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Posts by infinityshock

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby this, she has medical issues, and isn't even giving you sex. Does she at least cook well?
    fat chicks are a burden and aren't worth anything other than being SLAMPIGS!

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-01-29T18:35:47.189130+00:00

    I've heard fat chicks give good head.

    I dont know because fat chicks don't do it for me.
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    since you people obviously have no sense of social etiquette or civil decency I'll share with u little secret:

    any time you piss or shit not admit to it to other people. hide the fact at all costs.

    fucking retards.
  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by ACE The white population could use a good culling anyway.

    that's what the niggers and spics procreating with whites are doing...weeding out the chaff.

    who says miscegenation is a bad thing...
  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by ACE Young bitches don't have a really high sex drive. I thought it was usually the other way around the guy getting tired of the bitch, especially when she gets lazy and stops bathing like a normal person or whatever. Either way cheat on her.

    I've known young chicks with high sex drives and 40-somethings with high sex drives. I also know chicks who use sex as a bartering means or as bait to lure a guy in...

    it's not cheating if the bitch isn't doing her job.
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Lanny Public gardens are nice, it's just personal gardens are wierd. Entirely unreasonable, I'll admit, I'm used to living in the city so they seem like an absurd opulence but of course not all the world is like that and there are many places where having a garden is perfectly natural. Nonetheless, my first response to private garden ownership is of mild shock and disdain.

    if u saw the park I have going on you'd have a heart attack
  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by greenplastic just do opiates and benzos for a week or two so you don't even care about sex

    or do like you do...earn the money to pay for the drugs via selling your asshole on the street corner to niggers and messycans.
  7. infinityshock Black Hole

    Originally posted by Discount Whore but i luv her

    she obviously doesnt love you. if she did she'd find time to donate the use of at least one of her orifices for your benefit. handbjob, even.

    I'm telling you...she's getting the dick somewhere else
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby Yeah, but feminist have a tendency to not think ahead, they don't look too far other than abortions and birth control and man spreading.

    I don't think islam is inherently wrong I know many people of all religions that are sane and rational people, but it just goes to show you how fucked up places like Saudi Arabia and how they use such a powerful tool for mind control.

    Most people in the US that go to church, I believe aren't real Christians. Muslims (the radicals) hate christians, but they respect jedis more because Judaism is actually an anti religion, they are much like feminist, they only want to look at whats in front of them, and thats why their god is the all mighty dollar (which isn't even real)

    Post last edited by Bill Krozby at 2017-01-29T09:13:44.771422+00:00

    no, islam is inherently wrong
  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Hash Slinging Slasher I hope California leaves.

    California isnt really an American state. white Americans are a minority there
  10. infinityshock Black Hole

    Originally posted by Anal Scratch Hemorrage Actually anything other than 20/20 is bad because you cant ese distant objects ora you cant read books or work in a computer. My mother and sister had 20/10 and had a very bad time reading without glasses

    the guy I knew with 20-5 vision had no problems using a computer or reading. when he was first transferred we'd do things to test his vision, like 'can u see this?' and 'can you see that?' after a while the newness wore off and no one gave a shit but it was ridiculous the things he could see.

    an example of my own nearsightedness...I just took apart a pneumatic nail gun that was leaking and without my contacts in the speck of dirt stuck on the seal was clear as day. with my contacts in I couldn't focus on it...the thing just looked like part of the seal.
  11. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by greenplastic im a faggot

    this is the simplest article i could find that doesnt use big technical words. you might be able to comprehend some of it. if your teacher when you go into class on monday. im sure all the other 3rd graders will be impressed with your new found knowledge

    notice theres no ads on that site trying to sell shit? not so much on the links you posted.

    heres another one...even smaller words.

