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Posts by -SpectraL

  1. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Not really. There have been hundreds of people who were hung, and then it didn't work right, and they had to hang them again a few minutes later, or they had to physically pull down on the body on the rope to finish them off. This one guy, they hung him twice and he was still alive, and they were trying to decide whether they should hang him again.
  2. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    It's just null-routing those domains through a simple hosts file, effectively blocking the browser's access to them. Takes about one minute to do.
  3. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Daddyissues Curious.. what does that job pay?

    I work in retail and we have area LP mgrs that oversee 200+ stores. Its specialty so we dont have any on site reps.

    We dont do any extensive reporting or partner them in with any shortage under $500.

    Well, these days you would probably start at about $20/hr. After 10 years, you'd probably be making about $50/hour.
  4. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by mmQ I did get caught shoplifting once and it was cough syrup from k mart. :) I was just so down and out that I just wanted to drink a tussin yall boy and forget my worries . When I left this Asian cuck ran at ke like hey you need to come back and I ignores him and left sne then 5 guys started chasing me down . It was winter and I was lazy so I didnt run.

    That being said. They took me to the office and I signed ip for a program where I wouldn't get arrested if I just did their program and watched liken5 hours of why it's wrong to steal videos over the next few months. Haha

    I 3atched one. Then got bored. They never did anything and I still shop there to this day.

    You're lucky, because K-Mart has a "Zero Tolerance" policy for shoplifting. According to their policy, everyone gets criminally charged, whether you're 16 or 90. No excuses. If I was to let anyone off, I could be fired myself, for contravening company policy, that's how strict they were, although I still did let a few go. There's always those discretionary calls.
  5. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Fonaplats I just steal candy from Valero.

    Funny you mention M&Ms, because M&Ms were involved in a shoplifting incident where I was dragged half in and half out of a car driven by the shoplifter, and we were punching back and forth to the head and shoulders the whole time. These two tall, beefy, built guys walk in, looked like the gym types, and they head over to the hardware department. Once there, one of the guys looks at a $30 drill bit for a minute, then pretends to put it back on the hook, but palms it, and then pockets it. They browse some more items for awhile, then they start meandering through the aisles, at which point the same guy that stole the drill bit grabs a bag of M&Ms off the shelf in passing and opens it right up and starts eating them while he continues walking. Next thing you know, he and his buddy are heading straight for the main entrance, with the one still eating the M&Ms and holding the bag right in his hand.

    When they got just past the two big front doors, I came up beside them and flashed my badge and told them they were both under arrest for shoplifting, but they just looked at one another and kept walking. I came around in front of them and blocked their progress, but they went around me, and the guy who didn't steal anything took a swing at me in passing, so I clocked him one right to the head and sent him half down to the ground in a kneel, then he scrambled up and they both ran to their car, with M&Ms dribbling out of the bag the thief was holding onto the pavement. When they got to the car, the one guy hopped in the passenger side, while the driver hopped into the driver's seat, and I ran up just in time to stop his door from closing and jammed it open with my body, and when he started clawing at me and my face, I started wailing on his head with direct punches. While he's taking the punches, he manages to get the key in the ignition, starts the car, and gets it into drive, and blasts off, with me still hanging half in and delivering full shots straight to his head. He raced around in wide arcs in the lot a couple of times at about 60mph, with smoke billowing up from the tires, while I kept delivering shots to his head and upper body, but I finally jumped and rolled free.

    When the cops and I got to his house, after we ran his plate # I had memorized, he came to the door all meek and mild and insisted he had been sleeping the whole time and it wasn't him. One of the cops put his hand on the car's hood and found it was still very hot. After shining a flashlight inside the car, the cop spotted M&Ms spilled all over the rug and seat area on the driver's side. The idiot never let go of that bag, but he left a trail of hard evidence on the parking lot, and in his vehicle. When the cop told him he was fucked, he had to agree. The guy ended up getting a year in jail for assault on an officer and theft, and his buddy was also found guilty, but did not receive jail time.
  6. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by mmQ I cant imagine how I didnt get busted. I'd stand in the babby formula aisle for half an hour pretending to talk on my phone. How did someone not notice ? I fucking "syked" (spelling ) myself out constantly. I think I wanted someone to come address me but they never did. How does a walmart team of LPs not notice a guy shoving babby formula in his pockets over a half hour period?

