way.

    -Running long distances is counterproductive. It builds up hormones you don't want and you can get a better cardio workout jumping rope, sprinting, or with bear crawls. I'm not saying not to I'm just saying I see more negatives to it than positive. But running outside (obviously) is better than machines. If you had to I would say it would be best to do with a weighted vest and in the woods or on trails as opposed to concrete. It's just more of a challenge.

    That's it for now. I may come back later to edit this as I think of stuff.

    you over simplify an equation that has a lot more to it than just diet and hormones. you also dont take into account individual differences. some people take little to no effort to maintain a fit physique yet other can spend hours a week in the gym and still have a spare tire.

    carbs have nothing to do with getting bigger. carbs are energy...plain and simple. protein is the exclusive builder (in the triumverate of fats and carbs) of the human body. any consumption of carbs in excess of the direct energy needs will be turned into bodyfat, with a smaller amount stockpiled in various places as glucose.

    as with workout routines and how the body is the same way. everyone has their own digestive enzymes and microbes that affect their food consumption as well as their bodys response to what they consume. some people so much as look at a fat and it instantly turns into a spare tire. additionally...there are so many different kinds of fat you cant just say 'eat fat.' newsflash...cancer isnt fueled by glucose. if youre going to make such ridiculous statements youre going to need to cite sources. which if you do will be so absurdly ridiculous they can easily be picked apart like a dead rodent in the middle of a field of ravenous king vultures.

    there is no 'always' anything. there is no 'best' anything. there is no '>' or '<' anything...its what an individual best responds to. everyones physiology is different. I can control and press 100lb dumbells but i sure to holy merry fuck couldnt bench 400lbs.

    i dont feel like typing any more...maybe some other time ill respond to the rest. you get an 'a' for effort but your total comprehension and delivery is lacking.
  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ I believe each eye has its own diagnostic so you can have 20/20 vision in one eye and 40/20 in the other.


    Originally posted by mmQ If I'm not mistaken better vision goes down so like 10/20 is about as good as it gets. I'm probably wrong.

    true-ish, however the first number is always in feet. 20-20 is what 'normal' vision is officially deemed to be. 20-10 is better than 'normal' and 20-30 is worse that normal.

    i knew a pilot who had some ridiculous vision...lik 20-5 or who knows how low itd go.
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    at least a dirty negress didnt toss a freshly-extracted and well saturated tampon at you...
  6. infinityshock Black Hole
  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump Mental illness is not for everyone.

    You have to be more concrete than just getting numbers and phoning people, who the fuck does that?, maybe in the 80's that would be cool. Lets say you are competing against me for example and this girl gives you her number and you walk away, do a fist pump, call her, no response and make this thread.

    Heres what I do, go up to the girl and fuck the number say "hey lets grab some chicken tendies and catch a movie tonight hot stuff" so she says yes because its a CONCRETE PLAN. She completely forgets you and when you call her later she is busy fucking me which is why she didn't pick up.


    with some duct tape and a baseball bat you can skip all that bullshit foreplay and get right to the splayed-leg cunt plundering.
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby ^you're better off purchasing another hooker you queer trick

    send your mom over when she's done with her evening quota, you cock sucking cum junkie.
  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby ^again you need new material, you're like a woody doll (except gay)

    I have plenty of material. it's all for you.

    open wide
  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby ^you need new material

    you need my ballsack bouncing off your tonsils
  11. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by nonarky I voted for Hilary Clinton.


    kill yourself, niggerfag
  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    turn gay and you don't have to worry about bitches ever again
  13. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump We feel the same about you, whitey ^

    shut your cock socket, unter mensch, and get in the oven.

    (unter mensch is in my autocorrect?)
  14. infinityshock Black Hole
    and...another thread goes full retard
  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    those redskins are trespassing on private property and should be shot
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    I'd have Bill Krozbys asshole and lower digestive tract surgically attached to my dick so he'd be in a perpetual state of being ass banged.
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby nah im not a sicko fucko like you

    not according to the pics you've posted of 'chicks' that you admitted to fucking.
  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    you can use the menstrual blood from your asshole as the pizza sauce. just like those two negresses that period-juiced the fast food they made
  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by the holy ghost you're so fucking uncreative and all of your posts are stupid and unfunny

    no personal offense to you, you just make jokes like a 5th grader

    oh yea, mom can beat up your dad
  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby ^your slurs aren't going to make a difference jagoff wanker. It happened for everyone else but you, you johnny come lately

    open wide...I'll show you johnny come lately.

    and you're going to swallow every gallon.
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