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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    I think it is like how the toilet rotates in a flush. North of the equator its clockwise and south is counter clockwise?
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    Trippy Mindfuck r u Trippy McGee from Australia?
  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by MORALLY SUPERIOR BEING 2020 IV: Intravenous Soyposting

    Just going to leave this here.

    how valid is the source? is she being edgy and just thinks she's mocking the real thing of pedo island or is she linked? if so, how does anyone know this is real?
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby You're fucking fucktarded man. Go strap on your drool cup

    In for the totse/zoklet block as usual, Kromo.

    Give me a break little man who refuses to launch. you get bonus in the bank account every time you deflect?
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by mmQ It's not up for debate m8.

    Was it you? It looks like the cunt name Digital Avatar because I recall his picture a bit and it looks a lot like this one.

    He wrote about me on some page. How "I GOT HIM AND I KICKED OFF" he is a little instigating man.
  7. Bugz Space Nigga

    Silver Fox on the Run
  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    Fuck you in your racist shit-pussy for bringing this back to life Wellhung

    he used to be a member on hateforum is what was believed.

  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by HTS

    It's not Random Sequence.

    Odds of Probability of so many coincidences just builds the x:y ratio with many zeros behind it.
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by mmQ He just said, toothless joe, you silly ho.

    it also looks a lot like Digital Avatar.

    there is an old dude name toothless joe I've seen on several sites.
  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Firekrochfatty Who Wrote The Book Of Love, The way the post office smelled of paper and cigars, cigarettes, and shoe polish, Glen miller playing in the supermarket speakers, Connie Francis, CH-21 Flying Bananas, F-104 Starfighters, Eisenhower, Kennedy, The 4 days of nothing but Kennedy assassination on TV, and 2 channels only, if we were lucky. Phone party lines, phones with cranks and ear pieces… Fedoras and suits worn to work everyday, The Queen Mary still sailing, instead of docked at long beach…all the rockets before the moon stuff, Hurricane Maggie….

    i love memories of my mom singing along to her listening to connie francis and patsy cline.

    but that was early 70s.
    she could of been a starlett
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    Beto O'Rourke being a well known kid team member of the Cult of Dead Cows "Think Tank" from 1989 to? with Totse having a menu page linked to their "member of about 35-40 Highschooler and College age kids being groomed for politics and tech security"

    I have no problem with that. all countries have these mission or pathway schools for such things.

    But when it's used for one Party and not a Bipartison adventure then we have a fucking problem in this country.
    I'm not being anti democratic. I registered for both parties. I became a Republican after Clinton nearly started WWIII with his Wag the Dog move after Monika Lewinski.. suddenly he's helping Muslims kill Yugoslavian Christian "Warlords" it went both ways. both sides were evil dictators. it was their war, their problem. no security threat to the US. it was in their backyard they shared.

    But I wont get into that. Bush comes along with Dick Asshole Cheney and lie about a reason to go to war.

    This is why I know both parties are corrupted with the same effen faces running things.

    This is about how that 2001 totse manifesto went from seeing it as Dick Cheney and Halliburton to seeing the bigger picture of Saudi Arabs funding terrorist in the USA and their ties more with democratics secretly running and probably funding groups to protest and cause fear and panic in the USA.

    it goes way back, but it ends up with the same Weather Underground Organization involving Bill Ayers, Susan Rosenburg (Who happens to be head of BLM's donation which isn't being used for Black People's interest of fixing up schools and parks and for college tuition grants, but rather given to DNC platforms of mostly white Democratic Politicians.

    Why is she raising money for a group that seems to have ties with Antifa and the "Splinter Cell" group creating major chaos and cops and federal security police assasinated (then blaming some Boogalu boogieman group)

    Honestly, both groups pro MAGA and BLM/Antifa are probably antaginized by some Instigation group.

    I'm not getting into the whole George Soros Conspiracy theory or your guys making Anti-Semitic remarks of "All J'ews" responsible when it's just Athiest "Cultural J'ews". fake israel.

    they're spinning minds. BOTTOM Line Pre Warning Attack THREAT Manifesto made on

    My Username "Greenspam" on totse and &TOTSE dialup being kicked off. Having a future FBI agent/asset/tech worker make false claims I was "King of Trolls" to demonize me, User name "Zok" and eventually carrying the torch for when it closed down in 2009 to run the first iteration BBS

    Why the FBI is maybe being unfair and not giving interest to my warning of what happen. Me going to their field offices at Golden Gate Ave in San Francisco multiple times over the years. "We can't take any material, Hard Copy nor Data"

    Because?? James Comey was eventually brought in 2013 which he left Bridgewater Associate in 2013 and Jeff Hunter left as well in 2013.

    Jeff Hunter black listing me and then being on the 2007 dream force bragging and nodding his head like it's a wink when he talks about his A*lpha Application Software being used by mainstream corporations to decide whether they want to accept employment applications and placed me on a Blacklist for employment because when I logged in on September 11th 2001 he used his Pop Up window to talk to me live and tell me "I have feds here right now, If you don't leave me alone I will make sure you never work again" and me being rejected for employment for years.