    WalMarts are pretty sloppy. They have very large LP teams, but they're lazy and dumb, and their bosses don't really care. They make so much money, they don't give a fuck. But if you happen to be the one they manage to nab, they'll be all over you like a swarm. From what I've seen, when they come in for a takedown there's like 4 or 5 of them. Not like in my day, where we practically worked solo.
  7. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by mmQ I used to steal babby formula from them all the time. Like I'd literally go in and pretend to talk on the phone and put like 5 bottles of the 35 dollar shit in my awesome coat with many big pockets. Hahahahahaha I still have all the formula
    Like it's been 5 years. I have it.

    Baby formula is still a very hot item for shoplifters, because it has great resale value. I used to nail people all the time stealing those. They're like $50 a can. Some would steal like 6 cans at once, then come back in and take another 6 cans. Get greedy, get burnt.
  8. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by -mal- I don’t know how I’ve never gotten caught shoplifting. I didn’t even know people could spy through the ceiling…

    They are small 10"x10" squares of one-way mirrors, which are installed just under the sub ceiling, and run all the way around the circumference of the floor, spaced about 100 feet apart. There is a small passageway up there LP uses to get quickly from one port to the next, and there are stairs near each one to gain quick reentry to the floor. Each viewing port has a stool and set of high-powered binoculars. You can follow a person continuously throughout the entire sales floor without leaving the stool. One guy on the floor, one guy in the port, walkie-talkies to communicate and coordinate takedowns. You kind of need that when you are dealing with professional booster crews, but it also comes in handy when you think there's a chance the perp might already be onto you.
  9. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    This one time I see this guy going up the stairs into the personnel office, and I ask around on the floor and find out he's doing an interview for an assistant manager position. About an hour later, I see him out on the floor looking at items on the shelves, and after asking around a bit, I find out the interview is not over yet, that the personnel manager and him are just taking a timeout for lunch. I get a strong hunch, so I go up to one of the viewing ports in the sub ceiling and grab the binoculars and start tracking him through various departments. He picks up a few items and goes to the cash and purchases them. Then he comes back onto the floor, with the bag in hand, walks directly up to right below the viewing port, and I mean directly underneath, grabs two personal hygiene items off the shelf and drops them in the bag. He then goes into the cafeteria and orders something and sits down and eats it, and I'm watching him with the binoculars the whole time. Finally, he finishes his food and goes back up the stairs to the personnel manager's office, bag in hand.

    So I pick up the staff phone and make a call through to the personal manager's office upstairs, all the while, I'm looking up through the glass into the office and I can see them both sitting at her desk. The personnel manager picks up, and I let her know the guy she was interviewing was about to be arrested for shoplifting, and told her not to tell him he got the job. She was flustered, but kept her composure, all the while the guy is sitting five feet away from her on the other side of her desk, waiting for her to end the call with me. I told her to just carry on as usual and not to tip him off. A little while later, he comes down the steps and heads to the front door and exits. I show him my badge and tell him he's under arrest for shoplifting, and when I walked him back in, the personnel manager was right there, and he just put his head down way low and walked by her, with her glaring at him like he was a monster.
  10. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Sudo Do you love unwyred as you wage war with him?

    No, Unwyred. You know I'm a lone wolf.
  11. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Sudo Haha why would you say that? That's kind of hypocritical, not that it really matters.

    There's no hypocrisy. All is fair in love and war.
  12. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by Sudo Give me unwyreds pi right now nic

    Jaik Faulkner?
  13. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    There's really nothing these fascist scum can do about it. No matter what blockers they try and block, someone will just come up with a hack that enables the block anyways, or a product that integrates without their permission. They can't win, they just think they can.
  14. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    People who post the personal info of other members are cowards, and they deserve everything they get, including having their own PI exposed to the world. Our old friend TheDarkRodent found that out the hard way, didn't he? Goood times.
  15. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    That wasn't really me, they "d0xxed", though. I just dropped a few breadcrumbs out, and they fell right into it. Then I was able to leverage a situation where they had to start banning one another, based on their own rule, and they were all PI rats or PI-rat sympathizers, too. I skated circles around them the whole time! They didn't have a chance!
  16. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by We'reAllBrownNosers China town area right? I'm going to look into this. They must have some stories about you.

