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Posts That Were Thanked by -SpectraL

  1. Rizzo in a box African Astronaut [the rapidly lightproof ovariectomy]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL I will outlive each and every one of you. Mark my words.

    I'll drink to that, cheers.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Loss prevention has access to the hardcopy receipt rolls inside the register, so it's very easy to detect. Just roll back the transactions on that cash and viola.

    ancient history

    now they have direct access to the POS logs that can be cross referenced with the digital CCTV recordings to see what was scanned and paid for and what was magically not scanned.
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  3. Bologna Nacho African Astronaut
    So THEY shoplifted...LOL
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  4. Lanny Bird of Courage
    I've been thinking of setting up small server in my home. Since I'm being cucked by comcast I couldn't run any serious outward facing services on it, but lately I've been feeling a bit nervous about backups. I have backups for most the stuff I care about, but they're all on hardware I don't own. Given the MS acquisition of github I'm feeling the need to keep a local mirror of my projects and my music collection is sitting in a cut rate data center somewhere that I fully expect to go up in smoke through admin incompetence, and it'd be nice to mirror my seedbox on my local network so I don't have to put up with comcast throttling the shit out of me at peak hours. I also have some significant matlab batch jobs it might be nice to ship off to a server so I can have my workstation either going in parallel or I can play videogames while that runs on another server, although that's secondary.

    I'm thinking of doing a RAID 5 setup, I definitely want redundancy and the ability to expand in the future would be nice, which is why I chose a case with extra drive racks (also you can get it in this sick orange color: Tentative parts list below:

    PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

    CPU: AMD - A10-9700 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($82.40 @ OutletPC)
    Motherboard: ASRock - AB350 Gaming-ITX/ac Mini ITX AM4 Motherboard ($108.29 @ SuperBiiz)
    Memory: G.Skill - Aegis 8GB (1 x 8GB) DDR4-3000 Memory ($77.88 @ OutletPC)
    Storage: Western Digital - Blue 2TB 3.5" 5400RPM Internal Hard Drive ($59.88 @ OutletPC)
    Storage: Western Digital - Blue 2TB 3.5" 5400RPM Internal Hard Drive ($59.88 @ OutletPC)
    Storage: Western Digital - Blue 2TB 3.5" 5400RPM Internal Hard Drive ($59.88 @ OutletPC)
    Case: BitFenix - Prodigy (Black) Mini ITX Tower Case ($69.99 @ SuperBiiz)
    Power Supply: SeaSonic - G 550W 80+ Gold Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($65.99 @ SuperBiiz)
    Total: $584.19
    Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
    Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-08-18 17:32 EDT-0400

    Any comments/suggestions? I was hoping to keep the build under $500 which I overshot a bit. Not sure what to cut though. I could probably get a cheaper CPU (and mobo, consequently) but I feel like I'm giving up a lot of perf for that next fifty or so bucks. I do feel kinda dumb spending more on the mobo than CPU though, I'm not sure if it's AMD sockets or motherboards have just gotten expensive or because I'm buying at the lower end or because I'm doing mini-ITX but I'm not seeing anything below $100 that isn't getting trashed in reviews.
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  5. Ensign Galm African Astronaut [specifically erupt this tetrachloromethane]
    You, kids dont scare me

    Did i do it right
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  6. eBagger Tuskegee Airman
    I can just picture that motherfucker walking around in 1980 with some shit like this

    typing frantically on his faggy little wrist, complaining about some calculator ban before it was even a thing

    showing off to the local homeless people around the library how advanced he is and how he's a real eBadass

    But honestly I prefer the OG "I was on the internet when it was a calculator" -Spectral character, which I believe is very much the real -Spectral
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  7. Red_Woman African Astronaut
    I know a lot of people dis this "Pink Floyd" period. But I actually like that song, Spectral.
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  8. Enterita African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL The Internet actually started on a wristwatch. Hard to believe, but true.

