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Posts That Were Thanked by -SpectraL

  1. mikeyagain African Astronaut [unalterably regard the persecutor]
    Originally posted by RisiR † I had to look that up but he really looks like that.

    Pull up your Huggies boy, and quit your squalling.. Clique boy, you've been cryin since day one...
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  2. Glokula's Homabla African Astronaut
    Originally posted by infinityshock there is no justification of any type in any translation of any semblance of civility that has a 'use' for children other than to let them grow and be happy.

    these reject niggers (character…not skin color) who consider children to be usable for sex or to be victims in some sort of fucktarded religious rites target the children specifically because they are innocents and helpless.

    these are the vermin that should be eradicated like rats and roaches. (also…anyone knowingly falsely accusing someone of abusing a child should receive the max penalty that someone who actually had committed the abuse would receive. making such false claims are one step down from actually abusing a child…because it is abusing a child by proxy)

    child abusers are a rung of degeneracy below even handsome and well tanned individual niggers and if i had to be a roomate with either a nigger or a child abuser, without killing it, id live with the nigger. (granted id rather it be the child abuser so i could bash it with a baseball bat regularly…but obviously that wouldnt be an option)

    i was just doing some smelting and thought it would be a good punishment for child abusers. liquify a few tons of lead then lower the guilty party into the molten metal…ala 'terminator.' im fairly sure the human nervous system isnt capable of detecting 600- or 700-degree temperatures and the flesh would just carbonize before the brain registered any sensation even though they would see, hear, and smell their body degrading into carbon virtually instantaneously.

    Infinity shock has strong morals and a good heart
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  3. infinityshock Black Hole
    Originally posted by we need to stop this shit. There is even people in power who are involved. a lot of these children are used in ritual killings as well as traffic for sex.

    kill all of these fuckers in public execution.. world law.

    there is no justification of any type in any translation of any semblance of civility that has a 'use' for children other than to let them grow and be happy.

    these reject niggers (character...not skin color) who consider children to be usable for sex or to be victims in some sort of fucktarded religious rites target the children specifically because they are innocents and helpless.

    these are the vermin that should be eradicated like rats and roaches. (also...anyone knowingly falsely accusing someone of abusing a child should receive the max penalty that someone who actually had committed the abuse would receive. making such false claims are one step down from actually abusing a child...because it is abusing a child by proxy)

    child abusers are a rung of degeneracy below even handsome and well tanned individual niggers and if i had to be a roomate with either a nigger or a child abuser, without killing it, id live with the nigger. (granted id rather it be the child abuser so i could bash it with a baseball bat regularly...but obviously that wouldnt be an option)

    i was just doing some smelting and thought it would be a good punishment for child abusers. liquify a few tons of lead then lower the guilty party into the molten metal...ala 'terminator.' im fairly sure the human nervous system isnt capable of detecting 600- or 700-degree temperatures and the flesh would just carbonize before the brain registered any sensation even though they would see, hear, and smell their body degrading into carbon virtually instantaneously.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  4. Rock_N_Rollover African Astronaut [my obsessively old-time raunch]
    Economy is doing well.

    Cracking down on illegal immigration.

    Defunding some of the millions we give the fucked up United Nations.

    Redoing NAFTA.

    He's a huge thorn in the CFR's ass.

    The biggest reason is that HE IS NOT THE FUCKING RADICAL LEFT.

    He is a Nationalist.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  5. Rock_N_Rollover African Astronaut [my obsessively old-time raunch]
    A Trump supporter. I don't like some of the shit he does but...

    If it comes down to Nationalism vs Globalism I'm going with being a Nationalist.

    Fuck open borders. Just look at Europe.

    Fuck the CFR. Trump pisses them off and good.

    Fuck illegal immigrantion.

    Fuck ANTIFA and fuck the SPLC.

    Fuck the anti gun lobby. Once they have your guns, game over.

