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Posts by Bugz

  1. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by infinityshock lovingly allowed lard-ass lanny the luxury of lapping the loins-leviathan while the little lad larps as a laotian ladyboy lapdancer........................................................................... (banned) the same answer as always: j­ews

    and the kikes wonder why everyone hates them

    Where did this word Kike come from?

    I'm curious if it means evil joo who doesn't practice their religion. the Athiest Hebrews who lust for power, money and women/men

    care nothing for their fellow man who are non-J'ews. Because a real practicing J'ew would open his doors to christians or muslims. they would debate their beliefs civilized.

    They wouldn't form a false Israel by being sneaky and calling it "Zionist Movement" for a place that J'ews can live knowing at some point they were going to mow down their Palestinian neighbors (as well as Lebonon, Syria etc..) only to anger the G-d of Abraham for doing so.

    they're the Synagoug of Satan
    Rev 3:9

    the ACL(u?) is trying to demonize Rev 3:9 like they have bowl cuts or Bugaloo as White Supremist Codes (Which might be, but you can't outlaw a bowl cut or Bugaloo)

    Hell Even Moe Howard had a bowl cut. WTF

    Edited: Moe Photo

    I want to add I would support the ACL against true Anti-Semitism. but many of these lawyers are children of atheist "Cultural J'ews" and they're using the attorney firm as a shield for their Agenda. they polluted what looked to be a good thing. helping (pro bono in many cases) for diversity. not just for J'ews but PoC or Bigotry against undesired whites.

    Clearly it's been poisoned. "Middle Age White men (not Euro J'ews) need to Die off"

    Right, Like I'm going to get on board with that. I'll derail this mother fucker if its the only way to get off of it.
  2. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by CASPER I think its a lot easier to catch them during spawning season whenever the fuck that is. Otherwise only a handful stick to very specific locations, n theyre powerful n fast in deeper water. If its shallow enough you can build a little circular dam out of rocks and then splash around at the other end to scare them into it and then close the open end and spear the fish with a stick

    You should move to Alaska and forge your destiny

    are they still giving free land away up there for anyone who stays 5 years? plus like 100 a month (or 1200 each year) to not leave.

    off the grid would be awesome. but I would want to live on What I guess is the Panhandle and not halfway to backyard Russia. Juno area? that's probably a lot more populated than Anchorage is. I mean Anchorage might have 300k by now and the most populated region as a city. but being closer to BC probably has more of a stable feel to it. even if it is miles away from nothing. Anchorage is not going to have free land near by.
  3. Bugz Space Nigga
    I woke up.

    Something happened. America is Finished. And Trump isn't going to lead anyone out of this mess. the reason is most American Citizens are living for the American Dream. it's now a much larger early bird special. first one in. The day after Thanksgiving on a dark early morning friday. pushing and shoving and stomping and yelling. It's challenging and exiting and leaves a big mess behind.

    Thats the Modern Day America. the wealthy nations from Europe, Asia, Middle East and soon Africa will laugh and say we deserved it.

    But we have the big gun. or we did. hand it over to the UN once those treasonous commies take over.

    Dig in. I really hoped that the 20s would be the new roaring 20s and that it was going to finally be a Great Party for sometime to come. But then Neal Peart died, corona came alive, riots happened and then revived, fire in the sky like an all day sunset on Planet ApocalypsOH

    whats next.

    We all died in 2012 and this is Purgatory. what happens next. a time to purge. a time for cleanse.

    I woke up today. yet I'm not frightened like a sane man should be. I feel nothing.
  4. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Bill Krozby I want to work her asshole over real well for what she did to children. I mean no lube and up the ass and then she can suck my dick after I cum, fucking cunt.

    you have some sick demented shit going on in your fucking head you misogynous psycho
  5. Bugz Space Nigga
    i thought she was cute in her youth but something fucked her head up. rich daddy girl from london. posh up bringing. like the Patty Hearst of the uk
    stolkholm syndrome?
  6. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie lrn2biology

    You drip a drop on your dick, see what happens. Gotta make your own nitroglycerine though. Medical grade is very diluted.

    tas insanely dangerous prolly.
  7. Bugz Space Nigga
    isnt rabhbitweed the coupon guys name?
  8. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal lol George soros is just an actor you retard
    The real people behind all of this are the black nobility/oligarchs

    We have to kill off their entire bloodlines

    you will prolly be found in a meat freezer for saying this.

    ps if you are found dead in meat was a guess on my part or this group used my statement to make me look like i tore your fucking filthy head with bloody spine attached
  9. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie Never tried it. Nitroglycerine works better anyway, or so i hear.

    arnt you supposed to get back in beige warlocks cellar, you cellar dweller.
  10. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Sophie Never tried it. Nitroglycerine works better anyway, or so i hear.

    i have had two mild heart attacks and they sprayed it under my tongue ( Paramedics)

    didnt boner up
  11. Bugz Space Nigga
    is that your racist blue stripe shirt next to her?

    fucking Nerd.

    were is boris? and dont say he licked your protein off her face
    thats beastiality and the feds will shut down this filthy site
  12. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by blaster master Man, things have been rough lately and ive been going thru a lot of trauma in the last 31 years. I had read on NIS that krolz uncle was paying peoples rent so I looked him up in the white pages for beefa, tx, that's an imaginary place in texas for you yanks, and I called him up. We had a long talk about how I've been fucking my life up for the last 31 years (not that I know what that number means), and at the end of the conversation he told me he'd put me on the payroll for the pepper farm but I'd have to owe him a major favor, and when he asks me to do it I cant say no. I asked him what the favor is and he said that I had to marry mash's cousin and take care of the baby she had with dewglass. I said okay, and he's gonna cash app me $444 a week for the rest of my life.

    does she look jooowish like mash?

    joo fro?
  13. Bugz Space Nigga
    did i mention it sucks being over 45 if meds kill your weenier
  14. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Grylls I got them from a friend recently, not that I need them but thought it would be fun to try them out

    I tried a couple out but they didn’t do anything besides make me feel more horny but thats kinda like a placebo effect I guess

    Have YOU ever tried it?


    they dont do anything unless you look at porn or have a good imagination or a real hawt n nice smelling lady

    side fx..
    weird colors in vision (blue i believe)
    constipated af the following day
    dizzyness for some

    after using, eat 2 cereal bowl size of applesauce and drink some citracel or fiber pill. youll need it.

    following day
    follow up with 2 bananas and some baby spinache with some sport drink ..blend it into a smoothy after the wet shits.
  15. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Japan-Is-Eternal The girl in the pink dress is pretty cute

    there is just an undertone of cringe based Hikki n Wario in the statement
  16. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by BeeReBuddy The lady at Speedway wouldn't sell me cigs cuz i can't find my ID
    And I am suppose to go look at an apartment here really soon and it is actually a halfway nice one.
    How the fuck am I suppose to look serious without my ID?
    This sucks balls.
    I got to find it.

    you honestly look 15-17 years old
  17. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by WellHung that kike is not funny in the slightest.

    his laugh is annoying but thats his trademark sig.

    admit he and Franco were funny in Pineapple Express
  18. Bugz Space Nigga
    does it have angry stuff like rattle snakes or umm bears n shit?
  19. Bugz Space Nigga
    then this asshole. Your all Carl.

    im like Shake err summin

  20. Bugz Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Speedy Parker That was a weak comeback in grade school.

    "I know you are but what am I?"

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