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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    there is only one original member left. r n r lifestyle is a mofo
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    if Norm is a thing and eveyone goes back to behavior not being displayed like it is this year, people will start saying shit like, Hey, Calm down. its not 2020 you know.

    that will be a future meme
  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by mmQ Firsthand experience. Self-sourced.

    what makes you think is killing people who get 106 f temps and lungs filled with pnemonia every fucking year during winter months?
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by vindicktive vinny no srsly, her nose is too high for a genuine africoid.


    a person of color making a redneck remark like that.

    are you a white guy living in taipai or acually asian?
  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    was this about wario n hikki ( even though hikki talked of challeging the legalities while wario did both challenge and violate). it scares me that in cali, libtards are reconsidering age restrictions be lowered while most far rights like the secretcy game of it. though the clintons seemed more open about it during Bill's govenor days in Arkansas. thats actual statements by state police used as persinal security along with other people in the state capital building. coke parties and mena airport from central america business deals and underage 13 year old being sexually molestec at the state mansions parties.

    later secret service spoke out as well against both bill and Hilarry.. hillary was into stuff more than bill himself.
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by theshroomguy Right as i was in line behind this 30 something gimped legged dude with no mask on paying for his shit at the counter this other 60 year old dude with a mask on passes by him and sir gimpleg yells "6 feet" and both proceed to threaten to kick each others ass. Cashier wasn't having it and made the old dude leave. How the fuck can you demand social distancing while being too good to wear a mask? State of society now…

    the mask was more of a suggestion, the 6 feet is the order.
  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    so many people thought it was a UFO they parked in the shoulder of the highway to video tape.

  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by -SpectraL That is classified information.

    *sends white van to psychomanthis' personal residence*

    youre not spectral
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Splam The show kinda went on the joke that Daniel was the bad guy.

    its not a joke. Fuck Danny
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    dont get drunk and talk on live chat

    and maybe lay off the biscuits n gravy a bit.
  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    wondering if OP knows its a spinoff or not
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls My little elegant boy will live a good life 💜

    Place it in a brown or solid black oak frame. maybe matting' matching the tile color on the inside to seperate the lighter of the green background as the outer matt to blend with the frame. non reflective glass will help preserve him for years to come.

    place a 0.0001 bitcoin purse written on a piece of paper so when someone in 2090 (well after you two have been frozen) finds it for sale at a Antique-shop they might tend to take apart the frame hoping a treasure might be behind the back piece and the 0.0001 will be worth like a billion bazillion BC

    could happen.
  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby You're fucking fucktarded man.

    ^And that's how it works(regarding Krolo)

    according to former CIA asset Susan Lindauer who was arrested along with the military pilot for speaking out.

    Not against a NDA agreement but for speaking out. how these shills get paid for exaggerating to protect the MIC under the patriot act.

    Re-programmed felonist no doubt
  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I never made fun of her just thought she was an idiot. Way to whyte knyte gayboi

    How can I be Gay if I was being a White Knight for her?
  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    Both parties are guilty.

    they hold info on each other.
    only attorneys and underlings of the great representatives are devoured under the great lions with wheels.

    The Bus. kind of like that "Get on the bus" but pushed underneath instead.

    M. Cohen knows. or is it Cohan?
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung Folks, He's not racist, but he certainly doesn't want to be the next victim of a nigger with a gun who's smoking.

    that word again

    or some white crackhead, PoC with issues or anyone who is just as thuggy as any other willing to do this kind of retarded inhumane shit.
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    they pushed the JENKEM associated with TOTSE so that no one would take the website of being a serious issue but rather a bunch of icky people huffing and sewer meth.

    The story showed up to discuss how sad it was in one of the African Nations that children didn't have any playgrounds or things to do so they found out sitting by open sewers and such they got high. and they one day placed it in a jar, foil on top and ran off the next day in the African sun.. kid huffed it and passed out and started hulliciniating.

    So of course instead of reading for information purpose the guys looking to get high from recipies on totse found it and may have died and the mom told it to the media

    not sure the real facts, it ended up on International Media and TOTSE was "That Site of poop sniffers"

    So the CTO of Obamas 2008 and 2012 Hope campaign was a poopie huffer too? "TOTSE FOREVER"

    and Beto O'Rourke. I guess all Libtards sniff the poopy bottle
  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    TrippyMcGee was a shell of the 'TM' Transcendental Meditation Cult that WUO and Ray Daleo are.
  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung Folks, niggers are still doing things to each other that white people stopped doing in the Middle Ages.

    Originally posted by mmQ Because whites are cucks who'd rather pay for rapists and murderers to sit comfortably in air conditioned prisons with cable tv, video games, friends, sports, drugs, cigs, and good food.

    The NIGGERS know what they're doing.

    Originally posted by WellHung nigger

    It's can't go away it seems. that word tries to eat itself but is conjured up to fast by the numerous white nationalist on this site

    MEGA Alt Right and the fake BLM can battle it out in the desert and kill each other off. both are a huge threat to ever getting a single day without violence and chaos

    People just want to live their lives out without the corruption driving these mindless lemmings. Their masters even paying some of them.
  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by aldra lol wait, wasn't ID chief's name vinny? that's starting to make sense

    though remembering ID chief also made me remember SeanyDigital, god that kid was a spastic

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