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  9. Space Nigga
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  10. Enterita African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Guess the language…


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  11. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Back in the '60's and before, it was lawful to beat your wife. Your wife wasn't considered a person, really, more like the man's personal property. If the cops came on a domestic call, they would just take a look at the bloodied face of the woman, ask the husband if she had gotten out of line, he would say yes, and the police would go on their way without incident. Then the wife knew for a certainty who had control.

    exactly, narcys whole stance is if a woman hits you you shouldn't hit her back because you're the stronger sex which is total bullshit

    his mindset is fucked up he really believes that a woman hitting him will make him subservient to her, no wonder why he is a heroin addicted half way house retard

    (because of this barriers in thinking) narcy doesn't jump to far thats why he missed the point of this thread

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  12. Lanny's Personal Assistant Yung Blood (banned)
    I don't think Lanny likes us talking about this. Lets ask his permission before we keep on this topic, OK?
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  13. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    I just spent a few days at my grandmother's place, she's the last of my grandparents still alive.

    she knows she's going to die soon - my grandfather had collected a significant library before he died 9 years ago, and she's been giving that away along with anything else people might want. she's made her own funeral arrangements and prepared her will.

    once she passes, her house, land and everything else will be sold and divided among her children.

    she and my grandfather bought and moved into that property in the year I was born, 1986, and once it's gone, all I'll have left are faded memories of the christmases I spent down there most years. it's a six hour drive into the country to get there, so it's unlikely I'll ever see it again.
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  14. Space Nigga
    Originally posted by -SpectraL This isn't a joke. Dick Cheney has now been assigned as your personal handler.

    I'd like to handle both of his fists.. Shove one of them in his mouth and the other in his asshole and then plug his ears with my my fingers and blow into his sinus to see if his dick would whistle

    whistling dick cheney!
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  15. Enterita African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL You know those little pygmies with the long blow guns? They dip their darts in a paste they cook up using the coating from these very frogs, then they hide in the bushes. Just like you see in the movies. The poor sap goes by, unaware, and "ahhhhhhhh", grabs his shoulder, and then seconds later he drops dead. The pygmy then drags the body back to camp where they have a detoxifying ritual they use.

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  16. S6x African Astronaut
    Originally posted by -SpectraL

    True thing

    This is really old schoolyard idioms.

    Tea Pee for my Bunghole.. seriouslly.. I remember a dude in 8th grade in the 1970s say this all the time.

    the other one from Beavis and Butthead was going to the Chinese restaurants and ordering Pork Buns but the chinese woman always daid Bung. Pork-a-Bung with a slight "ah" at the end

    we would say Pork Bung all the time. But Mike Judge is from texas. unless he just happened to live in the bay area and picked it up.

    my guess is that even though texas is only 800 miles from LA to at least the tip of texas. idiotic school idioms had probably transfered with students like this 8th grade kid I then grew up with (I mean I met him while I was in the 7th or 8th grade)

    Anyways notice these things in cartoons?
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  17. kroz weak whyte, frothy cuck, and former twink
    Originally posted by -SpectraL *posting in a Bill Krozby thread*

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  18. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition
    oh. lol. saw filename that time
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  19. NARCassist gollums fat coach
    Originally posted by -SpectraL A lot people don't know that prisons are not operated by the state, even though they might call them a state prison. These places are run by private companies. That's why their lobbyists push to get longer and more strict laws and pay billions to get laws changed by their lapdogs in Congress. That's why pot laws exist, and that's why the courts are a joke. These clowns make trillions for themselves off the suffering and misfortune of others. And they are so greedy they are not happy just billing the taxpayer to high heaven for their crimes against humanity, but they also put their victims to work to make even more billions for themselves. In my world, they'd be the ones hanging from nooses.

    these are the same despicable people i was on about before.

    Originally posted by NARCassist the death penalty should only be used for offenders who use power and influence to start a war just so they can make more money through supplying the military. that is pretty much one of the few crimes truly deserving of it.


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  20. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by -SpectraL Corporations are actually far left radicals, because they greatly enjoy the dirt cheap slave labor from illegals, which puts trillions more dollars into their own pockets. When you don't have to pay your workers a fair wage, and when you have a fresh supply of incoming desperate slaves to exploit, that makes for a really great bottom line.

    they are the precise reason that illegal aliens are being encouraged to enter the US. corporations in the US have been doing that since the 1500s.

    this is how they managed to keep the wages/benefits to employees down even though the economy is growing at unheard of rates. they are literally colluding with each other to assure maximum profits with labor rates that are virtually below slave-labor rates.

    another reason the rich (owners, CEOs, and upper level management)keep getting richer and everyone else is getting poorer.

    real world example: there is a massive construction project in the city i live in and to keep wages down the assorted general contractors and sub contractors are using spics that are off the books and below market value rates of pay, no benefits, definitely no overtime, and 50+ hour work weeks. someone anonymously called ICE and reported this then one day a convoy of cop cars, SUVs, border patrol, ICE, fire trucks, ambulances, short-buses, and assorted other vehicles swamped the place arresting everyone in sight. it was on the news. about a week after that the white people and legal-spics that were left were magically given pay raises.
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