    Post last edited by infinityshock at 2017-01-28T17:31:36.857485+00:00
  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by greenplastic I'm so fuckin sick and tired about hearing about trump and sjw's. I hate both equally and I just want that bullshit out of my world but everywhere I go people keep talking about it.

    suicide solves all your problems
  13. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by greenplastic Lol yea because we should all just go off of whatever you say is true. Sorry breh that's not how the reality works. Unfortunately for you you are wrong and everyone else who knows anything about bodybuilding, basic nutrition, or fundamental principles of the universe disagrees with you, but you want me to believe your bullshit unreferenced claims? Lol gtfo. I bet you don't have any muscle to speak of anyways, probably the reason you're always projecting your need for power over others anonymously on the internet by threatening to rape or kill everyone. Everyone can see straight through your bullshit.

    i started to post some medical journal links...some of which require a login to read...then realized you wouldnt even grasp the concept...much less be able to follow along with all the big words.

    i explained to you the difference between energy producing carbs and structure-building proteins...and how carbohydrates cannot, under any circumstance, directly increase strength or muscle mass.

    youre more than welcome to live in your fantasy land...have fun with that.

    you want to see my muscle...go find the pic i posted. and that one was when i had less muscle than i do now.

    im not projecting ballsack really does want to know what your lips feel like.

  14. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by greenplastic LOL. Literally the exact opposite of that is true.

    Also remember on rdfrn when you tried to tell me I wasn't in the military or was a shitbag or not as good as you for some reason and I told you about how I got 2 nam's and you got all butthurt and went to go criticize someone else instead because you felt inferior because you were in the navy or some shit?

    literally, someone obviously has no clue how to lift weights.

    you obviously failed to entertain me sufficiently so i moved on to someone more entertaining. i literally have no idea who you are and literally could care a literal fuck less.
  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by greenplastic Find me a single source that says anything about carbs not having "anything to do with getting bigger."

    go find it yourself. i know how basic physiology and nutrition work...youre the one that is clueless on it.

    Originally posted by greenplastic Also lol at how you criticize me and my sources and then provide absolutely none yourself. Ask literally anyone who lifts with the intention of gaining mass…

    yea...cause all the shit theyre eating turns into mass all right...fat. like i already said.

    if the body consumes more calories than it uses in energy, the remainder is either converted to fat/glycogen, or shit/pissed out.

    Originally posted by greenplastic And I'm not going to ask you where you "learn't" these things because it's obvious that wherever you "learn't" things taught you total bullshit, like I've already said.

    your sources are idiots that dont know what theyre talking about, and i already pointed out how and why. you dont want to understand the concept...suits me. keep on keeping on being an idiot.

    Originally posted by greenplastic Is there a single subject that you actually halfway know what you're talking about or do you just run your mouth off on whatever suits your fancy, making it up as you go along?


  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by ACE Maybe not all people are the same. I have always gained strength easily but I've never been super big or had a really low body fat % until I started doing all this.

    But try to find a bodybuilder that doesn't eat carbs. You will gain body fat % while bulking. You're not putting on size without doing that. You want to be insulin sensitive and that helps deliver protein to the muscle. When I was on a high fat/high protein diet I was trying to lose body fat % while maintaining my weight (for the most part. I lost like 5-10 lbs) and anyone who wants to see the results I can send pictures. But I thought it was my calories. A lot of people say you need a lot of calories to grow. But I was struggling just to maintain weight. When I eat the same amount without excluding carbs I get big pretty fast. Yeah you will lose some definition but it happens. You cut back later and lose the excess fat. People argue about simple vs complex…idk about all that. But spiking your insulin after a hard work out and consuming a lot of protein with it, and creatine etc. is the best way to do it. (If you are trying to get big)

    As far as strength, if you can do 8-12 reps with 90-95lb dumbells on incline, decline and flat your max with barbells should be over 350…well maybe not incline, but say use them for decline and flat and like 8-12 reps with 80-85lb dumbells for incline…but as far as that yeah different people would be different but 190lbs of dumbells isn't the same thing as 190lbs on a bar. And I've heard a lot of other people say it's best for building strength too. I only started using barbells to see where I was for a max on flat benchpresses and kind of got addicted to it, but dumbbell benchpresses will get the most gains in strength up to a point.

    You also don't want your body fat less than 8%. But if you aren't worried about getting bigger you could stick with the high protein/high fat thing and still get really strong. You won't get bigger though if you are really worried about losing any definition or anything like that though because it is necessary.