    And fuck everything the fucking Globalists stand for.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  6. Sit in a river during dusk with a full body sized mirror half in, half out, spin around 5 times saying "Hail Mary, Bloody Mary"

    Then go cruise up and down cinnabar island
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  7. tee hee hee Naturally Camouflaged [slangily complete this slumberer]
    Cupo is itching for another ban...
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  8. Red_Woman African Astronaut
    Thank you, Spectral.

    Originally posted by aldra

    thanks to malice for that one

    Thank you, aldra. I couldn't get access from Italy, but thanks to Hola and mother Russia I did.
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  9. Rock_N_Rollover African Astronaut [my obsessively old-time raunch]

    All languages and cultures require classification - division of the natural and social world into
    categories. We distinguish and classify objects and people. All cultures have categories to
    distinguish between “us” and “them,” between members of our group and others. We treat
    different categories of people differently.

    Us and them
    And after all we're only ordinary men
    Me and you
    God only knows
    It's not what we would choose to do

    Forward he cried from the rear
    And the front rank died
    And the general sat
    And the lines on the map
    Moved from side to side

    Black and blue
    And who knows which is which and who is who
    Up and down
    And in the end it's only round 'n round

    Haven't you heard it's a battle of words
    The poster bearer cried
    Listen son, said the man with the gun
    There's room for you inside

    "I mean, they're not gonna kill ya, so if you give 'em a quick short, sharp, shock, they won't do it again. Dig it? I mean he get off lightly, 'cause I would've given him a thrashing - I only hit him once! It was only a difference of opinion, but really…I mean good manners don't cost nothing do they, eh?"

    Down and out
    It can't be helped that there's a lot of it about
    With, without
    And who'll deny it's what the fighting's all about?

    Out of the way
    It's a busy day
    I've got things on my mind
    For the want of the price
    Of tea and a slice
    The old man died

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  10. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    you have to be a special kind of shit for the MIC to eulogise you
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  11. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Originally posted by WellHung Jealous of the famous?

    No WellHung, I am not jealous of the man who just died of brain cancer and whose death a good chunk of the public is now celebrating and joking about. What about that am I supposed to be jealous of?

    Originally posted by cupocheer Hey, Banny – McCain wasn't a celebrity. He was one of the American heroes who put his own well-being between you and your worst enemies.

    But then you're too stupid to grasp the concept.

    He was some dude you never met whose name you know and you're now making threads about. That sounds like a celebrity to me.

    I don't know who you think my "worst enemies" are but they sure as fuck aren't the North Vietnamese, those dudes haven't ever done anything to me except make me some dank sandwiches. He engaged in an illegal war and murdered civilians and revolutionaries trying to end a lengthy history of western exploitation. McCain, at very best, was a tool of modern slavers and a murderer.
    The following users say it would be alright if the author of this post didn't die in a fire!
  12. Grimace motherfucker [my enumerable hindi guideword]
    I hope he burns in hell, held captive by DEMONS, like he allowed himself to be held captive by RICE FARMING FAGGOTS. He isn't an American. That was his way of draft dodging the war, like a spineless FAGGOT.
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  13. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by Technologist Why do you post some of the most inflammatory memes relating to the division going on in the US?

    Why wouldn't I?

    John McCain was an extremely aggressive warmonger who supported the toppling of Ghaddafi, war in Syria, Niger, Iran, Ukraine, North Korea, etc. Even war with Russia. At the same time he was totally pro-open borders pro-migrant.

    An extremely evil man, who made all our lives out here in the bad lands outside the USA a little worse, and I'm glad he's dead.
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  14. PrettyHateMachine African Astronaut
    Now that that whore hillary is next
    Then obongo and all the bushes
    and every other piece of shit NWO demon
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  15. Lanny Bird of Courage
    Godspeed on getting to hell in one piece Johnny boy. Wonder how long we have to wait before we can piss on his grave.
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  16. Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Lanny No you idiot, robots.txt is a protocol for communicating crawling guidelines to crawling services. If you just typed it into google you could find out what it is:

    NiS has a robots.txt:

    It's not a "backdoor to remove the pages" jesus H. Give up and do something productive with your time, like jerking off or drinking.

