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Posts by infinityshock

  1. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ The Golden Gun was the answer fags.

    only if the question is 'what do homos use to tickle their boyfriends prostates after a long night of gay-bar cruising'
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon I'm not a giant gun nut but it is my impression that the p90 is used by special operations units for urban operations, and close quarters combat. For such a use case, I would imagine a low recoil bullpup smg with armor pen rounds makes sense. What SMGs do you think are good? I've always seen the MP5 in use by many special operations units, and it seems to be a military staple.

    the RL usage of the P90 is the same as it in in the game world: noobs. its commercial success is mostly due to extensive marketing by FN. its terminal ballistics effectiveness is zilch and its only real sales point is as armor-piercing. whats funny about that is the stupid wetbacks in messyco arent smart enough to realize that just because a gun has AP ammo available for it, it doesnt mean every round is AP. they have a massive P90/five-seven fetish because they want the armor piercing ability. theyre using regular civilian-market non-AP in the guns they smuggle and wonder why theyre not magic bullets. yea...they do manage to get some of the military/LE ammo...but not as much as the civilian stuff.

    the current western trend is to use a 5.56x45-caliber ar-15 variant with a shortened barrel. considering the 5.56x45 was designed as a rifle round, with the gas system calibrated as runs into reliability issues when the gas length is shortened too much. the performance goes to shit as well when a round that is designed for a barrel length of 'x' is fired out of a barrel length that is actually x-minus-too-many-inches. that...and its loud as fuck with a muzzle blast almost as bad as a 16" naval gun. armor-piercing is a double edged sword. its needed to take care of badguys wearing armor...but on the same note, armor-piercing rounds dont care what they pierce...they just keep doing it. meaning...once the bullet is finished going through the bad guy...its going to keep' on truckin' through the walls and neighbors walls...and any neighbors or pedestrians that happen to be in the way.

    low recoil also means low performance. its basic cant have a powerful round with no cost, as in recoil/muzzle blast. in closed-quarters an M4 going off sucks balls...and physically 'hurts.' ive had a 5.56x45 rifle's muzzle about a foot or so behind me go off a few times and the muzzle blast pressure wave gives me a split-second headache. in the real world that cant be good for focusing.

    i actually use a bullpup 7.62x39 in my house. otherwise, i dont think any SMGs are 'good' for what they were designed for, considering that short-barreled rifles with full-powered calibers are available. all current ones follow the trend of using sub-par calibers (.22 caliber or smaller) in an effort to appease the lowest common denominators inability to appropriately handle a firearm. manufacturers keep coming up with these ridiculous calibers that are smaller than .22's in an effort to win the prize of becoming the next best thing. my opinion is...nothing smaller than a 10mm should be in an SMG; nothing smaller than 7.62x39 in a general-duty rifle; and nothing smaller than 30-06 in a general purpose MG. if an UZI and an MP5 had a 10mm, .45...thatd be ideal to me. id like one in .50ae personally but that would never be used by anyone that needs to shoot people for a living.

    MP5 is a good gun...but its ancient technology using a caliber that is losing (technically) support. UMP was a stopgap that didnt cut the mustard. currently there arent any 'new' SMGs that have the benefits and reliability of the MP5 (and variants) but that doesnt stop almost every manufacturer from trying.
  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Lanny

    Checkmate atheists

    checkmate where youre the one that was mated.

    you see any trenches in that pic? look at that hat. look at that mask. look at the stitching on that uniform.

    none of that shit existed in WWI

  4. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Lanny You're fatter than me you braindead shit

    that dude is anorexic as a jedi about to be tossed into the ovens...
  5. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Lanny It's a little known fact that in WWI when the artillery was running low on poison gas trench warfare would devolve into soldier peeling onions and tossing them across no man's land like grenades as to blind their enemies in preparation for a charge.

    i would think that would make the peel-ers eyes tear up more than anyone near where the onion bomb landed.
  6. infinityshock Black Hole
    i love you too.

    now suck my dick
  7. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Sophie Have you tried rebooting your penis?

    i dont do anything to my penis that has potential for causing unpleasant sensations.
  8. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon The way that videogame players refer to the FN P90, because in many prominent multiplayer games, it is a "Noob cannon", in that it generally has a high "competence to return" ratio and is effective in the hands of use. This nomenclature is commonly used in the Counter Strike community because it has a high moving accuracy, high admiral penetration and low recoil, but a low skill cap. As a result, it is effective for noobs, but because it has a low skill cap, people who rely on it will generally remain noobs.

    thats horrifying. ive never played any of those games, but that explanation makes sense. i can say, in no uncertain terms, that the P90 in RL is a piece of festering shit. the only reason it has any following or sales whatsoever is its 'cool' appearance and supposed 'CDI' factor. otherwise it is poorly built, unreliable, shitty ergonomics, over-overpriced, shit accuracy past about 20 yards even in single shot, and the topping on the shit-cake is the ammo is shit, has shitty performance, it obscenely poorly designed, and preposterously over priced.

