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Posts by General Butt.Naked

  1. Odin bids u return to his bosom

    If ur worried about drugs from sketchy strangers dont worry im a nigga u kniw
  2. Originally posted by CandyRein Is that why you got a naked nigga as an Avi?

    I get wild when i drink
  3. Thinkin about how Bill Krozby wanted to collab on some music. :(
  4. Originally posted by CandyRein Damn nigga where you live I’m from Chicago and ain’t seen that chit lol

    LA. my neighbor is a firefihter and the car he gave me when i was 17 had a bullet hole in the back bc people shot at the cars coming to n from the firehouse so he bouht a beater honda
  5. Yeah i feel that. All my frie ds are married or dead or want nithing to do with me bc i used to be so sketchy. I feel like i got thawed out frim a block of ice like Encino Man and everything i remember is gone,

    Like im not gonna lecture u about drinking esp right now but its good to reflect on shit. Drinking doesnt jndo all the the progress u made, Everyone likes a comeback story. Strong men arent born of lacm of adveristy, You need a spiritual connection to something, Lmk if u want some free acid.

    Damn this shits gay. Now i dont know anyone in texas
  7. didnt brads momget ounched in the face too? everyones mamas gettin jacked up
  8. Originally posted by Bradley Feel free to pray for my mom.

    Do not pray for me unleess I get shot.

  9. People do shoot at fire trucks tho

    I want jack in the box tacos
  10. None of my shoes fit i spwear boats
  11. Ive come to terms with the fact that im a 5 or 6/10. But im also a real 1 u like some of these pretty faggots. I mean being an 8 would be cool but you cant be intelligent n witty n authentick AND have a big cock somthats a cross to bear.
  12. Originally posted by Misguided Russian I called phona phone with a spoofed number, then he posted the last 4 digits of the spoofed number on here acting all cool .

    I don't see him advertising the phona phone anymore, whats up with that.

    Wow what a narc -10 respek

    I never spill secrets bc im a REAL 1
  13. Originally posted by Sudo I posted that here because the current "retarded thread" is absolutely fucking pathetic and shameful and should be locked, abandoned and restarted to be honest. It just has such a shitty feel. Whoever made it fucked up, the energy is all wrong. Jews have definitely fondled it

    I like you
  14. Originally posted by Semiazas Gonna give this another shot. It's boring, I'm spending too much money and I'm with a girl who is going to leave me if I fuck up again.

    Im surprised it alive dawg
  15. Update:

    I am drunk.

    I dont think this meand anything

    in b4 slippy slope, not being a good example.

    Idk i auditmyself often. i prolly need to go back to meetings but the last year has been an absolute vitch.
  16. Originally posted by Bradley i wish my eex girlfriend (the tranny or the mexican girl) wanteed to be ein my life at all :/

    I think i've only ever been in lovee twice and continue to thihnk about the mistakes I have made (while making more with my alcooholism and shitty pitty party esque behavior

    Yeah dawg it sounded like u were doing pretty well in The recovery thread. Wut happen
  17. Imean u come a long way from doing meth n catching cases so im not one to question ur alcoholism

    im justin AWE that u can consume so many calories and still be so slim n gashiknabke
  18. why dont we have a joogle hangout yet
  19. twoseven doesnt support ios. gayyyyyyyyyy
  20. I was sort of u i pressed idk. Im pretty sure it was something i was supposed to read in high school. Any of the 70s hippie absurdist shit dont really ring my bell.

    really dug mccarthy and bukowski but hes kind of a nigger and makes me want to punch him
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