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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting They should go back to using polonium. That was way cooler.

    dude melted and liquified in his hospital bed.

    they found goop. So Sad. WTF Russia?
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    I need to get my Passport. But do I go to the Chinese Deligate or is there a Taiwan one? Because China doesn't run that island?

    I'm confused. Anyone ever been or lived in Taipai? I want to see the towers there
  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by AngryOnion yitter man,the guy who blew his head off in his moms car that he stole.(RIP)

    Who Angry? JIE??

  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by G

    I actually like those, G. nice

    I wouldn't wear them near the hood though. Might get found double tapped missing shoes (maybe socks too)

    I wear shitty shoes when I drive in East Oakland doing Lyft work.
  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Wariat

    She has cute eyes.
    nice DSL

    She should dye her hair blonde. Not Red. Not Brown. Blonde.

    and she should stop fucking so many men. She might get HIV version 4.1
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by rabbitweed Why didn't I pick another industry?

    its not too late
  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by The Self Taught Man Specs this is my thread and I control the content!!

    Spec died. this is an imposter. lacks the positive interaction that spec had showed often. not always. this spec in recent times has mirrored the behavior of more shallow expressives like that of speedy or infinity.
  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    I'm pretty sure it's the same Lucy.

    Lucy lies. I had the pay stub to prove her wrong.
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    Karen + Carroll = care + apatheticly inclined.

    Sorry I can't do fun math quiz post.
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Octavian Anyone fancy a rape?

    You should hire an attorney to make up a doc which states they must be above 18. truly willing. not taking drugs and enjoy roll playing.

    Otherwise, you just put yourself on a watchlist, Pal!
  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    I want to say yes. but I think someone should blow their fucking brains out.

    If they were molested as kids then perhaps a hospital and years of therapy with chemically or surgically castrated before being offered to go back out into society. letting them know not to take anger out on kids. find some other way to direct anger at. ruining the lives of shitty people out there by recording them and telling them "Stop or I will send this to TMZ, The Sun, The Globe, or any other trash magazine that will post it"

    that sounds like fun actually.
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny to a white jesus ?

    Jesus was Brown. Peter was Black. None of them were white because they lived in a really really hot desert of the world.

    now, I lived almost a close desert enviorment for some years. got hot as fuck in the summer. lots of sun. but I had A/C and stayed indoors. and I'm one shade above Albino

    Not my family mind you. I was born with a lack of pigment. even my mom is dark european.

    whats my point? Oh yeah. in the days of Jesus they didn't have A/C
  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by CASPER Got crazy respect for dudes that can do it though. Im more of a lean-to, “dig a cave into a hillside” kinda nigga.

    I watch these all the time. The guy in sibera takes his time all summer building a "bear proof cabin" just a small shed size cabin with pullies, wenches, basic raw cutting tools. then there is a guy who uses a chainsaw and leveler to cut his own boards. they come out really clean and good quality. the most time is spent leveling it perfect and then you have to place shims in between the cut every 18 inches and tontinue on. you could probably get Twenty 2x16, 20, etc from each tree. smaller tree should get a 100 2x4 out in a single day. if not less.

    cut your lumber, come back the next year. that's why i wondered if you could leave if you homestead. but if you buy a cheap acre or two you don't have to worry. just cut it, wrap it and cover it with tarp and show up next year.
  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by CASPER As long as my mom is here, Im the only person she has here. And anything i do is pretty much gonna be permanent. I mean shit…ive put off getting a tattoo because im so indecisive. Granted theres not much life to transplant but itd still be weird. I havent seen anyone in the family in like 15 years. My grandpa is dead, my grandma has dementia in a home. My uncle works nonstop. Havent seen my cousins in 20 years at least, and theyre all married and elsewhere. And ive met my dad twice, myhalf brother n sister once, and Ive never met anyone else from that side of the family. Its just a weird situation.

    But yeah i daydream about just selling all my shit and going anyplace else.

    You're young. This sounds like a chapter in my own life right now at 54.

    My moms in a memory nursing home. half my siblings are dead.
    communicated with my dad on the phone but never met him. I talked to him the first time at age 16 until 2 months before he died.

    my one sibling I talk to I didn't talk to for 14 years. the other one just wants to live the last of his years spending it with his wife,kid and grandson.

    all my friends are dead or places I have no idea. I know a few people were were friends in school but not real close with.

    spent two decades in a mental funk.

    Hope things get a lot better for you, CASPER
  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    unrelated as fuck, YO!

  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls It's ok matey


    British Sgt-"LETS GO!"

    Battlefield 1942-Operation Aberdeen
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung i dont know how. this place is nice…i got a full kitchen.

    I stayed in one but not extended.

    They're pretty nice. Lots of single moms running from their hubbies. so finding "pelt" shouldn't be hard. two lonely hearts beating as one while never calling back.
  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie Not more so than synthesizing any other primary HE.

  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    Sorry Grills, I realized it wasn't your post. I was having a caffien crash and got tired and went to bed not long after that.
  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung Don't expect all those gorgeous Sunny days like you get in Cali.

    It's been an old school Summer here in the bay. Cold, misty, foggy. the very week that our Indian Summer starts; FIRE!

    A page out of Bladerunner. it's still smokey. thick fog like smoke. the air quality was 300. normal is 5. maybe 15 for an average city near a busy highway.

    I couldn't even leave the window open because air was getting sucked out of our apartment. making it feel like we were breathing under water. I have never experienced this kind of sky in over 5 decades of living here. but the last 3-4 years is a repeat.

    I wish I had money and was single just after 2008. I would of moved to Utah and got a nice small house and spread and lived out my life.
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