    Again, this is more of a Question. You're describing the actual robot.txt and it's purpose as a crawl instruction protocol to explain not to waste bandwith by continuous crawl or crawl "low resolution" .. this is an old instructional protocol command.

    again, I'm not making absolutes here. I'm questioning is it possible for someone to design one in which it creates a hidden code to the crawler by having the command do its thing and then sneak in a backdoor command to write into the page crawled and saved. there are different kinds of crawls. like google to register a search for people to find a website easier (or who register search on their websites on all search engines) and then there are spider crawl sites that save in archive. is not the first to archive websites. and there is also the prediction built into search sites to quickly find a suggestive site of specific catalog interest.

    OK regardless.. you're going to complicate what I'm saying. I don't care. this has nothing to do with what I researched on totse. it's not "You don't know tech enough and such and such totse pages never existed because you're showing ignorance now"

    i personally witnessed shit. I can't pull the chicken out of the coup if the fox hired to guard it ate the fucking thing.
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  17. Space Nigga
    Originally posted by Rock_N_Rollover

    the PBS video proving why the buildings fell actually does more harm in trying to defend that using trusses instead of welded cross beams.. because welded cross beams would of made sense ripping that building to shreds (WTC 1 AND 2) like it did. but by have trusses only bolted to weld mounts and only 4 inches of concrete wouldn't have ripped the out wall welded together of h-beams. and even if it did, it would of only been the top portion to do so. not keep pancaking in on itself. then take down 47 box columns with reinforce cased concrete with it. and the beams got thicker and wider towards the bottom. the load was also built 5 times it's suggested weight capability which was not over loaded.. meaning it had 5 times redundancy.

    and the entire building was pushing outward in all 4 directions like a banana peeling. taking the majority of what weight did exist off of the collapsing itself. so why didn't it slow to a stop? what made it keep going. hurrr... make some more shit up NIST>
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  18. Cootehill African Astronaut [my unsymmetrically blurry oregano]
    Originally posted by -SpectraL One more year and the clown, Jihadi Justin, won't be able to hurt Canada/US relations any further, because he'll be voted out on his dumb ass by the people of Canada. October 2019 is as far as this idiot will get.

    Justin Trudeau seems like one of those guys whose never known a sad day in his life.

    He is eternally optimistic, and seems to regard disappointment as being a myth spread by Russian trolls.

    He's never socialised beyond his socio-economic circle, and is perfectly happy being an inebriated, cosseted clown.
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  19. aldra JIDF Controlled Opposition

    apparently 'Lann_y Davis', representing Trump's lawyer Michael Cohen, is trying to crowdfund shekels to pay Cohen to publicly release the 'awful truth about Trump'. He's gone on all of the major news channels with his metaphorical pan and asked people to go to to donate.

    Except he seems to have forgotten to actually register the URL, because at this moment that URL redirects to a GoFundMe page for Trump's Mexico border wall.
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  20. Space Nigga
    Originally posted by CandyRein Lol.. look @ Finnerella Fagg


    We all come from "Black" African Tribes yet we're all "White" several layers in. NOHOMO

    As for the 1930s Pygmy video above, that was a pretty cool bridge. Considering the lack of resources. and how fucking hot it is to start smelting iron in the ground. Making due with the raw material of Mother Earth. they do well. Ignorance is bliss isn't "Stupidity Ignorance" it's simple technology and knowledge. although they may lack life saving technology such as surgery they are happy with what lifespan they have and if they beat an appendicitis or organ failure or falling in a river with crocks or from War (as all nations take part in). That bridge was made almost exactly as the Span Bridges in the San Francisco area in the 1930s. For all we know, those Architect guys looked at pygmy construction of one strand at a time and then meshing them together as the large spool cables of steal were strung out. Instead of a weaved flooring, we just applied cross members and tarmac.
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