    I had three stores, which I was authorized to "float" between. So part of the day, I'd work at one store, then work at another store the rest of the day. Some days I'd work at one store, and some days work at another. I'd follow the action, by investigating the inventory reports closely. Just had to punch my time card in and out at each store. No supervision whatsoever. My boss was in another city. Other than the violence and the constant sad pictures of reality, it was actually a great job. Nobody bothers you. You take breaks and lunches when you want. You spend some days just sitting in court reading a good book. The pay is great. If you don't mind disarming people with knives and clubs in the parking lot or rolling around throwing punches in a ditch a half-mile away, it's a great line of work, of which there will never be a shortage of.
  17. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    Originally posted by WellHung I imagine that you've got beaten up several times yourself, Spectral.

    Actually, I'm the best street fighter you ever saw. Always have been, ever since I was a teenager. I've never lost a fight, and I've been in hundreds. By the time K-Mart closed all its stores in Canada, my knuckles had dozens of hairline fractures all across, my knees were starting to get fucked, my elbows had fractures, scars all over my body, sore as all fuck. I don't think I could have kept it up much longer anyways. Working LP at a busy and large department store, you have to endure epic, all-out fights in the parking lot every couple of days at least. It's crazy. Nobody wants to go in willingly. About one out of five perps fight all the way and throw punches, and often, they have friends who also jump in, so you're often three or four to one. I've been dragged across the parking lot at high speed from the driver's side, trying to get the vehicle into neutral, nailed in the head and face a thousand times, kicked, scratched, choked, but none ever got away, not one, and I never lost a single fight the whole time.
  18. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    You wouldn't believe the things I've been through and seen in my ten years working LP. It would blow your mind. The incidents I've described are tame, compared to the things I've been through. You get to see the real life underneath the illusion. Terrible things nobody even wants to see. People at their worst. Desperate people with nothing to lose.
  19. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    This other time a guy pulled about 10 packs of batteries off the shelf hooks and put them into his jacket pockets and walked straight out. When I approached him outside, he knew right away who I was and said, "Hi!" I told him he was under arrest for shoplifting and asked him to accompany me back into the store. Instead of complying, he asked me if I knew who he was. I told him I didn't give a fuck who he was and repeated he was under arrest. He then pulled out an RCMP badge, showed it to me, and warned me I didn't have the authority to arrest him. I told him we'd figure all that out up at the security office, but he again warned me, saying that if I did arrest him, I would get arrested myself for arresting a cop on duty. After a few minutes of back and forth bullshit, I told him he could either wait for the cops outside, or he was getting dragged back into the store in cuffs, if he resisted. He told me he was armed. I told him I didn't give a fuck, but that he better comply. Finally, when he saw I meant to follow through and nail him to the pavement if he walked away, he followed me back to the office, and tried to dump the merch into an aisle display, at which point I picked the merch back out and held his arm and led him upstairs. When the cops got there, they looked at his badge and just started shaking their heads, but when they called it in, they found out he really was an RCMP cop, and armed. They confiscated his weapon and wrote him out a promise to appear and released him. He pled guilty, because I had him on security tape stealing the merch and walking out, and he knew he couldn't beat it.
  20. -SpectraL coward [the spuriously bluish-lilac bushman]
    One day, I saw this guy in a suit walk over to the pharmacy area and he grabbed about 15 rolls of film and stuffed them into his suit pockets. He then went to the cash and bought a couple of snacks and walked out without paying for the film rolls. When I stopped him outside and advised him he was under arrest for shoplifting, he turned to me and smiled and said there was nothing I could do - that he was protected by immunity. I'm like, wtf? So I told him he could be anybody he wanted to be, but if he took one more step away from the store, he'd get nailed to the pavement. Then he took out some weird ID and showed it to me and warned me I'd have to let him go. I didn't even look at it and told him to come back inside, or he could wait outside for the cops. He then laughed and tried to walk away, so I nailed him to the pavement and cuffed him and half-dragged him all the way back to the security office. When the cops got there, we all found out who he was. He was actually the High Commissioner of Tanzania. One cop told me there was nothing they could do, because of his diplomatic status, wrote out a report, bagged the evidence, and released him right there in front of me, assuring me that a call would be made to the embassy and that he would most probably be in big, big trouble over there.
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