    Post last edited by ACE at 2017-01-28T11:42:37.190502+00:00

    EDIT: I'm not really trying to gain weight at the moment. I don't max out because I think it's a waste of energy but on bench with barbells my 1 rep max is roughly twice my body weight (supposed to be) give or take 5-10lbs. Within the next few weeks it's going to be over twice my body weight. After I get over that I may start trying to get bigger for a little while. My point is I'm not even eating a lot of carbs right now. Hardly any.

    Post last edited by ACE at 2017-01-28T11:53:05.015764+00:00

    Post last edited by ACE at 2017-01-28T11:53:40.977048+00:00

    of course not all people are the same...everyone is different in virtually every aspect of their physiology. some people can bulk up just by looking at a barbell...others can spend months benchpressing only to gain a few ounces of muscle mass.

    if someone consumes more calories (calories being energy...completely different from things like vitamins or amino acids (proteins)...if the body eats protein and doesnt use it for energy or need it for amino gets shit out, not contributing to actual coloric intake) than they burn from exercise requirements, it gets stored as either glycogen somewhere, or when those reserves are adipose tissue holding fat.

    fat is a 'better' energy source for the human body...for reasons why too complicated for me to get into on here...than carbohyrates, but carbs are 'better' in the regard that theyre a 'hotter' fuel that is more quickly used than fat. fat is a more dense fuel, which weighs more, but holds more energy that the carbohydrates...which turn into fuel the body can use quicker. example...set a wooden log (fat analogy) on fire. itll produce a decent amount of heat and light but for a long period of time. set the same amount of gasoline on fire itll turn into a fireball thatll only burn for a few seconds. (not a perfect thermodynamic analogy...but it gets the basic point across)

    fat fuel contributes to heavier weight and the undesirable loss of definition due to many peoples bodies preferring to store fat just under the skin...whereas carbs are stored in smaller 'weight' amounts as glycogen deep within the body, inside various organs.

    the reason i prefer dumbells over barbells is it takes more support-muscle strength to use. i dont like how barbells restrict movement into a select, specific direction. as far as body not concerned with that, over general fitness. there are guys at the gym who cant lift as much weight as i can yet theyre literally twice my weight. (some guy who looks like a professional bodybuilder does the same amount of reps with the same weight on barbell curls...and a lot less on dumbell flyes.) i eat a large quantity of my calories as fat...from avacados, avacado oil, cashews, and various other oils. one thing i eat fairly regularly is feta cheese soaked in avacoda/coconut/safflower/canola (mixed) oil with some garlic and other spices. i naturally have a low body fat but dont do anything intentional to maintain that. i do eat a lot of carbs as well due to my day to day lifestyle being high-energy. i try to avoid high glycemic carbs and stick with low-gyclemic ones...but that doesnt always work out since im always eating some sort of junk food. fortunately i like sweet potatoes....some of which im growing now.
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by greenplastic Mass-building requires energy, through high carbohydrate intake. "To gain mass, you have to ensure you're getting enough protein to rebuild muscle tissue damaged through training, but you also have to eat a lot of carbohydrates because gaining size requires you to fill your muscles with glycogen," he says.

    Carbohydrates spare protein and are your body's principal source of fuel. They provide the energy necessary for intense workouts more efficiently than any other energy source. Protein needs carbohydrates to work.

    In fact, starving your body of carbohydrates during and after periods of intense exercise will likely cause your body to use protein as an energy source. In severe cases of low carbohydrate for prolonged periods, this may even result in the breakdown of hard-earned muscle proteins to be used as fuel during workouts or to replenish muscle glycogen after training.

    Carbohydrates are the main source of fuel for our bodies… if you don't consume enough, your body will break down muscle for amino acids it can convert into glucose. Glycogen is the stored form of Carbohydrates in the body, and under normal circumstances, the body can store about 400 grams at a time.