    I wish I could of SUED his fucking ass. but now I give 0 shits. Damage Done.

    His friend Brewster and probably a former NirvanaNet BBS owner who might be working for the Server division at (Which purchased ) making sure waybackmachine scrubs pages from the year 2001.

    Bill Ayers adopted son becoming DA in San Francisco (Hey, Beto Orourke and Boudin becoming high level City, state and federal level big shots)

    I don't know if Beto had connections to WUO shit. but we know musicians or artist do. and we now know politicians do.

    the only thing Bipartison here is corruption from both sides, because Bush and Cheney (NeoCons not Conservatives or True Republicans) were involved in this fucking mess. along with Reagan and George Washington Sr PotUS 40 and 41
  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    Watched Charlie Wilson War
    Operation Cyclone.
    It was too look as if we were trying to stop Pinko Soviets from 1979-1989 invading Afghanistan (Soviet-Afghan War- Russia's "Vietnam" ) and then rolling into neighboring countries to gain communist power over the oil region. But the truth was to flip it to American Hold (as well as state of False Israel) by aiding Osama Bin Laden (By US CIA) with shoulder launch anti aircraft (eventually used on Americans during the Afghanistan War of 2001-Current. Pretty much America's longest war to date. ) because their (Afghan Rebels) Primative Muskets couldn't penetrate low flying Russian Helicopters with their armor plates installed. So they were taken out by shoulder launchers. which worked well on tanks too.

    Critics assert that funding the mujahideen played a role in causing the 11 September attacks. (Charlies War relates to the 21st Century War)

    The U.S. government has been criticized for allowing Pakistan to channel a disproportionate amount of its funding to the controversial Hekmatyas (indicating Pakistan was complacent to secret connections to this attack as well as Saudi Arabia)

    Pakistan knowingly harbored Osama Bin Laden. he didn't sneak into Pakistan. though in truth. He was a scapegoat. he was the Saudi Arab's family Black-Sheep.

    Unrelated/Related: I noticed Captain Falcon and Totsean are both Pakis as well.
    Captain Falcon named after the F-16 Falcon Jet given to your faggoted country?
    So You're a Pakistani Pilot which makes sense, since you Chose Captain Falcon as your name.

    Charly Wilson US House of Representative 2nd District of Texas

    Beto O'Rourke US House of Representative 16th District of Texas

  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    Dogs live longer when fixt.

    Get Boris fixt, My Friend.
  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    What happen to Kinks

    you faggots made fun of her because she would not reciprocate conversations to your demands of being pervy and calling her a gold digging single mom

    thats why this place is such a fucking cockfest of misery.
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung He was a gud lil nigga.

    You don't deserve to be in my Country, Poof.

  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Lanny

    - Money
    - Drugs

    - It's probably the FBI

    How is Wintermute doing?
  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sudo It's target not a persons actual card.

    All the moral faggotry in this fucking thread is unbecoming of the totse history. I've stopped doing shit like this but if anyone has a problem with someone getting free stuff from target they're a fucking cuck.

    yes but I truly thought most of the post on totse were just nerds being edgy and funny. then some of them were getting into trouble for stupid shit.

    I am sorry for the moral faggotree it just was a real hardship on me.

    FUCK I want good times to return to this fucking place we live. I enjoyed college pranks and other shit reading on totse but whatever. im gonna go rub one out on now
  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung Do you fuck niggers, Bugz?

    that word is getting lame and old.

    I wish for world peace.

    We're all so effed. nothing good has come out of this year for any of us that I've heard so far. but we're all along for the ride. but we're on a nice train ride so far. soon we all will have to get off at the station and transfer to Get on that Bus.
  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by FuckKiKi Sup nerds. I was on totse and rorta around 2007ish I believe and it's fucking crazy that this site is so much like it. Alright, on to the good shit.

    So fraud is cool right? Here's how to make a few thousand a month from Target.

    Gvoice or burner
    new email
    Clean IP or some clean ass proxys
    VCC or credit card that you don't plan on committing more fraud on.


    Order some shit on target under $1200 (US). I personally like iPad Pros. Keep the order around 2-3 items including a case or apple pencil

    When it arrives, call target and complain about only receiving the apple pencil or case or whatever and that this was a gift for your dying girlfriends grandmas lesbian partner

    They will do a short internal investigation and then refund you the ipad cost.


    How to take it further:
    Go get a VCC from or revolut. Order some shit with a totally different name, addy, email, and phone number.
    Do this over and over with new cards and addys.

    If your opsec is good (aka, don't answer the door and scream out your full name and ssn), you can do this ad nauseum.

    People like you caused pain for me when I was collecting Unemployment and my brand new CC was stolen and used (Not the physical card)

    this has happened several times.
    I want to just ask you to die but just grow the fuck up. Get a job. stop being a piece of shit.
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