    the entire platform was designed to appeal to a bunch of generals in charge of procurement so they could play around with it at some private military range, shoostee off a few rounds of the ultra-low recoil ammo, and declare it the finest firearm ever produced by man...then spend ridiculous amounts of tax dollars to pay for it while patting each other on the ass for such a job well done. thats the actual reason it was designed. then real users got a hold of it...played around with it...then after laughing to the point of nausea, literally left them on the benches at the range in the hopes someone else would take them. (true story)

    in its current configuration (civilian semi-auto) it is a fun-gun for plinking and paper-punching because it has virtually no recoil and looks cool...however the price of ammo, inability to reload it due to a shit-design cartridge, and finicky nature of the gun, relegate it far below the utility of other firearms.

    the ONLY functional use of a P90 would be exclusive to the following situation: a small-framed, minimally trained, woman combatant, in either a vehicle or building, facing an adversary/adversaries wearing body armor, while the P90 was loaded with military/LE-exclusive 'armor piercing' rounds.

    any other situation, the P90 is virtually useless when compared to other more appropriate firearms.

    fuck FN for making the costs of what is essentially glorified rimfire rounds so absurdly over priced, and the 'other' producer of 5.7 rounds...just for being a dick.

  9. infinityshock Black Hole
    please try and suck my dick
  10. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by jobster dude
    plz help
    I just want to know remotely can someonedamage eyes?

    you havent answered what kind of fumes.
  11. infinityshock Black Hole
    you say hes an should know what to do.

    stick your dick in it.
  12. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Captain Falcon An incredibly interesting gun in terms of design but ammunition is expensive and uncommon, unfortunately.

    what the shit is a pro90?
  13. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ The point, BILL THE 😺,

    now youre hallucinating.

    Originally posted by mmQ … is that there is an edgy gun out there. You know it. I know it. We all know it.

    what i know is that youre hallucinating. what you know isnt what you think you know.
  14. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ Don't patronize us. Thanks.

    i didnt know that was an option...but since you say it much?
  15. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ The lie detector determined you're lying.

    i cant wait to hear what youre using for a lie detector.

    cramming chicken bones up your ass...shitting them out...then trying to interpret how they land, eh?

    seems legit
  16. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ Was that the gun from goldeneye? Pp90 maybe? Like it had very limited ammo but just sprayed hard AF.

    are you two retards trying to say P90?
  17. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Discount Whore This guy remembered everybody's birthday though. He remembered the birthday of literally everybody in my 5th grade class off the top of his head, no hesitation. It was so fucking crazy to see. I would bet money that to this day he still remembers them all. Srs.

    Personally I have trouble remembering my mother's birthday.

    i have literally forgotten my own birthday

    people would say 'happy birthday' to me and i would have to think for a minute if it was.
  18. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by mmQ What's the edgiest gun on the market? I want that one.

    what the shit is edgie? there are no edgie guns
  19. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by Hash Slinging Slasher Quite correct. Good thing I make my own

    .40 SW hollowpoints loaded into a 10mm...

    good times...
  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by SCronaldo_J_Trump I live in a big city and I just want to do sport shooting, target practice and shooting a can off a fence post, that type of stuff.

    I don't live in the USA, I can get shotguns and rifles, maybe a handgun one day if I get a lot of licenses.

    I was thinking of getting an SKS 7.62 rifle or something, maybe I can go hunting with my grandpa one day. What would you suggest for a first time gun buyer who never fired a gun in their life?.

    the first thing to know about getting advice on firearms is to take everything with a grain of salt and get second...third...and fourth opinions. despite how well meaning advice-givers try to be, that doesnt mean they know what the fuck theyre talking about.

    second thing...if youve never fired a gun, find someone to let you shoot theirs to get a feel for it and get an idea for what you like and dont like. proper etiquette is to bring your own ammo.

    an SKS is good for a first gun...almost ideal. its cheap, uses cheap ammo, is virtually indestructible, and is more accurate than an AK. the el-cheapo 7.62x39 ammo isnt made for accuracy...its made so you can make the gun go 'bang' with something coming out of the barrel...thatll eventually wind up in a dinner-plate sized target pattern. if you want to hunt with one, or take more precision shots, make sure you get real ammo from a quality manufacturer with an appropriate bullet. 7.62x39 is good for animals the size of medium sized deer (or smaller) at 100 yards or less.

    i wouldnt get a shotgun as a first gun...but thats just me. theyre versatile depending on various types of shot/slug, plinking ammo can be cheap, but theyre definitely not ideal as a first gun. buuuuut...everyone is different and some people may love having a shotgun over a rifle. there are loads available that have lower recoil. i know people whos only firearm is a shotgun, or multiple shotguns.

    for a first gun look for something that shoots ammo that is easy to get a hold of. i dont know where you live, but it sounds like ammo isnt as common to find as it is where i live. for instance...a 30-06 bolt-action could be good because the ammo can be down-loaded to shoot with virtually no recoil but when loaded hotter, can be used to hunt bears. the rifles are relatively cheap around where i live...and i dont know any store that sells ammo that doesnt sell 30-06. but thats just an example. where i live .223/5.56x45, .308/7.62x51, 30-06, and .270 win are ALWAYS on the shelf. even during the ammo shortages those calibers werent impossible to find, compared to other calibers.

    as far as i know .22s are common all over the world and can be used to feed a pistol or rifle. ammo is cheap, the guns are cheap, but they arent good for hunting anything larger than a rabbit.
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