    One of the most problematic myths that I constantly hear is that carbohydrates are your worst enemy. Many of us have been trained to avoid or to try and significantly limit carbs because carbs are sugar, and sugar makes you fat, and fat is bad…right

    Wrong. Protein is necessary when it comes to muscle growth, but carbohydrates also play an important role in helping you maintain and gain muscle mass.

    Literally like the first 4 relevant results when I google it. You're just one of those morons who learned all their shit from a gym buddy who was talking out their ass so you take it as the word of god. I fucking despise people like you.

    thats what i get for thinking someone on the internets...much less this capable of performing a simple task. those sources dont count as sources...the authors are varying degrees useless-idiot...such as yourself.

    since youre obviously an idiot, ill break this down for you as simply as i possibly can:

    in the most basest structural form...carbohydrates do not possess the physical characteristics to perform the function of building muscle. the only task carbohydrates are capable of fulfilling is energy functions as in fuel for the muscles. the human body is capable of digesting carbohydrates into a base form that produces energy but not into any form capable of building any structure...especially muscle...within the human body. the human body is capable of digesting proteins into its intended base forms that build the structures...including muscle...within the human body. additionally, in the event the human body is lacking energy in either carbohydrate or fat sources, it is capable of digesting proteins...including those tissues already existing within the human body...into carbohydrates for fuel/energy. i know there are some big words there, but if you dont grasp the concepts...automatically consider my stance in the argument correct by default because you lack the basic understanding of human physiology.

    Originally posted by greenplastic Mass-building requires energy, through high carbohydrate intake. "To gain mass, you have to ensure you're getting enough protein to rebuild muscle tissue damaged through training, but you also have to eat a lot of carbohydrates because gaining size requires you to fill your muscles with glycogen," he says.

    any glycogen in the muscles is purely for short term use as conversion to the actual energy source of the muscles...glucose. the quantities within muscles are insignificant in terms of muscle mass and contribute virtually nothing to overall size. that author is obviously an idiot...good choice on reference material

    Originally posted by greenplastic Carbohydrates spare protein and are your body's principal source of fuel. They provide the energy necessary for intense workouts more efficiently than any other energy source.

    probably not the best quote to use since it supports my argument at the expense of yours

    Originally posted by greenplastic Protein needs carbohydrates to work.

    false. author = idiot

    like i already said...the human body can produce carbs from protein but cannot produce protein from carbs

    Originally posted by greenplastic In fact, starving your body of carbohydrates during and after periods of intense exercise will -LIKELY- cause your body to use protein as an energy source. In severe cases of low carbohydrate for prolonged periods, this -MAY- even result in the breakdown of hard-earned muscle proteins to be used as fuel during workouts or to replenish muscle glycogen after training.

    the human body only uses protein as an energy source when there are carbohydrates lacking, if there are no fat deposits to make use of. the intensity of exercise does not cause proteins to be digested into carbohydrates. starvation conditions are what causes proteins to be digested into carbs...not a basic workout.

    read the words this author used...'likely'...'may' in, theyre not sure. as in...they dont know what the fuck theyre talking about. as in...theyre an idiot.

    you obviously have no idea where i learn't anything. id say we should both post shirtless selfies and let the other posters decide who knows more about physical fitness...but im not posting my pic. there is a shirtless pic of me from skanktuary or totse2 if anyone wants to go find it...although ive gained quite a bit of weight since then.

    while there is quite a bit more for me to berate you on...i dont feel like typing anymore.

  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ

    this isn't normal florida...this is where all the niggers infest.
  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Hash Slinging Slasher Tbh though one of my friends in Mexico says that it's become a war zone overnight because all the thugs went back because they were afraid of trump and I feel kinda bad for the good people of Mexico

    because their own kind have returned to where they belong to infest their shithole...instead of being in the us victimizing americans?

    fuck mexico...invade the shit pile and drive them all down to gwat-eh-mahlahhhh. make it the next us state and turn it into new-new mexico.
  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by greenplastic lol this is so fuckin wrong it's not even funny. Anyone who knows anything knows you need carbs to build muscle.

    then you and anyone are both fucking retarded as well as inadequately informed on basic human physiology.

    go google it, idiot.
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