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Posts by General Butt.Naked

  1. Bill Krozbydogs has to work
  2. i wanted to get a brewski with Bill Krozby n see some shows. zthis shit kinda gay.

  3. (contribution)
  4. part
  5. my
  6. doing

    *peter pan music*
  8. Listening to nick drake, being a softboi. athinking about what imma get myself for my birthday. Teeth is 4800, tattoo is 1200
  9. This trt needs to be dragged behind the shed and pit out of its misery
  10. its liek artistic license maaaaaan

    what about darren markley whatchu fink scren”?
  11. Originally posted by Wariat is this how you fink u won an awgument with someone by syaing stay away from kids nonce? does this mena you are right automatically by calling someone a nonce?

  12. Im looking at tattoo ideas kn IG right now. I e always loved them since i was a kid but im too indecisive, Gonna get myself ine as a birthday present
  13. MMMMMMMmmmmmmmm QUEETIONS?!
  14. Tommy Lee Jones

    Lonesome Dove
  15. Filling out passport app
  16. Originally posted by mmQ pissed off my best drinking buddy keeps getting retarded. Fuck

    Played some pool tonight and all was well for a few games until he started yelling at our opponents mid-shot.

    Like just a guy and a girl who we were vibin with. Girl was named jediel guy named Mike. Friendly games. Then my buddy got RETARDED and made a fool of us. I apologized to them and left. Even when I'm retarded drunk I am always respectful and nice. I can't stand assholes! Burn them!!!!!!

    Yeah i dont u derstand people who get like that, but im a very quiet type to begin with.
  17. Two white kids on skateboards wearing supreme shit asked me to buy them a backwoods. They looked to be about 13. I said “sorry. get creative”
  18. Originally posted by vindicktive vinny do you ?

    were you raised in a household with strong and masculine father ?

    Ive seen them in films
  19. Shes hovering like a flying saucer
  20. Originally posted by POLECAT the key is not to forget it,, winning takes ur mind off the situation and you kin git lost .

    anyways happy fukin birfday faggot, my gift is in my warning.

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